Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread
Hi Y'all. Just got back from N'awlins yesterday, and yes, Jon, it was hot - lowest was 27C and during the day around 34C. I don't mind it so much when on holiday, you just put up with the sweating. I find it more annoying when shops and restaurants set their A/C at 18C (65F). It's hot out, I do not want to be frozen, just cool. Set it at 22-24, that feels far more refreshing and uses less power!
Thanks for the Nikki pics, Jon. Even hotter than NOLA and more refreshing than A/C
Hello and good afternoon guys! Getting off to a bit of a late start today. As I eat my late lunch, I wanted to pop in to say hi, and see how everyone was doing today. Anyone up to anything special, or have any big plans for today or the weekend?
Now Larss, I'm glad you made it back safe and sound! This is my 1st summer in this climate since my heart attack, and I do believe it will be my last. As you saw 1st hand, you just can't win. You either suffer from the heat and humidity outside, or you freeze to death from the A/C on the inside. As I've said before, I know I need to move to a more temperate climate (to be honest, I don't even mind the cold northern winters as much as this), and that's just what I plan to do. As many of you know, I have my mom and her "issues" to take into consideration too, but I'm sure I can work that out too if I put my mind to it! Ha ha ha!
I'm glad that you and everyone else has been enjoying all of the Nikki pics that I've been fortunate enough to be able to post for you to keep the awesome vibes flowing in here while Nikki is tied up with other things (as you're all more than aware). Posting Nikki pics on the Net is a pretty awesome part time job if you can get it! The pay might not be great, but the "fringe benefits" (plus the fact that it's being done for such an awesome person...and a lot of terrific people enjoy it too) more than make up for it!

Ha ha ha! As they say, money is great, but there are actually somethings that are worth more...because, well, their PRICELESS!!!!!!!! And, as if I have to tell you guys this FACT, Nikki is one of the rare things that make up this Universe that is indeed PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!
With that last statement in mind:
The HOTTEST EXCLUSIVE content, & the BEST updates...EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!!! Nikki Nova + 13 additional MAJOR sites!!!!! Don't forget to check out the BEST MEGASITE on the Net today:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!