Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

wishing everyone a FantASStic week ahead!
Nikki Nova
Same to you Nikki! I have a strange suspicion that "things" will be looking UP fairly quickly for anyone venturing into your thread right about now...thanks to you!;)

After lunch, I'm heading to the gym for the 1st time in ages! Don't know how it will go...ha ha ha! Saturday night, I went for a run...and I "kinda" think I overdid it! Thought my heart was going to jump out of my chest & my head was going to explode! Ha ha ha! But, I recovered...slowly but surely! I think I'm getting a better feel for my limits right now! On the bright side, if anything bad were to happen...there are two hospitals with fairly good cardio-care units within about 1 mile of the gym! Seriously, that is a good thing!

Wish me luck everyone!


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Ok I haven't slept yet I just dropped in to say hello and to you later or tomorrow? haha
Nikki Nova
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Nikki, I just dropped in long enough to say congratulations on the new addition!

Where of where is Who???
I miss the Who??
Nikki Nova
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And Thank you for this. I really appreciate it. I expect I'll be around. ;)
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

wishing everyone a FantASStic week ahead!
Nikki Nova
Follow me on twitter
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Thanks Nikki for the well wishes and for that amazing pic. Big love to you for being the first to follow my tweets for my site. I am working on becoming a contributor to other movie blogs to help build up my writing resume. I would love to hear about your five favorite movies so I can post them in a recent article soon.!/videovangaurd

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

oh well guess that dream is over...
Look on the bright side Jitna...There's still the one about looking like Bozo the Clown anyway! Ha ha ha! Keep the dream alive Jitna...with a lil plastic surgery & a hair transplant...your dream might one day come to fruition!

Hey, after all is said and can finally cut that record you've always been talking about: "Bozo Sings The Blues"! Ha ha ha!

By the way, how did it go with your local cable company and your efforts to get them to carry "Glad Tv?!?!?" ha ha ha! Don't forget..."Don't get mad...Get Glad!" ha ha ha

Okay...break is over! Back to my workout!!! UGH!!! Ha ha ha!

Hope everyone is having a terrific day!

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Good Tuesday morning Nikki and most everyone else (it's actually early Wednesday morning for our Aussie friends Dazza & Mokbel)!

I survived my 1st workout, and despite the fact that I'm going over to NOLA for a few days, I'll still be able to workout because Harrah's Hotel has a decent fitness center!

Anyway, I hope everyone is having a great week so far & that what's left of it remains totally fantastic! Everyone knows, a day with "Nikki" in it is simply better to start everyone in this thread already has a leg up! "Talk" to everyone on the flip side!

Knowing that Nikki is a big UK basketball fan, here is a super easy question for Nikki only:

What legendary basketball coach is the winningest coach in UK men's basketball history?

Like I said, SUPER EASY!

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Just about to leave for NOLA. Before I do, I wanted to pop in and provide everyone from the U.S. with a PSA:

If you haven't filed your 2010 Federal Taxes yet, the deadline is extended to April 18th due to the fact that the 15th is a holiday (Emancipation Day) in D.C. this year:,,id=233910,00.html

So, if you haven't done so, you have a few extra days anyway. However, this extension does not apply to State & Local taxes (deadlines vary from State and municipality). Just found this out myself, so I decided to share. (I filed mine already...but, I still have to file my mom's taxes...oops!) Ha ha ha!

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Good Wednesday morning Nikki (and everyone)! I hope everyone is having a wonderful week! In New Orleans right now & it is a GORGEOUS day! Just about to go out to enjoy it & bask in the sunshine! See people, one can enjoy NOLA sans alcohol! Ha ha ha! Got another 2 free nights for Harrah's for next week I'm coming back next Wednesday! Hopefully the weather will be nice then too!

ps. Regardless of what I do and say sometimes...Jitna, I think you're alright!:)


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I don't think I could narrow it down to five...but maybe 20.Give me 20 to 25 and I will give you a list
Nikki Nova
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Thanks Nikki for the well wishes and for that amazing pic. Big love to you for being the first to follow my tweets for my site. I am working on becoming a contributor to other movie blogs to help build up my writing resume. I would love to hear about your five favorite movies so I can post them in a recent article soon.!/videovangaurd


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

me too honey. I haven't been posting a smuch the past few days because my schedule is just uber insane right now guys.
Tax time and my accountant of 11 yrs had a "mild" stroke and people in my family having babies and family drama happening at the same time and workload etc and so on. Big love to you guys
Nikki Nova
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What's left of the week looks like it could be quite draining for me, but thanks to the pic it's given me the lift I needed :) Thank you Nikki


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Official Checked Star Member


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Yeah I'm disappearing for a few days. I need some breathing room. Every now and then the idots just get to be too much and I need to take a couple of days to just focus on other things or I will end up snapping on someone that doesn't deserve it. Between the accountanthaving a stroke and the tax hellf Ive bene in and the web idiots that you are reffering to only I mean all of them. The ones comoing at me from all angle...and the workload and this one idiot in particluar in my personal life I need some space to breath before I snap.
Nikki Nova
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I think its funny all the comments people left on your twitter about your accountant LOL