NiggaFlip - You have to see that! It's hilarious!

yo i tried to do this on my girl and now im a parapelegic thanks a lot you asshole but still pretty lol i would laugh if i had my spine intact
Does anyone know which movie was this in?
I would like to see the whole video :D

P.S. I forgot to tell this before: These people are professionals. Don't try this at home!

Bumping this as it would be interesting to see the whole clip or movie, bump?


Land Of The Snakes
I don't know. The chick in your link has no shoes, in my link she has them. But It seems like it's the same girl. Looks like they have repeated that flip several times;).

it looks like the same girl maybe a different scene? the name of the move is call F-150 that's what the dude "prince" calls it.