"It's like being on first base with a girl for 20 years."


If that were true, and/or it bothered you, you would be the loser for hanging around the relationship that long. All the while still complaining to everyone about it. So if you feel that way, make the decision and leave.
If that were true, and/or it bothered you, you would be the loser for hanging around the relationship that long. All the while still complaining to everyone about it. So if you feel that way, make the decision and leave.
Calm down dude, it's a joke. Let's not forget this is just a hot girl that we check back in to see how much of her tit we get to see this week. No one should take this seriously.
From last night. One of the best cam shows of this year?


  • nikki100917.mp4_snapshot_53.15_[2017.10.10_00.11.26].jpg
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Definitely a good show. This is probably the most generous she's been with the nipple shields. She might as well be topless, which is just silly and annoying at this point. But if this counts as following her "rules", I'll take it.
It's like being on first base with a girl for 20 years.

This is by far the best quote in the history of this thread and couldn't be more true. WELL SAID! After the last cam show video I just saw, it's border line insulting to just not be topless. Whats the big deal at this point, the entire internet has seen you topless. What a joke.
I hate her tired saying of "out of my comfort zone" shes clearly quite comfortable when topless as we have seen many times (phil sets, springer, wet t contest) If she's going to be tease thats fine she has created a niche that works but the level she goes to now isn't teasing its just a straight slap in the face! I'm possibly her only paying member left here and I'm getting frustrated. Halloween is usually big for her so I'm holding out hope though!!!
I hate her tired saying of "out of my comfort zone" shes clearly quite comfortable when topless as we have seen many times (phil sets, springer, wet t contest) If she's going to be tease thats fine she has created a niche that works but the level she goes to now isn't teasing its just a straight slap in the face! I'm possibly her only paying member left here and I'm getting frustrated. Halloween is usually big for her so I'm holding out hope though!!!

I renewed my sub so you aren't the only paying member here.

I'm not overwhelmed with some of the content lately when compared to her earlier work. If I had to pin down a reason (constructive criticism here) it would be the overuse of the 'hand bra' and 'arm bra' (both sound like wrestling moves...lol). I would prefer body paint, lotion, the nipple shields, mesh, a sheer top or something other than the back of a hand or arm. It has been a bit repetitive in the cams, photo sets and videos.

I been watching it for free and haven't regretted it! im sorry, i'll only pay for something worth paying for. When she has good months, I do the 30 day bullshit...outside of that....11m out of the year..i save my hard earn 30 w/e bucks
It's nice to know I'm not alone lol... one other thing that makes me very frustrated is when she says she has fans that don't want her to go further, Who the hell would possibly not want to see her naked????? It's mind boggling
It's nice to know I'm not alone lol... one other thing that makes me very frustrated is when she says she has fans that don't want her to go further, Who the hell would possibly not want to see her naked????? It's mind boggling

I get that some people don't want her to give herself away and enjoy the mystique, but a little latitude would be appreciated by many, if not most.
I get that some people don't want her to give herself away and enjoy the mystique, but a little latitude would be appreciated by many, if not most.

At this point though the mystique is gone, its lately been like she's trying to take back the gifts she's presented us in vids like car trip. Unfortunate that her views appear to be pretty narrow minded