Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread
Jon. Thanks for the images of Nikki,but I'm curious if only you got permision to post or can any of us post images. I know they should say on them.
You're welcome Vern...the long and the short of it is that Nikki is INSANELY busy right now, so I'm just kind of "holding down the fort" so to speak & since she is unable to post pics right now, I've been trying to keep all the guys entertained by giving you what Nikki always does.....some of the best fucking picture on the planet!!!! I don't know how Nikki feels about other people posting images. I guess it would matter how you came by the I wouldn't go about posting stolen content or anything from other models or anything like that obviously. If it's free content like I have been re-posting...I wouldn't think she would have a problem with it, but I'll check how Nikki feels about other people posting images also if you wish.
Speaking of which. is AMAZING. I LOVE IT.
Well thank you Vern!!!!!! That was a very kind and sweet thing of you to say!!! I know Nikki appreciates the kind words and support more than you know!!!!!!!! And, you know there's no doubt about what you said!!!!!!!! Nikki's new MEGASITE is about as AWESOME as AWESOME can be!!!!!
For those who are not yet aware, I want to take the time to remind everyone that The Official Nikki Nova Site is now a MEGASITE…and like all things Nikki Nova, it KICKS ASS!!!!!!! So, if you’re not a member already, what better time than the present!?!?!? Just sayin’!

As if being able to get your daily Nikki fix isn’t enough of a reason to join (I mean come on, what additional motivation could one possibly need?), you now also get access to 13 additional MAJOR sites (14 sites total), all for the same LOW PRICE! All told, you get 3-6 updates....not every week....which would be awesome enough....instead you get that EVERY SINGLE DAY with all of the added MAJOR sites you now have access to!!!!!! How cool is that? Can’t beat that with a stick guys!!!!!!
On Friday, a video of Nikki in some latex cuban stockings went up, as well as hundreds of pics of the sexy Monique Alexander. Thursday a video of Jewels Jade, some behind the scenes photos from a shoot with Madison Scott as well as hundreds of other photos of Breanne Benson went up also. And that is just a taste of how active the updates are with Nikki's new MEGASITE!!!!! Like I said….it TOTALLY KICKS ASS!!!!

Honestly guys, there simply isn't a website around with as much constant action and updates as Nikki's new MEGASITE!!!!! Take Vern and my words for it, just one look, and you’ll be a member for life!
So what are you waiting for guys, check it out and see for yourselves!
Since I again mentioned the video of Nikki that was just added to her MEGASITE...for your daily Nikki fix today...another teaser pic from the very video in question!!! Enjoy boys!!!!!! :drool2: