Nicoleta Emilie - AKA: Alexis, Emilie, Emmy S, Emylia Argent, Nicoleta Emilie, Nicoletta, Nicolette

Not to be the bearer of bad tidings, but recently Emylia posted this message:

"prosla jsem si za poslednich 9 mesicu hodne zkusenostma a jsem moc rada ze jsem i v teto branzi mohla potkat svou velikou lasku u ktere vim ze on je ten jedine v mem zivote . . . poznala jsem spousta uzasnych lidi, podivala se do krasnych krajin a natocila si i par super filmu . . . pred 14dny prisel ten rozhodujici moment kdy mi on otevrel oci a pozadal me o to abych byla i ja jeho jedina . . . a stalo se . . . koncim s pornem a moc vsem dekuji za fandeni, za mnoho fanousku a velike podpory!krasny vecer vsem kiss"

My (feeble) translation of the Czech:

I went through the experiences of the last 9 months and I'm glad that in this business I could meet my one great love, whom I know is the only one in my life. . . I met lots of wonderful people, saw beautiful landscapes, and watched some twisted and super films . . . 14 days ago, the decisive moment came when he opened his eyes to me and asked me about it and I was the only one . . . and it happened . . . I'm done with porn and many thanks to you all for cheering me on, for all the fans and all the great support! wonderful evening to all *kiss*