Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Jon. Thanks for the images of Nikki,but I'm curious if only you got permision to post or can any of us post images. I know they should say on them.
You're welcome Vern...the long and the short of it is that Nikki is INSANELY busy right now, so I'm just kind of "holding down the fort" so to speak & since she is unable to post pics right now, I've been trying to keep all the guys entertained by giving you what Nikki always does.....some of the best fucking picture on the planet!!!! I don't know how Nikki feels about other people posting images. I guess it would matter how you came by the I wouldn't go about posting stolen content or anything from other models or anything like that obviously. If it's free content like I have been re-posting...I wouldn't think she would have a problem with it, but I'll check how Nikki feels about other people posting images also if you wish.

Speaking of which. is AMAZING. I LOVE IT.
Well thank you Vern!!!!!! That was a very kind and sweet thing of you to say!!! I know Nikki appreciates the kind words and support more than you know!!!!!!!! And, you know there's no doubt about what you said!!!!!!!! Nikki's new MEGASITE is about as AWESOME as AWESOME can be!!!!!

For those who are not yet aware, I want to take the time to remind everyone that The Official Nikki Nova Site is now a MEGASITE…and like all things Nikki Nova, it KICKS ASS!!!!!!! So, if you’re not a member already, what better time than the present!?!?!? Just sayin’! :cool: As if being able to get your daily Nikki fix isn’t enough of a reason to join (I mean come on, what additional motivation could one possibly need?), you now also get access to 13 additional MAJOR sites (14 sites total), all for the same LOW PRICE! All told, you get 3-6 updates....not every week....which would be awesome enough....instead you get that EVERY SINGLE DAY with all of the added MAJOR sites you now have access to!!!!!! How cool is that? Can’t beat that with a stick guys!!!!!!

On Friday, a video of Nikki in some latex cuban stockings went up, as well as hundreds of pics of the sexy Monique Alexander. Thursday a video of Jewels Jade, some behind the scenes photos from a shoot with Madison Scott as well as hundreds of other photos of Breanne Benson went up also. And that is just a taste of how active the updates are with Nikki's new MEGASITE!!!!! Like I said….it TOTALLY KICKS ASS!!!! :cool: Honestly guys, there simply isn't a website around with as much constant action and updates as Nikki's new MEGASITE!!!!! Take Vern and my words for it, just one look, and you’ll be a member for life!

So what are you waiting for guys, check it out and see for yourselves!

Since I again mentioned the video of Nikki that was just added to her MEGASITE...for your daily Nikki fix today...another teaser pic from the very video in question!!! Enjoy boys!!!!!! :drool2:
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

A BIG hello right back at ya my friend! :wave2: 1st, you're welcome for the info on wombats...2nd, you want to know something funny? It looks like I might actually be starting yoga classes on Monday! FOR REAL!!!!!!

That's Cool Jon!:clap: Yoga is a good option to improve your health in many ways; good luck with your classes my friend!:thumbsup:
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

You're welcome Vern...the long and the short of it is that Nikki is INSANELY busy right now, so I'm just kind of "holding down the fort" so to speak & since she is unable to post pics right now, I've been trying to keep all the guys entertained by giving you what Nikki always does.....some of the best fucking picture on the planet!!!! I don't know how Nikki feels about other people posting images. I guess it would matter how you came by the I wouldn't go about posting stolen content or anything from other models or anything like that obviously. If it's free content like I have been re-posting...I wouldn't think she would have a problem with it, but I'll check how Nikki feels about other people posting images also if you wish.

Jon. I Appreciate the effort, but it's no problem.( I'll ask Nikki before I decide to post anything) I have way too much stuff going on to be concerned on who's posting images anyway. I'm just glad your helping out.

I'm running on only just a few hours of sleep from the weekend anyway. so I'm going to try and get some rest. Laters
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Nikki was on MFC earlier today. She was really sexy in her hotel room!

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

That's Cool Jon!:clap: Yoga is a good option to improve your health in many ways; good luck with your classes my friend!:thumbsup:
Thank you my friend! I genuinely believe it will do me a world of good!

Jon. I Appreciate the effort, but it's no problem.( I'll ask Nikki before I decide to post anything) I have way too much stuff going on to be concerned on who's posting images anyway. I'm just glad your helping out.

I'm running on only just a few hours of sleep from the weekend anyway. so I'm going to try and get some rest. Laters
It was great to see you on MFC tonight my friend! I'm just trying to actually keep things focused on Nikki even when she can't be on here as much as she would like because of her move and everything. I'm glad to hear that you appreciate my efforts. Now, I hope you are able to get a good night's sleep my friend! Again, good luck with the drumming and the band!


Afterlights!!!! Welcome back my friend!!!!!! What a very nice and sweet thing to say about Nikki.....I know she appreciates that more than you could possibly know!!! Now, there is no doubt about Nikki looking FANTASTIC!!!! You've DEFINITELY got GREAT taste!!!! Now, don't be such a stranger my friend!!!!

Nikki was on MFC earlier today. She was really sexy in her hotel room!
That she was INDEED my friend.....on all counts!!!!! If you missed her today on MFC guys....she should be back on again next weekend.....soooooo, be sure to check her out next weekend because she will likely be on then!
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Crickey!!!!....l'm sitting in 5th place on the posting chart've got no worries who??? about me catching you anytime soon.

It's good to see so many faces here posting and having a funtime :)

Heres hoping Nikki and you all having a great week ahead....and take care!!

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

maybe, but if i had the chance id definitely like to try it

jitna my friend....Hope all is well in "jitnaland" today (would have said long-time no see....but lets face it....that would hardly apply....ha ha ha!)! If you had the chance, you'd like to try wearing loose fitting pants? Please don't tell me you are aspiring to wear your pants down below your butt so everyone can see your boxers!?!?!? :dunno:

Ha ha ha! Seriously though.....after going back a page or 2, I realized you meant yoga with Nikki as your instructor....or at least that's what I thought you meant anyway! Ha ha ha!

For those of you who still aren't members of the newest & HOTTEST MEGASITE on the Net today, , here is another sample of what you've been missing...your daily Nikki fix! Enjoy boys!!!!:cool:


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

jitna my friend....Hope all is well in "jitnaland" today (would have said long-time no see....but lets face it....that would hardly apply....ha ha ha!)! If you had the chance, you'd like to try wearing loose fitting pants? Please don't tell me you are aspiring to wear your pants down below your butt so everyone can see your boxers!?!?!? :dunno:

Ha ha ha! Seriously though.....after going back a page or 2, I realized you meant yoga with Nikki as your instructor....or at least that's what I thought you meant anyway! Ha ha ha!

yeah, i figured someone might have problems with that post, seeing how i dont mention the subject and neither does the quote. but yes, i would gladly jump at the chance to practice some yoga with Nikki. hopefully shell be a hands on instructor.

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

yeah, i figured someone might have problems with that post, seeing how i dont mention the subject and neither does the quote. but yes, i would gladly jump at the chance to practice some yoga with Nikki. hopefully shell be a hands on instructor.
Help bend you into the lotus position? :dunno: Ha ha ha!

The hottest content & the best updates...EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!!! Nikki Nova + 13 additional MAJOR sites!!!!! Don't forget to check out the HOTTEST MEGASITE on the Net today:
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

i remember the first time Nikki posted that, threatening me with that gun. i forget why, but im pretty sure it was Who???'s fault

You know, I think it was my fault too. Seems like there was some talk about hitting you in the crotch with it because it is only a plastic gun.

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

You know, I think it was my fault too. Seems like there was some talk about hitting you in the crotch with it because it is only a plastic gun.

Sooooo, you were going to hit jitna in the crotch, and Nikki and I weren't invited?!?!? What's up with that!?!?!? Ha ha ha!!!! Just sayin'!!!!! Ha ha ha!

Just kidding jitna!!!!! We all know who??? would have invited Nikki and myself too! Ha ha ha! :D By the way jitna, you kind of fucked with my head when you quoted my post with the pic...after I posted again, you had posted while I was putting mine together.....sooooo, after I posted and scrolled up, I saw the same pic twice, and I was saying.....hey, I didn't post that twice.....then I realized you had quoted the post with the pic in it....thus it now appears 2X! ha ha ha!
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

maybe, but if i had the chance id definitely like to try it

yeah, i figured someone might have problems with that post, seeing how i dont mention the subject and neither does the quote. but yes, i would gladly jump at the chance to practice some yoga with Nikki. hopefully shell be a hands on instructor.

I guess you mean the loose pants specially used in Yoga, don't you?:dunno:. Feel yourself free to correct me if I'm wrong, ok?:thumbsup:
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Sooooo, you were going to hit jitna in the crotch, and Nikki and I weren't invited?!?!? What's up with that!?!?!? Ha ha ha!!!! Just sayin'!!!!! Ha ha ha!

Just kidding jitna!!!!! We all know who??? would have invited Nikki and myself too! Ha ha ha! :D

Actually, I think I was trying to get Nikki to hit jitna with the gun. So we could have just sold tickets.
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Help bend you into the lotus position? :dunno: Ha ha ha!

The hottest content & the best updates...EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!!! Nikki Nova + 13 additional MAJOR sites!!!!! Don't forget to check out the HOTTEST MEGASITE on the Net today:

Talking about the Lotus position, did you start your Yoga classes today?

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Actually, I think I was trying to get Nikki to hit jitna with the gun. So we could have just sold tickets.
So, we'd miss out in all of the fun then? Ha ha ha!

Talking about the Lotus position, did you start your Yoga classes today?
Sadly, I have been feeling pretty crappy all day (actually worse this evening), and I overslept....and the yoga classes are in the morning. :( So, I'm either going to start later this week, or just wait until next Monday so I can go a whole week straight M-F to start. I'm kind of leaning toward waiting until next Monday since it's at the gym where I have a membership, and I want to start regular workouts again at the same time (because I want to do that M-F also....and just swim or something on the weekends).