New window or same window?

Open the link in:

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Platinum Member
As you probably know our board software recognizes babe names and creates a link to the babe section. For example if I type Lela Star it gets automatically linked. My question is or you would like to have the link opened in a new window (like how it is right now) or in the same window?

Thanks for voting :thumbsup:
I like the new window thing, since it opens up in a new tab in Firefox. I wouldn't be bothered if that changed though, I can just hold control when clicking a link and it will open in a new tab that way. No hassle.
I use the browser firefox, and i always select open in new tab... so no biggie to me


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
No matter what browser I use.. I always liked a new window/tab. Since tabs are so temporary these days, I often close them and just say fuck it. Leaving behind a short history of browsing. Ah well. Some anger, some loss. My dick will get over it. ::reopens a new friggin' bookmark tab to browse to where I was at and find the link or chick I wanted::
With firefox, all you need is middle click. It's made for opening up entire sets of pics.
yesss. If I want to close the old window, I'll do it on my own.
I prefer new tabs. I'm not a fan of new windows popping up left and right.