NFL players have no right to demand more money

Why do these Billionaire owners demand that public money be used for stadium improvements/construction?

THAT'S the real crime....
Most Americans' lives would change forever if they had just $1 million, not to mention being paid lucrative salaries that spanned millions of dollars over three to four year spans. This would enable them to live comfortably for the rest of their lives while working a menial job, if they even chose to do that.

If every American was suddenly given a million dollars, I'm willing to bet that most of them would not be responsible and put it into savings and investments. Instead they would use it to buy expensive toys, extravagant vacations, hookers and blow, etc. Or they'd quit their jobs and live off the money for as long as they could. Within a year most of those people would be just as poor as they were before being given a million dollars.

Hell, there are people who have won lotteries with jackpots in the tens of millions of dollars, and within a few years they had pissed it all away.
There WERE exceptions.
It just wasn't virtually the rule like it is now.
Nowadays it's an epidemic.

What players in the NFL were getting paid back then is probably a testament to what the enterprise was worth back then. There are two ways to look at it.. Pro Football was fledgling as major entertainment enterprise. Therefore, the salaries reflected the state of the 'industry'. Or, the NFL was making the money as an enterprise but weren't paying the players a commensurate portion of it.

Again, players in any billion dollar entertainment enterprise are going to (and should) earn commensurate pay for their leading roles in the enterprise.
To be fair and to play devil's advocate why should billionaire owners want more money?

Unlike other people in business that make as much as professional athletes do I think entertainers like them are some of the only people that actually deserve it. Everybody that pays the money that goes to them does so out of pure willingness to do so. They aren't hijacking some needed resource or de facto essential of life to make a profit either. Add to that they risk permanent injury each time they go out on the field much greater than most normal working people and they have short careers that could end at any time if things go wrong. I don't blame them for making the money they do when they can especially considering the players bring in billions of dollars of revenue each year. As long as an agreement between them and the owners is fair and maintains the integrity of the league and the sport I don't care how it's done.

Let me ask everybody a question that doesn't like athletes making a lot of money. If you walked into work tomorrow and found out that you personally and your ethical work where the reason your company was making millions and millions of dollars in profit that they wouldn't otherwise make would you just shrug it off and take the normal wage you always had because that's what everybody else got while the company and a few other already rich people pocketed all that in your place.