New movie "Flash of genius"

There is a new movie that is coming out called "Flash of genius" which is the true story about the guy who invented the intermittent windshield wiper. And then after he showed his design to Ford they tried to steal it and deny he had invented it and that led to a long battle with them that I guess he won eventually.How good a movie it will be I have no idea but it's an interesting sounding story IMO.
I saw the ad for that.

Sears did that to the guy that invented the quick release ratchet and eventually they had to pay him $25M for stealing the design.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I think that is a cool story...but only for about 3 minutes. How they're going to make a whole movie keep my interest??? I don't know.


With the right script, this could be a great film. It's an interesting concept for sure.


Hiliary 2020
What was that movie promo guy with the deep voice who recently passed aways name?
I'd like to hear him to the movie trailer.

One man, One Idea. They tried to steal it from him but he fought back, with a vengeance..........
It was his invention, "its my invention!" It was his legacy, "its my legacy!"
Watch as one man struggles to overcome copyright laws in a corporate thriller that will leave you on the edge of your seat........Coming Soon.