Nikkala Stott

New photoshoots coming soon!!!

Its down to us, men. If we want more material, we have to buy it, and we have to let them know so they will keep hiring her. Evidently she's prepared to carry on if there's a demand. So get all your other shit for free, but pay for Nik!
I wouldn't mind paying for seeing her nude if she once in awhile showed her cookie but paying to see more of the same as she always have shown, not so much. So it fully depends on the content is getting of her.


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Her latest Body in Mind set; Burlesque

Girlfolio, are you sure? Body in mind is claiming in that gallery that she's now completely exclusive to them, maybe those Girlfolio galleries are old galleries, and if they are, then they probably still won't show her genitalia.

I have to admit that I still like seeing her new sets. Those 2x2 inches that she's keeping to herself aren't that important for me. I find her images sexy, but not in the 'Hustler' fashion, more like the early Playboy issues. It's refreshing seeing her with different props every time, a lot of her galleries are really special. I mean, you do see a lot of models who bare it all in extreme close-ups, but you still look for more images of them. Not because you're expecting to see the same thing, but because you'd like to see them wearing different make-up, that dress that reminds you of the time you first met your ex-girlfriend, or even those new outfits that all the sexy girls seem to be wearing these days.

P.S. On Girlfolio it says that those are also Body in Mind sets, I just hope that those sets will have a Mediterranean look to them and will be out soon.
She has an excellent waistline and body shape. That combined with the naturally endowed body elsewhere and the pretty face is a combination that's hard to beat.