
Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

hahaha. Hey at least you read. Those of us who actually read in not just magazines or online articles...are a dying breed. I just added a couple of books to my amazon wishlist. I know. Gotta feed the geek within. haha

Nikki Nova
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fortunately, i prefer paperback books, so i dont have to worry about that problem. everyone can see what stupid shit im reading.


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Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Well AWESOME and WELCOME!!!! It's a great group of people here. Yes we have the ocassional person drop in JUST to spam and "self promote" and yes there is the ocassional dickhead trying to start shit as there is everywhere on the net but for the most part we are a cool group of people and we just ignore and don't feed into the afore mention breeds of shitbags. hahahaha. We try not to feed into the negitive crap in other words and we try to pass on the positive vibe and good times.
I for one and thrilled you are here and am welcoming you with virtual cyber hugs. Welcome to the gang!

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Hello everybody! jbs173_1972 is right: I'm not neither a moderator nor a regular to decide what can be posted in here; but it doesn't mean I'm gonna quit posting, it means I'll post as often as possible to let you know me better! Thanks for the welcome and also for the good vibe!


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Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Thought you'd like that. It's a comedian named Eli Braden. He's always ripping on the Kardashians on twitter along with other similar types of "celebs" like Paris Hilton and what not. Check him out.

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HAHA. GOLD! :rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:


Official Checked Star Member


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

hahaha. Hey at least you read. Those of us who actually read in not just magazines or online articles...are a dying breed. I just added a couple of books to my amazon wishlist. I know. Gotta feed the geek within. haha

Nikki Nova
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personally ive gotten into the habit of just buying used books online. theyre usually cheaper. unfortunately, amazon's shipping is usually too much. used books that only "cost" a penny end up costing 4-5 bucks just from shipping. i usually just use abebooks. it usually saves me $5-10.

and what magnificent tomes is Nikki looking to be reading one day?


I'm watching some specialist videos
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

hahaha. Hey at least you read. Those of us who actually read in not just magazines or online articles...are a dying breed. I just added a couple of books to my amazon wishlist. I know. Gotta feed the geek within. haha

I read most nights. I feel that I can't drop off without it. Even when I am really tired, I'll get out my book and usually be awakened when it hits my face as I fall asleep. I'm currently reading Frankenstein. I tried it a few years ago, but gave up after about half way as I found it quite hard going. It seems a little better second time around though. I think it helps that I am also reading Retromancer by Robert Rankin (described as the Frank Zappa of the SF/Fantasy world).
One of the very few authors that I will buy the hardbacks of is Terry Pratchett. I'm too impatient to wait for the paperbacks to be released.


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Well thank you. Until seeing this post I thought a request I recieved to follow me on twitter was from some guy posing as a cam girl. Let me explain to you and to anyone reading this. I got a follow request from VeraBaby but on the description it said something about being a cam girl and showing "cunt for coin " or something like that and usually when self descriptions are written like that it is from a guy posing as a girl or just a fake/imposter in general. My point is...if that was really from you VeraBaby then send it again because I already rejected it before seeing your post in my thread thinking it was a fake account. My bad.

Nikki Nova
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serious hottie!


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Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

The way I look at it is that real people read! Heck, and I know jitna has poked fun at me for this, I actually read 2-3 newspapers a day (depends if I buy the NOLA one or not) & I'm currently reading a couple of books (one is a classic..."The Maltese Falcon", the other I am actually re-reading). Personally, I like reading the printed word....on paper...WAYYYYY better than from a screen (be it computer, Kindle, or the like). Call me old-fashioned...but that's how I am...and I'm not ashamed to admit it. It may make me a dinosaur...but I'll be a learned one anyway damn it! Ha ha ha!

I just ordered some books from AMAZON and I was trying to come up with some extra things to get me to $25 for the free shipping & I was thinking that had Nikki added those books to her wish list earlier, I could have gotten her one of her books. Then I remembered that the free shipping is only when you have everything sent to the same address. Oh well, what are you going to do! Ha ha ha! Anyway, I ended up adding a couple of doccumentaries (Religulous and one other) and got the free shipping anyway. "Cool" thing is that they tossed a free video on demand view of each of the doccumentaries.:) So I might watch them tonight, or when I return...haven't decided yet.

Finally, for those who read what I posted in my "epiphany" thread the other day (I know jitna did anyway)...I was remiss in not including a couple of things/ I decided to add a brief addendum last night.

For those of you who are interested in reading the is a link to just the addendum only.

Now, I've already changed my username (PDQ too by the way...VERY cool of Petra), and I should have my "custom user title" by tomorrow...soooo gang, I'm going out of state for the 4th of July weekend (I Was anyway...ha ha ha!) from tomorrow on, my presence will be rare to non-existent. Soooo, I want to take the time to wish everyone a wonderful holiday weekend and remind everyone to make it a joyous as well as a safe one! If you are going to drink....DON'T DRIVE!!!!! We all want you back here alive and well on the 5th! :)


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I read most nights. I feel that I can't drop off without it. Even when I am really tired, I'll get out my book and usually be awakened when it hits my face as I fall asleep. I'm currently reading Frankenstein. I tried it a few years ago, but gave up after about half way as I found it quite hard going. It seems a little better second time around though. I think it helps that I am also reading Retromancer by Robert Rankin (described as the Frank Zappa of the SF/Fantasy world).
One of the very few authors that I will buy the hardbacks of is Terry Pratchett. I'm too impatient to wait for the paperbacks to be released.

I recently read Frankenstein and did not enjoy it. Sloooow.

Pratchett is awesome. some very good movies theyve been making of his books. first thing i read from him was his collaboration with Neil Gaiman "Good Omen". Loved it.

The way I look at it is that real people read! Heck, and I know jitna has poked fun at me for this, I actually read 2-3 newspapers a day (depends if I buy the NOLA one or not) & I'm currently reading a couple of books (one is a classic..."The Maltese Falcon", the other I am actually re-reading). Personally, I like reading the printed word....on paper...WAYYYYY better than from a screen (be it computer, Kindle, or the like). Call me old-fashioned...but that's how I am...and I'm not ashamed to admit it. It may make me a dinosaur...but I'll be a learned one anyway damn it! Ha ha ha!

read the The Maltese Falcon? how could you do that? even if its amazing, it could only do damage to the stupendous Humphrey Bogart movie. Bogie is the man.

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

read the The Maltese Falcon? how could you do that? even if its amazing, it could only do damage to the stupendous Humphrey Bogart movie. Bogie is the man.
Actually, to be perfectly honest, I won a copy (brand new copy at that) from the library. Evidently it was the book they were using in their "book club". Though I'm not a member of the "club," I still managed to win a copy. Soooo, since I have it, I "kinda" figured I might as well read it. Ha ha ha!


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Well thank you. Until seeing this post I thought a request I recieved to follow me on twitter was from some guy posing as a cam girl. Let me explain to you and to anyone reading this. I got a follow request from VeraBaby but on the description it said something about being a cam girl and showing "cunt for coin " or something like that and usually when self descriptions are written like that it is from a guy posing as a girl or just a fake/imposter in general. My point is...if that was really from you VeraBaby then send it again because I already rejected it before seeing your post in my thread thinking it was a fake account. My bad.

Nikki Nova
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lol. yea it was actually me :p I'll resend


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Actually, to be perfectly honest, I won a copy (brand new copy at that) from the library. Evidently it was the book they were using in their "book club". Though I'm not a member of the "club," I still managed to win a copy. Soooo, since I have it, I "kinda" figured I might as well read it. Ha ha ha!

oh. ok. i will read any book that someone gives me free. also people can give me free music and dvds. or anything else for that matter.
Last edited:
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

The way I look at it is that real people read! Heck, and I know jitna has poked fun at me for this, I actually read 2-3 newspapers a day (depends if I buy the NOLA one or not) & I'm currently reading a couple of books (one is a classic..."The Maltese Falcon", the other I am actually re-reading). Personally, I like reading the printed word....on paper...WAYYYYY better than from a screen (be it computer, Kindle, or the like). Call me old-fashioned...but that's how I am...and I'm not ashamed to admit it. It may make me a dinosaur...but I'll be a learned one anyway damn it! Ha ha ha!

I just ordered some books from AMAZON and I was trying to come up with some extra things to get me to $25 for the free shipping & I was thinking that had Nikki added those books to her wish list earlier, I could have gotten her one of her books. Then I remembered that the free shipping is only when you have everything sent to the same address. Oh well, what are you going to do! Ha ha ha! Anyway, I ended up adding a couple of doccumentaries (Religulous and one other) and got the free shipping anyway. "Cool" thing is that they tossed a free video on demand view of each of the doccumentaries.:) So I might watch them tonight, or when I return...haven't decided yet.

Finally, for those who read what I posted in my "epiphany" thread the other day (I know jitna did anyway)...I was remiss in not including a couple of things/ I decided to add a brief addendum last night.

For those of you who are interested in reading the is a link to just the addendum only.

Now, I've already changed my username (PDQ too by the way...VERY cool of Petra), and I should have my "custom user title" by tomorrow...soooo gang, I'm going out of state for the 4th of July weekend (I Was anyway...ha ha ha!) from tomorrow on, my presence will be rare to non-existent. Soooo, I want to take the time to wish everyone a wonderful holiday weekend and remind everyone to make it a joyous as well as a safe one! If you are going to drink....DON'T DRIVE!!!!! We all want you back here alive and well on the 5th! :)

Well, if you think you are old-fashioned because you like reading the printed word in paper, let me tell you I'm as old-fashioned as you! There's nothing like going through the pages, feeling the paper in your fingers and letting your imagination shape the characters of a book/novel the way you want! That's cool I think.

P.S. I you want two good reading options I would recommend you Animal Farm and 1984, both written by George Orwell.


I'm watching some specialist videos
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Well, if you think you are old-fashioned because you like reading the printed word in paper, let me tell you I'm as old-fashioned as you! There's nothing like going through the pages, feeling the paper in your fingers and letting your imagination shape the characters of a book/novel the way you want! That's cool I think.

P.S. I you want two good reading options I would recommend you Animal Farm and 1984, both written by George Orwell.

Agreed. My wife got herself a Kindle a few months ago. Yes, you can download books as and when you want them, but I'd much rather be holding a book in the bath or on the beach than an expensive piece of electronics.

I re-read both of these last year. I hadn't read them since school, which is rather more years that I care to mention. They still stand up very well. In a similar vein to 1984, try Aldous Huxley's Brave New World.

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Well, if you think you are old-fashioned because you like reading the printed word in paper, let me tell you I'm as old-fashioned as you! There's nothing like going through the pages, feeling the paper in your fingers and letting your imagination shape the characters of a book/novel the way you want! That's cool I think.

P.S. I you want two good reading options I would recommend you Animal Farm and 1984, both written by George Orwell.
Welcome back! Glad to see that you are becoming a regular & I hope you continue to be a regular presence!

Now, I TOTALLY agree with you! NOTHING beats the feeling of flipping through the pages of a good book. Though I'm not THAT old myself, it's SAD that the newer generations only get their reading material from computers. Though we're slowly heading in that direction already...pretty soon we'll be a nation/planet where only older people know the joys of reading the printed word...on books! Like you said...TOTALLY COOL! Technology is good and everything...BUT, it can not adequately replace that which does not need replaced in the 1st place.

I'm familiar with 1984 and Animal Farm obviously, but I have not had the pleasure of reading either one as, I am adding them to my reading list!

Agreed. My wife got herself a Kindle a few months ago. Yes, you can download books as and when you want them, but I'd much rather be holding a book in the bath or on the beach than an expensive piece of electronics.

I re-read both of these last year. I hadn't read them since school, which is rather more years that I care to mention. They still stand up very well. In a similar vein to 1984, try Aldous Huxley's Brave New World.
Yeah...I agree with you too about a book vs. an expensive piece of electronics! Also, since you mentioned "Brave New World," I actually had to read it in college....and it, along with The Crucible, and The Scarlet Letter, was one of my favorite books that I read "because I had to"! I REALLY enjoyed it....cover to cover! We weren't actually tested on it...BUT, we were graded in the form of a round table discussion (the class was broken up in groups.....and each group came in on a different day for their discussion). The Prof. then went around asking indepth/detailed questions (mainly on our interpretation and application of the content). I was lucky...he asked me about 3 questions and I guess he REALLY liked my answers and was convinced that I knew what I was talking about...because he spent the rest of the class grilling the others in my group & I was done. Ha ha ha! But yeah....Brave New World is an EXCELLENT book!

Now with that....though I might pop in again in the morning...I'm actually going out of state for the 4th of July....and I won't be back until Tuesday at the, if I don't pop before then...I wish you all a wonderful holiday & with that...I bid you adieu!


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

i really hate those e-reader commercials (i think theyre for the kindle but im not sure) and their strawman arguments. "But i cant enjoy folding down the page with a tablet" yeah, because thats the enjoyment i get from a book.

ive been on the plane with my mother. she got a kindle and for the first fifteen minutes and the last fifteen minutes shes sitting there with nothing to do, while im reading away. boy, that woman gets antsy at the end of a flight with nothing to do.


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

yeah I read Animal Farm in High School but never 1984. Admittedly though I have a list of books that come first on my priority list right now. I will add it to my list though for sure.
Nikki Nova
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Well, if you think you are old-fashioned because you like reading the printed word in paper, let me tell you I'm as old-fashioned as you! There's nothing like going through the pages, feeling the paper in your fingers and letting your imagination shape the characters of a book/novel the way you want! That's cool I think.

P.S. I you want two good reading options I would recommend you Animal Farm and 1984, both written by George Orwell.


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Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Hope everyone has had a great week and thanks for being so cool about how busy I have been. I was on cam last night until midnight on myfreecams and then uploading video to my site until like 2 a.m. Oh the way...any members of my site , I think you will get a kick out of the candid video update that went up today. haha.

Nikki Nova
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