Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Just got in to the house from work (damn long day: 7:30 AM to 10:00) EST [although I get up at 5:15 EST...and the 1:10 drive (to and from)]. Although I'm damn tired, and know that I have to get up again in the morning to do the same shit...on a different day....won't keep me from checkin' in on my fellow wonderfull Nikki Nova minions.... [size=+3]NeVeR!!!![/size]

p.s. since I'm not going to be on like I used to...yes, it's a damn shame that work must keep me from my religion. But with a portion of next paycheck will be going toward opening a account...and the rest of the story (you should know) *hint* *hint* ;)

Until next time my friends...stay thirsty for the one and only [size=+4]Nikki Nova[/size]


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

You're really that surprised? Ha ha ha! That's the thing about have to be careful, your candidate might just win!

thats why on election day, i always vote for myself

By the way, there's cake (I would have had cupcakes....but I don't like "cupcakes" ;)), cookies, and punch at the victory celebration at my house & you're all invited! Ha ha ha!

no pie? more people will come if they think you have punch and pie

As scary as this sounds, on occasion I have watched & do watch some shows from the BBC...and I've actually heard that expression before (never used it though....ha ha ha). As I'm sure you're aware and figured out's basically a cute way of saying goodbye (and kind of ribbing the upper crust at the same time). So, yep, believe it or not, it's a real expression that our good friend Dazza just happened to use in an effort to brighten our day.....and it would so appear that he succeeded (as usual)!

i second that. i have indeed heard it in british TV shows, even though i dont have BBC or even BBC America.


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Might I rquest a chocolate cream pie? Oh and when I say that...I am not speaking in porno terms. I mean an ACTUAL choclate cream pie with a golden crispy crust and whipped cream on top with chocolate shavings springles on top. Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmy
Nikki Nova
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what kind of pie?


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Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Might I rquest a chocolate cream pie? Oh and when I say that...I am not speaking in porno terms. I mean an ACTUAL choclate cream pie with a golden crispy crust and whipped cream on top with chocolate shavings springles on top. Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmy
Nikki Nova
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you think you could be a little more specific, Nikki?

excellent suggestion, but one question, does chocolate cream pie go well with punch?
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Yeah, it's a cool little bye for now type saying as Jon and Jitna have explained Nikki.

Nothing like a cute little saying to brighten up your day :)

Have a great day now!!!

"Toodle pip" ?? haha. I have never ever heard that in my life. Is that a real expression or did you make that up? It's so frigging cite and funny. I am totally going to start using that. lol
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Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

what kind of pie?

Might I rquest a Chocolate cream pie? Oh and when I say that...I am not speaking in porno terms. I mean an ACTUAL choclate cream pie with a golden crispy crust and whipped cream on top with Chocolate shavings springles on top. Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmy
I was going to go with Cherry Pie, but being a guy who makes it a point to not disappoint a lovely lady, and they don't come any lovelier than Nikki, so Chocolate cream pie (to Nikki's precise specs) it is! Besides, I'll only be sipping on punch & socializing as cake, cookies, & pie (well most pies anyway;).....ha ha ha) are no longer a part of my diet! Ha ha ha!

excellent suggestion, but one question, does Chocolate cream pie go well with punch?
If memory serves me right, Chocolate cream pie goes pretty much with anything.....if you like Chocolate cream pie that is....and who doesn't like Chocolate cream pie!?!?!? Ha ha ha!

Finally, last but not least......Hi Dazza our good Aussie friend!!!!! :wave:


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I was going to go with cherry pie, but being a guy who makes it a point to not disappoint a lovely lady, and they don't come any lovelier than Nikki, so chocolate cream pie (to Nikki's precise specs) it is! Besides, I'll only be sipping on punch & socializing as cake, cookies, & pie (well most pies anyway;).....ha ha ha) are no longer a part of my diet! Ha ha ha!

sounds like it might be a good idea if you put out a veggie tray too. maybe some fruit salad.

Yeah, it's a cool little bye for now type saying as Jon and Jitna have explained Nikki.

Nothing like a cute little saying to brighten up your day :)

Have a great day now!!!

Finally, last but not least......Hi Dazza our good Aussie friend!!!!! :wave:

Yay, Dazza! Half the queue of the shows i have to watch are from your side of the world. Not only is there the new season of UnderBelly and the New Zealand edition, but I've also just gotten the first episode of Wild Boys. I hope it's good.


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

im surprised, looking through google images for "chocolate cream pie" and not a single pornographic picture. im disappointed in you google.
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

im surprised, looking through google images for "chocolate cream pie" and not a single pornographic picture. im disappointed in you google.

This is due to the fact that only Jon S. and Nikki Nova have all the photos. So you're shit-out-of-luck...

Also on another note, Good to see you on Nikki's thread Dazza!

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

sounds like it might be a good idea if you put out a veggie tray too. maybe some fruit salad.
I'm fairly certain I can swing a veggie tray and a big bowl of fresh fruit salad as well. I was thinking of a cheese tray too.....but cheese is REALLY bad for you, and it's DEFINITELY off my I didn't know about that one. Of course I could always get a tray of soy cheese! Believe it or not, soy cheese is actually pretty good.
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Might I rquest a Chocolate cream pie? Oh and when I say that...I am not speaking in porno terms. I mean an ACTUAL choclate cream pie with a golden crispy crust and whipped cream on top with Chocolate shavings springles on top. Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmy
Nikki Nova
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you think you could be a little more specific, Nikki?

excellent suggestion, but one question, does Chocolate cream pie go well with punch?

A Chocolate cream pie made with Nikki's recipe is a great option indeed; but another good option could be a full Chocolate cake with Chocolate cover & chips... And, to answer Jitna's question: I think that the Chocolate cream pie (or the Chocolate cake) goes better with red wine...

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

A Chocolate cream pie made with Nikki's recipe is a great option indeed; but another good option could be a full Chocolate cake with Chocolate cover & chips... And, to answer Jitna's question: I think that the Chocolate cream pie (or the Chocolate cake) goes better with red wine...

Hey jcmc_5 :wave:

Like I said, there will be a Chocolate cake made to YOUR specs it is my friend!

Now I know Nikki isn't a drinker, and neither am as far as the wine goes, it's BYOB! But, there will be punch....not Kool-Aid mind ya....I'm going all out.....Hawaiian Punch!!!!!!! Ha ha ha!
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Hi there Nikki-friends,

I see that we've moved on to chocolate cream pies as the topic. :p

I prefer strawberry short cake though :)

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Hi there Nikki-friends,

I see that we've moved on to chocolate cream pies as the topic. :p

I prefer strawberry short cake though :)

Hey d_jologs :wave:

I do believe I can swing the strawberry shortcake as well! Would you like whipped cream with that?
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Sure Jon! That would be awesome :) Strawberries plus whipped cream are always a great combination.


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

This is due to the fact that only Jon S. and Nikki Nova have all the photos. So you're shit-out-of-luck...

Well, Nikki might share, but Jon would keep that shit to himself.

Of course I could always get a tray of soy cheese! Believe it or not, soy cheese is actually pretty good.

soy cheese good? no i dont believe it.

I prefer strawberry short cake though :)

there you go, Jon. strawberries are healthy.