
Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

i was going to just leave it at that, but i just voted for Miss Nova after not being allowed to earlier in the day because apparently twitter was too active. i saw that Nikki is now 16000 votes strong and 264 short of 9th place

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Thank you everyone for all of the congratulations and salutations. Granted I'm a complex individual who doesn't take criticism all that well at times, but at the same time doesn't live for compliments or accolades either...all this despite the fact that I admittedly have a healthy ego. Like I said COMPLEX (though I'm working at finding a more healthy balance...ha ha ha!). I've just never been the type that needs anything to validate my existence...though I know PLENTY of people are just the opposite. I know who I am and that I do indeed exist. Ha ha ha!

Just the same, it makes a person feel good to be appreciated and to be congratulated and to have compliments showered upon them. Hey, I said I don't live for it...I never said I didn't like it!:cool: Ha ha ha!

Anyway, I'm sure that it's hardly a secret that I think the world of Nikki, and I find her to be a truly wonderful and amazing PERSON & that I truly consider her to be a really good friend. So, it's probably not too surprising to know, if not for her (and of course my heart attack), I wouldn't be here...much less have posted 2000+ posts already. Nikki has one of the purest hearts I've ever encountered...and that made my decision to stick around after the Miss FreeOnes contest all the more easy for me. I've come to find other good people as a result of that as well.

So, though I've spread out on the board now (in the Talk and Post Games sections mainly)..."the Official Nikki Nova thread" will always be my "home" on FreeOnes...and the only one I can be counted on to contribute to on a regular basis! In a way, to varrying degrees, though I am obviously closer to some than others...I've come to see us a sort of extended family by now...if that makes sense!

Okay, enough gushing! Ha ha ha! How is everyone's Friday going? Anything exciting going on in the real world?

I slept off and on all day yesterday...but I still slept like a baby last night 12+ hours. So, just relaxing today as I wait for another storm to pass through this evening (at least they are calling for one)....it's getting as though one can set their watches by it anymore! UGH!


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Thank you everyone for all of the congratulations and salutations. Granted I'm a complex individual who doesn't take criticism all that well at times, but at the same time doesn't live for compliments or accolades either...all this despite the fact that I admittedly have a healthy ego. Like I said COMPLEX (though I'm working at finding a more healthy balance...ha ha ha!). I've just never been the type that needs anything to validate my existence...though I know PLENTY of people are just the opposite. I know who I am and that I do indeed exist. Ha ha ha!

yes, you certainly do have a complex


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

well, it sure aint Napolean

and congratulations to Nikki for reaching 9th place. one place away from Jon's goal of 8th place, just a short 1600 votes away

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

well, it sure aint Napolean

and congratulations to Nikki for reaching 9th place. one place away from Jon's goal of 8th place, just a short 1600 votes away
Or Napoleon for that matter. Ha ha ha! Jitna, I think you just gave me an idea! I think I'm going to have a t-shirt made that says "Don't hate me because you're inferior!" Ha ha ha! Joking!:1orglaugh But seriously, everytime I have ever opened up about what was going on on the inside...as opposed to what people see on the surface...they've been surprised everytime! I'll just leave it at that.;)

And I saw that voting thing. She was a hair under 100 away from 9th place when I maxed out for the day...so, I did what I had to do! :cool:

Anyway, when I saw she is only about 1600 away from 8th, a swear a tear almost came to my eye! SERIOUSLY! Ha ha ha! It's been a LONG, HARD, AND TEDIOUS journey...But, FINALLY, the end is definitely in sight. I figure we should hit 8th place sometime Sunday as long as everyone keeps voting at the same pace they have recently and today! After that, it's semi-retirement for me. Ha ha ha! The one nice thing that I have noticed is that there seems to be quite a few new people voting...and hopefully they are doing it to the max...and they continue to do so for the foreseeable future. As long as they do, though the HUGE number of votes I have been casting all along will still be missed, the overall average vote count (over the past month or so) will not take as big a hit.

On a semi-related note: Now I saw some other people I am familiar with from FreeOnes are getting involved & getting votes now also...before anyone had any thoughts about recruiting me...let me say this: Ain't no fucking way in Hell!!!! Ha ha ha! I did this because I really like Nikki and I think a lot of her...and I couldn't believe where she was in the voting at the time I got involved (unranked and only about 750 votes)...and I got impatient with the initial pace of things...and that is/was that. Even now, I vote for Nikki...and that's it. Sooooo, needless to say, there is no way I would want to go through this again. 100 votes a day for Nikki is likely all I can tolerate from Monday on. ha ha ha!
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Heres a couple of short little jokes.....

A middle aged man was asking advice from his personal trainer at the gym.
"l want to impress that young, beautiful, girl over there. Which machine should l use?" he asked the trainer.
The trainer replied: "You should use the ATM just outside the gym"

The police came to O'Reilly's front door holding a picture of his wife.
They said, "Is this your wife sir"?
Shocked, O'Reilly answered, "Yes"!
They said, l"m afraid it looks like she's been hit by a bus."
O'Reilly said, "l know, but she has a lovely personality"

Micks wife left him last Thursday, she said she was going out for a pint of milk and she never came back!
When asked how he was coping he said. "Not bad, l've been using that powdered stuff."

Have a outstanding weekend!!!


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Or Napoleon for that matter. Ha ha ha! Jitna, I think you just gave me an idea! I think I'm going to have a t-shirt made that says "Don't hate me because you're inferior!" Ha ha ha! Joking!:1orglaugh But seriously, everytime I have ever opened up about what was going on on the inside...as opposed to what people see on the surface...they've been surprised everytime! I'll just leave it at that.;)

i did a quick google search and i was very surprised to see that that shirt actually doesnt exist. i think it might sell pretty well.

On a semi-related note: Now I saw some other people I am familiar with from FreeOnes are getting involved & getting votes now also...before anyone had any thoughts about recruiting me...let me say this: Ain't no fucking way in Hell!!!! Ha ha ha! I did this because I really like Nikki and I think a lot of her...and I couldn't believe where she was in the voting at the time I got involved (unranked and only about 750 votes)...and I got impatient with the initial pace of things...and that is/was that. Even now, I vote for Nikki...and that's it. Sooooo, needless to say, there is no way I would want to go through this again. 100 votes a day for Nikki is likely all I can tolerate from Monday on. ha ha ha!

yeah, there's been a few women that have popped up on the list, but there's only one other person I'm giving some votes for and I don't think itd be hard for people to guess which miss that is. i thought about sharing her involvement on her thread, but i decided against it.


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Hey everyone. Congratulations Jon! Oh and Vern...I think that kind of insecurity about one's ability is a sign of a true artist. For real. Every TRUE artist I know always things they're not good enough and need t improve. This applies to ones who are extremely successful and make their living at it by the way ...NOT just the striving for success ones so I take that as a GOOD sign Vern.
Now just so you guys know I am in the midst of a shitloas of work right now in preparations for a massive megasite. My website www.nikkinova.com will soon be a megasite (for the same price by the way). We did a test run a couple of days ago but there were some bugs to work out so we are working them out all this week and then transfering over to the new members area in a week or so. I have to go through every single pic set on the server,download it onto my computer and re edit every single one and then re-upload it. Long story as to why. That's 11 years of work and just one week to do it all. That's why I said a week OR SO. It might be 10 days but that's the longest it would be. Everyone has a job on this. That is mine. I could have it done sooner if I didn't have so much other work as well but I do so I will do my best to pop in and say hello everyday but please be patient with me over the next week and a half. Big love!
Oh and for all of the sick people....don't worry. The nurse is here. hahaha
Nikki Nova
Follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/nikki_nova
my site www.nikkinova.com
my blog http://clubnikkinova.com/blog/
official thread http://board.freeones.com/showthread...=1#post5167604


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Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

i did a quick google search and i was very surprised to see that that shirt actually doesnt exist. i think it might sell pretty well.
Given how so many people come across these days, I do find that SURPRISING! :1orglaugh

there's only one other person I'm giving some votes for and I don't think itd be hard for people to guess which miss that is. i thought about sharing her involvement on her thread, but i decided against it.
To be perfectly honest...I did notice both of those facts thanks to a re-tweet or two. Knowing how, much like me, you tend to be quite ambitious...I decided to let everyone know where things stand. What I did for Nikki...well that was for Nikki, for the reasons I already mentioned. There are other OCSMs that I like on various levels on here...but, for me, Nikki is on a level and in a class all her own...also for a lot of different reasons. I know how incredibly taxing, tedious, and time consuming my efforts have been this past month+...so, I felt, in the event anyone had any ideas of doing the same thing that we did for Nikki...for this other person (or anyone else for that matter), and they entertained the thought of recruiting me, given the fact that I did so much for the "vote for Nikki" thing, and I sort of took the bull by the horns (kinda went extreme really), after you brought it to my attention & I figured out how to vote, I figured I owed it to everyone to say that it isn't happening...because, to be perfectly honest, I haven't really been in to it from the start. Like I said, I dig the Hell out of Nikki, and I was shocked to see how little support she was being shown in the whole thing...and I wanted to do what I could to change that...and I did just that. That does not mean that I have enjoyed it...hitting certain milestones yes...as a whole...NOPE...tedious and insanely time consuming...as I'm sure you can imagine. I entertained adding others to my voting...but I decided against it. I have enough on my plate...and like I said, it's simply not in me. 8th place is in sight...then I'm semi-retiring...though I will continue to exclusively vote for Nikki 100 times a day as long as I don't have something else going on.

Anyway, I just wanted to make it clear, if anyone was entertaining the idea of doing what we did for Nikki for anyone else...I wish you well...but I felt I owed it to everyone to let them know that sadly I can not be a part of it...which I'm sure everyone in the know can surely appreciate. This was a 1 time thing...if you know what I mean...and I only did that because I genuinely think a lot of Nikki.

...Congratulations Jon!

...Oh and for all of the sick people....don't worry. The nurse is here. hahaha
Thanks Nikki! Congratulations to you as well my dear on your site soon becoming a "megasite"! I know it's tedious, time consuming, and a lot of work right now...but I know you know, once it is all done, it will soooooo totally be worth all of your efforts!

Now, I think I might indeed be in the market for a nurse. The past 3 days, I have had one Hell of a time staying awake for any length of time (2-3 hours tops...though yesterday wasn't as bad) and I've just felt crappy in general. Going back to the Cardiologist on Thursday...so, I should have a general idea where things stand in that regard anyway. Send me your resume, and when and if I hit the Powerball jackpot (or I inherit money from my wealthy Uncle), I "might" just hire you! ;) Ha ha ha!

though i am curious just what Nikki has planned that she needs that glove
I'm guessing from the looks of it...either a prostate exam or checking for a hernia.:dunno: The latter I could tolerate...the prior...not so much! :1orglaugh

I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend. Does anyone have any special or anything exciting planned? I'm probably going to hit Blockbuster and relax this weekend. I've been wanting to see that Justin Bieber movie for sometime now...might rent it and another one or two!;) Just kidding!:1orglaugh Renting movies yes....the JB one....NO WAY IN HELL! Ha ha ha!