There was a picture set where Nikki covered her nipples with her hands. It was very risque.
She's definitely struggling with ideas for something new without having to be completely topless or further. She talks about that specifically nearly every web chat. I liked the beer pong video because, well, her tits are out. Pretty much her first 4 or 5 videos of the year were pretty revealing as far as Nikki content goes. The last 3 or 4 have been pretty lame though and like you said, she's not really putting up previews anymore either and they only shoot at home. Nikki's site is all about the tease and anticipation, stopping the previews ruins that a bit. Her last few also has her laying down more, which is more unflattering to me. One of my favorite things about Nikki is her boobs and how they hang. (Even though she may hate it)I may be alone on this but I feel like they may be scrambling for content these days if the late preview updates are any indication. It could be any number of reasons but I feel like it's too long a wait to know what's going up each Monday and Friday only to be disappointed. I haven't even really enjoyed the updates so far this year.
She's definitely struggling with ideas for something new without having to be completely topless or further. She talks about that specifically nearly every web chat. I liked the beer pong video because, well, her tits are out. Pretty much her first 4 or 5 videos of the year were pretty revealing as far as Nikki content goes. The last 3 or 4 have been pretty lame though and like you said, she's not really putting up previews anymore either and they only shoot at home. Nikki's site is all about the tease and anticipation, stopping the previews ruins that a bit. Her last few also has her laying down more, which is more unflattering to me. One of my favorite things about Nikki is her boobs and how they hang. (Even though she may hate it)
I guess this will be another lame and unflattering vid :dunno:
meh let me know when she does hard core
meh let me know when she does hard core