Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

"Yummy" too?!?!?! I'll add INCREDIBLE!

You can only presume Nikki is 'yummy' and 'tasty'.

I am wholly willing to take one for the team, do the dirty work, and find out for certain if Nikki is indeed yummy.

Don't say I never do anything for you! :1orglaugh

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

You can only presume Nikki is 'yummy' and 'tasty'.

I am wholly willing to take one for the team, do the dirty work, and find out for certain if Nikki is indeed yummy.

Don't say I never do anything for you! :1orglaugh
How very uncommonly "noble" of you to be so willing to make such "sacrifices" for the rest of us! Ha ha ha! Now, to be perfectly honest, just talking to her would be "Tasty" & "Yummy" enough for me...she just has those very real powers of stimulation! (Come on now know what I mean...ha ha ha! Honestly, at this point in my "health saga," I'm not too certain that I would survive much more than that! Ha ha ha! SERIOUSLY though! Oh Hell, I could think of FAR worse ways to go! Ha ha ha!)

Just checked the current OCSM of the Week voting & the ever lovely Nikki Nova currently leads by a vote count of 12-5-3-1-1 (with all 5 nominees currently receiving at least 1 vote)! Keep the votes coming...I'm assuming that today is the last day to vote! Just go here:

And simply post "Nikki Nova" or "I vote for Nikki Nova" or something along those lines! From what I can tell, Nikki is actually either at, or close to the highest vote count for any nominee this year!

Another adjective to describe Nikki Nova for her French fans....."par excellence!"


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Thanks u guys. Thank u Larss for the nominations. Super sweet of you!!
Nikki Nova
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I voted for Nikki on the other thread...

Were in the earth can i see more...This is amazling sexy

Dont hot link images.

Good man...with impeccable taste!!! That gives Nikki a lead of 10-5-3-1 (Only four have received votes)!!!

And yeah, Nikki does look amazing in that pic.....but I am "kinda" biased....I always think Nikki looks amazing (which I'm fairly certain you do as well)!

Nikki, that last picture of you, as has been pointed out by a couple of people already, is amazing. I'm not sure whether it's the hair or your butt in those sexy black panties, but DAMN! that's sexy.


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Thank you! Very sweet of you. If my hair was naturally straight I would cut it like this in a second's not and when i did cut my hair into a bob after this it was a huge pain in the ass
It took 2 hours just to get like THIS everyday. Naturally curly/wavy hair limits a girl. hahaha
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This is my favourite photo of Nikki Nova, of all time. I can't say more.


Miss Hybrid x


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Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

No it was a wig and after I shot these pics I cut my hair into a bob cut just doesn't work on me because I have naturally curly/wavy hair. It's way more work to have it shorter believe or not than to have it longer when it's curly.
Nikki Nova
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Seems we all agree we love the 'do. Is it a wig, new hair cut or old hair cut?? All I know is I think I found a new wallpaper for the pc haha :)


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Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Naturally curly/wavy hair limits a girl. hahaha
Believe limits a guy too! Ha ha ha! My hair is naturally curly too! Imagine being a guy in elementary school with naturally curly hair (a full head of curls actually)! Ha ha ha! On the negative side, some boys would on occasion make fun of it (we all remember how it is in elementary school.....Hell, we should, it's like that on here at times...ha ha ha!). On the plus side, all of the girls loved it! I'm sure we all know who's opinion I cared about! "Strangely," I've never been one to go out of my way to impress dudes! Ha ha ha!

Besides, now that I am an adult, and there still isn't much that I can do with it style wise, of all of the things that I do have to worry about (and believe me, there are several), thankfully going bald isn't one of them! Ha ha ha!
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

No it was a wig and after I shot these pics I cut my hair into a bob cut BUT...

BUT....what happened to the WIG?!?!? :dunno:

I've got a fevah and the only cure is more WIG! :1orglaugh
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

No it was a wig and after I shot these pics I cut my hair into a bob cut just doesn't work on me because I have naturally curly/wavy hair. It's way more work to have it shorter believe or not than to have it longer when it's curly.
Nikki Nova
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:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :)

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Describe NN in one word. Some have tried, few succeed.
Truer words were never spoken Mr. LS! NN is truly a unique & special individual! Definitely one of a kind! On a related note, all of this love for NN and the related sanity that has been present in this thread lately (last few days specifically) has me feeling all warm and tingly inside! Ahhhhh....sanity! Ha ha ha!

Now to see how many OCSM of the Week titles in a row we can string together for the lovely and amazing NN! Seriously though, if we wanted to. the sky would definitely be the limit!:)



Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

No it was a wig and after I shot these pics I cut my hair into a bob cut just doesn't work on me because I have naturally curly/wavy hair. It's way more work to have it shorter believe or not than to have it longer when it's curly.
Nikki Nova
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personally i always found wavy much sexier than straight hair

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Note to self: Stay away from DocJitna (as my hair is naturally curly and wavy, though I just got it cut it's straighter for now)! For the record, I love curly/wavy hair too, but other than my own.....I only love it on women! Of course, I could never grow it long in the back even if I wanted to....which I don't...I'll leave that for women! Ha ha ha! Men's hair (other than my own), unless it is absolutely rediculous, I couldn't care less about it! Ha ha ha!

Hey DocJitna, sorry I couldn't find "Barney Sings Black Sabbath," but here is a lil Ozzy from 41 years ago:

"N.I.B" ~ Black Sabbath

Now a piece of trivia: What does N.I.B. stand for?

ps. I told y'all I had very eclectic tastes in music! Ha ha ha!

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

thank you for pointing that out jbs173_1972 in my absence:kiss:

and the winner is ........

Nikki Nova

congrats on your win babe:hatsoff::partysml::partysml:

Well deserved

Congrats to the ever lovely, and equally awesome Nikki Nova on being named OCSM of the Week!!!

As Alisa said: Well deserved indeed!!!

Nativity in Black.
That is correct! N.I.B. stands for "Nativity in Black!!!"


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

hahaha. Thanks you guys!!! Oh and supadupafly thank you so much for the link to "more cowbell". That's a hilarious video/skit.
Nikki Nova
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Hi Nikki :wave2: :iloveyou:

Okay, then maybe I was mistaken

There again, maybe this one proves my point.

and this one.

Describe NN in one word. Some have tried, few succeed.

Hell no!!!

What we need is:

More Cowbell :1orglaugh


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Good Job Cunning Stunts!. I had NO IDEA and I'm a wee bit ashamned that I didn't actually.
Nikki Nova
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Note to self: Stay away from DocJitna (as my hair is naturally curly and wavy, though I just got it cut it's straighter for now)! For the record, I love curly/wavy hair too, but other than my own.....I only love it on women! Of course, I could never grow it long in the back even if I wanted to....which I don't...I'll leave that for women! Ha ha ha! Men's hair (other than my own), unless it is absolutely rediculous, I couldn't care less about it! Ha ha ha!

Hey DocJitna, sorry I couldn't find "Barney Sings Black Sabbath," but here is a lil Ozzy from 41 years ago:

"N.I.B" ~ Black Sabbath

Now a piece of trivia: What does N.I.B. stand for?

ps. I told y'all I had very eclectic tastes in music! Ha ha ha!

Nativity in Black.

Just wanted to say hi to Ms. Nova :)


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Really? I did? Wow! Very cool. I can't find the fucking thread to post a thank you to everyone. Shit shit shit! haha
Will someone send me a link to the damned thread so I can say thank you to everyone for making that happen. Feels super good to be appreciated. Thanks you guys!!!
Nikki Nova
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Congrats to the ever lovely, and equally awesome Nikki Nova on being named OCSM of the Week!!!

As Alisa said: Well deserved indeed!!!

That is correct! N.I.B. stands for "Nativity in Black!!!"


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