Nicolette Shea is making probably about 80% of what is being charged. Therefore the OnlyFans platform is very lucrative for adult models and pornstars. Unlike at what is offered let's say at Manyvids, where Bella French and the MV staff are making about 65% on a sale while the content creator makes only 35% after expenses. Bianca Beauchamp told me the payouts between OnlyFans and Manyvids. That is why many ladies are leaving MV in droves. It's expensive and the profit margin at Manyvids is very limited.
I don't know what the payout schedule is at the other two competitors, Clips4Sale and I-Want-Clips.
They have two types of videos at OnlyFans that the owners provide to content creators -- 480p SD or 720p HD -- Hopefully, she is showing 720p type videos in her DM feed. Now unfortunately, at OnlyFans for both types of videos, viewing aka streaming is the only option. You cannot download any videos from a content creator to your harddrives.
The 480 SD versions are very grainy. Unlike the 720p HD versions which have much better clarity. Almost pristine.
Only way for a video download at OnlyFans to occur? The model would have to make the video available through the platform. However, that is pretty much outside of the OnlyFans charging base. The result? It would be 100% profit to the model. On those sales, nothing goes to OnlyFans.