Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

You mean jitna has done the impossible and rendered Jon speechless!?!?! Hahaha.
I think my headache and twitching eye have something to do with it...but yeah, I couldn't think of anything pithy. Ha ha ha! (When trying to come up with mind went blank...ha ha ha!)

Okay then, since we were talking about the is a bit of Pixies trivia:

What was the Pixies original name before settling on Pixies?

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Guys, I have some errands and appointments to take care of this afternoon...but before I head out the door, I wanted to stop in to say hello and to wish you all a great day!

So, what is on everyone's agenda today? Any big plans or anything for today?

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Me thinks that you might be a bit premature (that's what she said....ha ha ha!)! ;)

Now, since Nikki is busy taking care of her business with her move and her summer travels, I felt it important to have her around, even if it is only in picture form. This is one of many pics that can be found right here on FreeOnes from the free content section of Nikki's website. As many of you are aware, it just became a MEGASITE, so if you're not a member yet, join today!!!!! You get 13 bonus sites, on top of Nikki's for the same low price! AWESOME isn't the word for it!

Click on the thumbnail for a larger version of the pic! :drool2:


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

premature? i declared 12 hours after it happened. if anything i was late.
Last edited:

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

premature? i declared 12 hours after it happened. if anything i was late.

I was merely down...NEVER defeated! If anything, I had gone soft (that's what she said! Ha ha ha!)! Ha ha ha! :1orglaugh

Now, why do I all of a sudden feel like playing a round (of golf)? Well I feel like doing "something" anyway! Ha ha ha! If you're getting the same feelings I know what to do...go join the best damn MEGASITE in the Universe (if you aren't already a member)...and you can get this AND a whole lot more (this image comes exclusively from the free content part of Nikki's site, as linked in Nikki's FreeOnes "babes" page)!!!:cool:


There.....that's just another one of my public service efforts to prevent Nikki Nova withdraw among the regulars in here! As many of you know, this is a CRAZY week and month for her.....BUT, you can still enjoy Nikki in all her beauty by clicking on the thumbnail and enjoying the full size picture! :cool: Anyone else agree that Nikki's body art is by far the coolest and most beautiful I've ever seen? Very artistic and original...AND actually accectuates her already INCREDIBLE beauty! :cool:


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

but you were defeated. Who??? gave you the ten count. are you questioning Who???'s integrity?

you hear that Who???? Jon says youre an asshole


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Thank you sweetie!!! Moving is always a bitch as you know and I will be swamped for the next 48 hours and then sleeping all day on Friday trying to recover. haha
I will be back around this weekend. I've been video documenting the various stages of my move and hilarious shit that's bene happening. Pretty fucking entertaining to say the least. The next few candid video updates on my site will be that for sure. Thanks for the congrats on the new megasite It's AWESOME! I'm so happy with it!!!
Nikki Nova
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Congratulations on the MEGASITE, Nikki and good luck with the roaming around the West coast thing!


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Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

awww. As a great of a roomate as I'm sure you would be, I haven't had a roomate since I was like...23 yrs old and I don't think I could. I am one of those people that really loves my privacy and quiet and space. My home is my own magical little world. The older I get, the more like that I become. Now don't get my wrong, I have friends all over the country that are always coming to visit AND friends that are living in the same city that often crash at my pad for a few days as a kind of a shangri-la/retreat. Every place I have ever had has always had that vibe and been that place that my friends go to get away from all of the bullshit. I am kind of giving that to myself finally for the next couple of months while my new place gets prepared and my personal business and loose ends get tied up before I make THE "major" move. My conversations about Canada started out as me just saying something in passing and kind of joking. Those jokes have turned serious as the West coast of Canada is looking like my next real home. Crazy huh?
Nikki Nova
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Nikki. I wish you luck on your move my favorite nomad. I moved out of my place early because my rent wwas being raised an extra 100 an I could not afford it. Landlord is giving me half my rent to move out early. Staying with friends. Looking for a place now.

If ya want a roommate. I'd be game. I'm super chill and relaxed. We can hang out drink beer and have awesome fun times. You and your friends sound like my kind of peeps.

It was cool talking with you and jbs on your mfc show last week. So lucky to have you as a friend.

Hope everything is running smoothly,


Official Checked Star Member


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Thank you so much sweetie. I actually AM excited about moving on and into the next stage of my life which is in large part what this move represents to me. It also feels really good to be so organized and have all of my things packed up so nicely and getting rid of all of the unnecessary crap. I mean I have given away over 3 massive truckloads so far and tommorrow 2 more are being given away and yet somehow I still need TWO storage units. Holy crap! haha
By the funny is this pic. This is a weird thing my cat does. If I EVER have any of my guns lying outr she ALWAYS lays on them. It's like she is drawn to them or something. Weird right? I mean she ALWAYS does this. That's the handle of my Smith and Wesson revolver that's showing. She's laying on top of the barrel of the gun. She is such a freaky cat. She really, truly is. hahaha
Nikki Nova
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Thanks for posting the beautiful pics & congrats on your new site Nikki. It looks really nice. Good luck with your move. I bet you're excited to go on an adventure like that this summer. I wish I could join you.


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Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Wow! Really?? Jon you are member of the week??! AWESOME!! I'm sorry I didn't congratulate you sonner but you know why. My hands are more than full....but never too full to send you a HUGE virtual hug my friend!!!
Nikki Nova
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Wow, first last week Nikki was OCSM of the Week.....and now this this week! Now that is what I call totally fucking AWESOME! I know Nikki feels the same's a GREAT feeling to be appreciated! Even though he's not a regular in this thread (not sure if he's posted in here at all before actually), a HUGE thank you to CSkylar86 for the nomination! That was uber cool of him! Thanks to everyone who took the time to vote for Nikki last week and for me this week! :hatsoff:

Great Pixies selections there jitna my friend! When I selected the ones to post, "Gigantic" was a definite one....the other one I picked was MUCH tougher...BUT, the two you posted were on my short list. Posting all of these Pixies clips made me remember back in the day....I had a friend who worked at a record store (remember those?....ha ha ha!) who hooked me up with all kinds of promotional stuff for my room when I was in high school & college & I had some Pixies album art work (along with a lot of other stuff from other bands of course...promotional posters, album art work, etc.) on my walls. Made me wonder what happened to all of that stuff. Trust me, I had some REALLY cool shit! Ahhhhhh, those were the days! To go back then & know what I know now! Ha ha ha!

You know what, I actually made a joke sometime ago about wondering how many people have tuned in to watch the TV version of Nova, only to be disappointed to find that it wasn't actually about Nikki, and she wasn't actually on it. Ha ha ha!

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Go easy or get an infraction for insulting other board members
That's what I was thinking. I'm just coming back on here right now, and I was getting a strange vibe. A joke, I'm assuming obviously that it was a joke, doesn't really work if EVERYONE else is left in the dark! Ha ha ha! I mean, I said who's a what? Ha ha ha! I've been pretty cool and mellow recently...I haven't said that lately to anyone in the real world, much less on here. Can't say I'm exactly all that sure where he was going there. Ha ha ha! I know he was kidding...but, ya know! When you're scrambling for material jitna, just post a youtube clip! Ha ha ha!

Now jitna, I know we used to have some fun times on here in the past when things were slow & you played the straight man & I played the insulting comic....and Hell, there were some real laughs to be had then..."sadly" too much time has passed since then, and I don't think I could go back there again. You were one Helluva a straight man my could you set me up! :cool: But, like I said, those days are gone my friend! Ha ha ha!

Wow! Really?? Jon you are member of the week??! AWESOME!! I'm sorry I didn't congratulate you sonner but you know why. My hands are more than full....but never too full to send you a HUGE virtual hug my friend!!!
Yeah I know, HUH!!! Ha ha ha! Shockingly, I was nominated by a regular member, but it wasn't a regular from this thread this time either it was actually (CSkylar86) this time. It's alway cool to be appreciated...especially since I'm just me on here and I don't post links or pics or anything (aside from the two I posted of you since I knew you are sooooo busy with everything). Of course I had more than my share of support from my friends from your thread...but I had support from others! They must REALLY like us Nikki my dear! :cool:

Now, I know what you're going through this week and all with your move and everything...sooooo, needless to say I didn't feel slighted at all. Like I've said before, I know how you feel about me, and you know the feeling is more than mutual! So, of course I'm sending you a HUGE virtual hug right back at ya sweetie! Keeping my fingers crossed that you make it through the week and get some much DESERVED rest finally on Friday! Lots of love and positive energy to you Nikki!


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Oh 8 tracks were a BIG part of my childhood with my grandmama. She lived way out in the boonies and it took us like FOREVER just to get to the general store and that was in an old house. On the porch there was an old coke machine that dispense bottels and old men sitting around reading the paper and talking and playing cards and checkers and women of course were gossiping. I have always been and still am close VERY to my grandparents. They are everything to me, being as though my parents weren't really around. Anyway I remember she would always let me pic the 8 track when I was her co-pilot but it was always a standard choice of about 10 and they were all country music of course. In all fairness though..OLD country music is pretty fucking awesome. It had twang and soul and blues and humor. Today it's like really bad,cheesy wanna be redneck pop. Just sayin...

Nikki Nova
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Thanks for the Congrates guys. But it wasn't that hard since I knew who was in 3 of the pictures.

As for 8 track tapes, I remember my dad had a bunch of them. I even remember the old fake alligator skin cases he had for the tapes. LOL
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Well I DO like basketball! I just don't really have a favorite team. At least not in the professional league that is. I have enjoyed many Suns games though yes! Now that's a good time!
Nikki Nova
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Wow. ANOTHER congratulations is apparently in order. Congrats jcmc!!!!!!!!!!
Nikki Nova
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This seems like a good time to tell you guys what's going on for those of you who don't read my blog. I am packing up my house to move on Thursday. It wasn't supposed to happen for a while but a serious unexpected monkey wrench got thrown in my plans so I have to pack up my 4 bedroom house BY MYSELF and then movers are coming on Thursday to move all of my things into storage. My new place won't be ready until Oct so I will be staying with friends and in hotels until then. Sometimes my internet situation might be great and sometimes not so great so we will see. This weekend and this next week are INSANE for me so wish me luck and know that I will be crazy busy.
Nikki Nova
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Hello everybody here!:hatsoff: I'm back after some technical problems with my ISP were solved!

Thanks for the congrats Nikki:iloveyou:; hopefully I'll reach another milestone here, like my 1000 post for example... By the way; you look tired in that picture, but as gorgeous as usual!

See ya!:wave2:

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Oh 8 tracks were a BIG part of my childhood with my grandmama. She lived way out in the boonies and it took us like FOREVER just to get to the general store and that was in an old house. On the porch there was an old coke machine that dispense bottels and old men sitting around reading the paper and talking and playing cards and checkers and women of course were gossiping. I have always been and still am close VERY to my grandparents. They are everything to me, being as though my parents weren't really around. Anyway I remember she would always let me pic the 8 track when I was her co-pilot but it was always a standard choice of about 10 and they were all country music of course. In all fairness though..OLD country music is pretty fucking awesome. It had twang and soul and blues and humor. Today it's like really bad,cheesy wanna be redneck pop. Just sayin...
WOW!!!! Another person who remembers 8-Tracks (who??? and I are not alone)! Like I said earlier, I never actually owned one...don't think my mom or grandmother did either, they were strictly vinyl...BUT, my neighbors and this one woman who used to babysit me had a lot of I am well versed in them. The surprising thing to some might be that music sounded pretty good on 8-Tracks if memory serves me right. Funny thing, though I DID own cassettes....I always forget them...I remember vinyl (they still actually make them on a limited basis), 8-Tracks, and CDs & MP3s of course....but I forget about cassettes for some reason. Probably all of the bad memories when the tape got all messed up and I had to TRY to get the tape wound back into it! Ha ha ha!

Needless to say, as I was raised in the country, country music was a big part of my early years (before I began to branch out). Too much of todays music is nothing more than autotuned and processed GARBAGE! That's why I almost always listen to strictly old stuff. Classic Country is one of my all-time favorite genres! Give me Marty Robbins, Loretta Lynn, Johnny Cash, Patsy Cline...well you get the picture any day over a lot of the garbage that's out there today. Heck a lot of the stuff I listen to is before my time even...but it doesn't make it any less AWESOME! Needless to say, when I'm out and about, there's an even chance that I'll have the "Country Legends" station on in my truck. But, I listen to alt., grunge, punk, metal, classic rock, well you know....ha ha ha! I don't think you could classify my tastes in music...just like you...just too incredibly varried! Fortunately for us though...neither of us is into the shit that passes itself off as music these days! I was just thanking myself the other day when I was listening to the Pixies again (because of you planting the seed on MFC of course) that I didn't listen to shit in my youth...I mean every generation has some shitty just seems like the recent generations are trying to corner the market! Ha ha ha!

And, like I said, I grew up in the I more than remember the old coke machines with the glass bottles...good memories actually. In my hometown...there was a restaurant called the Blain Hotel (used to rent rooms...still do during hunting season)....and that was where the adults used to hang out, drinking coffee, and gossiping all day! I think they knew my business before I did sometimes. Ha ha ha! Sadly, they would have been better off playing cards and checkers like you remember...I didn't see a lot of that in my countrified hometown. But alot of what you remember, I can relate to also...I grew up in PA, but a part of it that was quite similar to the south (aside from climate that is).

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Hello everybody here!:hatsoff: I'm back after some technical problems with my ISP were solved!

Thanks for the congrats Nikki:iloveyou:; hopefully I'll reach another milestone here, like my 1000 post for example... By the way; you look tired in that picture, but as gorgeous as usual!

See ya!:wave2:

Glad to have you back my friend. I was starting to wonder if something had happened to you or something. Funny that you were having problems with your ISP, my internet was out all day Sunday and into Monday morning! UGH!!!!! I ended up having to strictly use my phone...and I don't really like doing that. Like all of my local tv stations are giving away iPads for some reason...I need to win me one of those! Now that would be SWEET! Ha ha ha! Anyway, like I said, glad you got your technical difficulties corrected & you're back amongst us! When things are slow, and Nikki is UBER busy like she is this week! I need all the help I can I don't have to go and post back to back to back just to keep things flowing! Now if I start conversing with myself....then we REALLY have a problem! Ha ha ha!
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

awww. As a great of a roomate as I'm sure you would be, I haven't had a roomate since I was like...23 yrs old and I don't think I could. I am one of those people that really loves my privacy and quiet and space. My home is my own magical little world. The older I get, the more like that I become. Now don't get my wrong, I have friends all over the country that are always coming to visit AND friends that are living in the same city that often crash at my pad for a few days as a kind of a shangri-la/retreat. Every place I have ever had has always had that vibe and been that place that my friends go to get away from all of the bullshit. I am kind of giving that to myself finally for the next couple of months while my new place gets prepared and my personal business and loose ends get tied up before I make THE "major" move. My conversations about Canada started out as me just saying something in passing and kind of joking. Those jokes have turned serious as the West coast of Canada is looking like my next real home. Crazy huh?
Nikki Nova
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I see that your moving to Canada option has become real!. I'll be glad for you if it finally comes true, because I know Canada is a great living option according to the UNO statistics. But the most important thing is, if you finally decide to move there, I'm sure your new home will have as good vibe as your previous places! :thumbsup:
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

WOW!!!! Another person who remembers 8-Tracks (who??? and I are not alone)! Like I said earlier, I never actually owned one...don't think my mom or grandmother did either, they were strictly vinyl...BUT, my neighbors and this one woman who used to babysit me had a lot of I am well versed in them. The surprising thing to some might be that music sounded pretty good on 8-Tracks if memory serves me right. Funny thing, though I DID own cassettes....I always forget them...I remember vinyl (they still actually make them on a limited basis), 8-Tracks, and CDs & MP3s of course....but I forget about cassettes for some reason. Probably all of the bad memories when the tape got all messed up and I had to TRY to get the tape wound back into it! Ha ha ha!

Sorry for the question:facepalm: but, by 8-tracks you mean the small vinyls of 45/78 speed sound??? :dunno: