Yippeeee!!! It's Who??? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes you are right that IS the classic rain song. It's the best. Thank you Who??? and it is SO GREAT to hear from you.
I personally LOVE the rain. I love rainy days where you can just stay in bed or in your jammies all day and do nothing. The BEST is when you can lay in bed all day with someone you love and just become completely engrossed in other. Having sex and sleeping and eating and having sex again....and again as the rain hits the windows. Ahhhh. I miss that.
Nikki Nova
Follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/nikki_nova
my site www.nikkinova.com
my blog http://clubnikkinova.com/blog/
official thread http://board.freeones.com/showthread...=1#post5167604
Yippeeee!!! It's Who??? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes you are right that IS the classic rain song. It's the best. Thank you Who??? and it is SO GREAT to hear from you.
I personally LOVE the rain. I love rainy days where you can just stay in bed or in your jammies all day and do nothing. The BEST is when you can lay in bed all day with someone you love and just become completely engrossed in other. Having sex and sleeping and eating and having sex again....and again as the rain hits the windows. Ahhhh. I miss that.
Nikki Nova
Follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/nikki_nova
my site www.nikkinova.com
my blog http://clubnikkinova.com/blog/
official thread http://board.freeones.com/showthread...=1#post5167604
I get to make my 500 post on hereyay 500 lol
Definitely don't be such a stranger who??? It's not the same when you're not around. And....GREAT call on going with Pittsburgh's own Gene Kelly and "Singing in the Rain"...CLASSIC! There really isn't a better feeling than running around in a nice cooling rain & basically not giving a shit! Ha ha ha!I should come by and post more often. I got a Yippeeee, a ton of exclamation marks, and Nikki talking about staying in bed and having lots of sex. Hahaha
Thanks Nikki
I should come by and post more often. I got a Yippeeee, a ton of exclamation marks, and Nikki talking about staying in bed and having lots of sex. Hahaha
Thanks Nikki
Honestly? I can't stand baseball. I think it's one of the most boring sports on the planet. Hope you still like me. Sorry if my answer dissappoints you but ....at least I answer honestly right?
I was at the world series a decade ago when they won against the Yankees. That was kind of cool. Mark Grace's victory statement was awesome. I was happy for him being the underdog and he was older and traded because he was "too old" yet due to that trade he got a world series championship ring out of it. It was a good day for the underdog that he represented nicely for althletes of all sports who get treated like that as they age. I liked that. I liked how fun downtown was and there was just confetti falling out of the sky for miles and you couldn't move for all of the people and Queen's "We are the Champions" was playing so loud on speakers and jumbo trons and huge TV's all through the streets everywhere you went. Oh and this guy I dated briefly a million years ago and was a MASSIVE Yankees fan came in town to "watch them win". He stayed with me at the house and my current boyfriend and his friends were cool enough to get him a ticket and take him with them. He was kind of being snobby and talking shit about them and about Phonix being way too "middle America Blue Collar". He was from England but had been living in the states for over 23 years of his own choice. It felt good and kind of an in your face karmic moment when the D Backs won. He was being an ungrateful douche to my friends who were gracious enough to get him in. Those are the silly things I remember about that. Actually it was my ticket he used. I didn't give a fuck about the game so me and my friend Jenny watched it right outside of the stadium at hooters and drank shitty sangria. Then we rode up and down the elevators of a glass office building across from the stadium and flashed people out of boredom. We then paid a guy to ride us around in a horse driven coach until our friends got out of the game and we all met up and had a blast. Guess I kind of digressed on that one huh? hahaha. Sorry
Nikki Nova
Follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/nikki_nova
my site www.nikkinova.com
my blog http://clubnikkinova.com/blog/
official thread http://board.freeones.com/showthread...=1#post5167604
if i was to be wondering who Who??? was, would it be "Who????"?
but its like the only happy rain song i can think of (Missy Elliot The Rain)
Going back briefly to when the D-Backs beat the Yankees in the World Series....a couple of former Pirates were on that team: Jay Bell & Tony Womack...so I was happy for them...PLUS, by that time I had grown to REALLY DISLIKE the Yankees (I think they were going for their 4th straight title & some were trying to use 9/11 to say the Yankees DESERVE to win....PLEASE!!!!) & everything about them! Sooooo, when Jay Bell scored the winning run in the bottom of the 9th of game 7....I was as happy as anyone to see the "evil empire" go down! Now, probably because my Pirates have SUCKED for so long (not doing bad this year though), and I am loyal always...not a bandwagon jumper, I have actually grown disinterested with baseball as I've grown older.....and as "un-American" as this may sound....I have to agree with Nikki about baseball being the most boring sport on the planet (of the 4 major professional ones that is). I guess if you are a drinker & go to get drunk it's cool....otherwise....meh. Personally, I find pro baseball (from a business standpoint) to be a pretty good example of what is WRONG with this country....but that's another story for another place and time. Ha ha ha!
Wow!:eek: I reached my 600 posts here in Nikki's thread!:clap:
Nikki Nova presents Let's Make Music
Nikki Nova presents Happy Holidays
Nikki Nova presents Green Jacket
:lovecoupl :bowdown: :lovecoupl
You want to hear something REALLY weird....I actually intentionally saved my 2000th post for Nikki's thread......and would you believe....without even trying....my 2000th Tweet on Twitter actually went to Nikki also.![]()
That's awesome, and also a lucky coincidence! Good for you! :clap:
Looks like we're in total agreement on that one....a CLASSIC beauty if ever there was one! :thumbsup:Hi Nikki, just stopping by to say you are the Most Stunning, Absolutely Gorgeous, Most Beautiful Babe on the Planet!!! Hottest Woman Alive! :drool2: