New Weird Al?

Where did you hear it? I've heard from a number of people some station on XM radio is playing it, but other than that I don't know where it is.




he didnt even change the name of the song
damn, that sucks major balls. Weird al used to be great until he started just parodying rap. Where are the polka medleys and the GOOD parodies? make fun of nickelcrap, or that katie perry song 'i kissed a girl', heres a good start 'i fisted a girl'.
I like Weird Al poking fun at all those serious rap stars. Amish Paradise, White and Nerdy great songs and the videos are hilarious.


Take a Hit, Spunker!
just go to itunes and search weird al

itunes? Please tell me you're joking!! There's 3 things in the world I never, ever pay for: movies, music and porn.