Re: Nextdoor Nikki

deeeze2 said:
WHY does she tease us:mad: :mad: :crying:

Son, you're never going to understand women.

She teases men to get attention and because she knows that men will do fucking anything for even the merest flash of a tit or her pussy.
Re: Nextdoor Nikki

I understand every human being when she/he decides not to cross the own drawn line. So I won't too.

I belong to those people too who continously get bored from watching Nikki and her friends in almost the same poses every new set.
And slowly she's getting out of that "Teenager Appearence" Maybe the producers thought about other ways to present her to keep the interest in their model alive. That's why she shows a little bit more nudity than bevore.

Nikki has some really good sets. But as I said most are done excatly the same way.

Think it's time for her to change her Teenie Image to something hotter. Don't U think guys?

Nevertheless: I love Nikki and will always support her as I can!


Re: Nextdoor Nikki

Yes! I agree 100%
Re: Nextdoor Nikki

Whoa dude chill out. There's a no "All Caps Rule" on this board. Anyway I find it funny that everyone still complains that she's always teasing and she won't do nudes. It says on her site that she doesn't do nudes. It says in her myspace account that she doesn't do nudes. She's not going to do nudes. Why should she when we're still looking at her pictures. The teasing thing is working for her and there are plenty of guys and girls who are willing to look. I think it's kind of cool that there is so much interest in her and she hasn't gone completely nude. This thread is evidence of that. By now (unless you're new) we all know what we're gonna get. I say just relax and enjoy the pictures.
Re: Nextdoor Nikki

The closest you're going to come to finding nudes are the topless thumbs I previously posted in this thread (1-7-06). She mentions on her Myspace account that those are the only real ones floating around on the internet. I sure would love to see some full size versions some day though.
Re: Nextdoor Nikki

The closest she gets, and as good as I need is the ones where she has the mesh tops on. especially this set. It rocks!

But I have to admit that she has the ability to look great, like in the attached image, or totally frumpy in some of her more conservative numbers.

She doesnt quite have that kinky edge that Kate Playground has.

And man she would benefit massively from a better photographer, the same shots around the same house / garden / wood is a little tedious! Get her into Actiongirls, or at least get her to speak to Raylene Richards about professional photography!

If you want to see more of the green mesh set, please see crack_pipe112s post at ********

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