>> New FreeOnes search engine (Input needed)


FreeOnes Team Member
I've changed the behaviour of the "site:"-operator. Now it does not only work like a filter on your keywords, it also works standalone!
Searching for only site:freeones.com will now show all links that are on our *.freeones.com domains.

A complete help/information page will be put online very soon, so you all can use our new search engine to the max!
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I see the engine is not beta anymore. Congratulations for all the team. You all did a great job. Keep improving Freeones, is one of my favorite sites.
Good job, no bugs, thanks. Congratulations from Czech republic .-)
I've got a suggestion for the advanced search options. This one has bugged me for a while...

All of the categories have a minimum and maximum range option except cup size. Why? There have been plenty of times that I was searching for the name of a girl, looked at her breasts and thought, "Hmm... I could see that being considered a large C or a small D. Guess I'll have to search for both." It'd be a lot simpler to just put in "Minimum Cup Size: C / Maximum Cup Size: D". It would also be useful when I'm just looking to browse and I want girls on the larger side, but don't want to have to do 3 separate searches to find them all.

Thanks for all you do!
Not bad at all, but I would still like to see a "sportyone.com" style of barometer, telling us if the model has done hardcore, anal, dp etc...
The advanced babe search doesn't give back all the girls who match the criteria. For example, if I put min height 170 cm, breast maximum 36, it doesn't show all the models who fit the search. I remember doing the same search on the old advanced search. The list was two times longer. Thanks.

I'm still having the same problem with the height feature, actually.
For example, if I enter a search for a minimum height of 6'0'', I still get results of babes shorter than that. If I enter it in centimeters, like 180 cm, it only allows five characters in the field so I can't fit the space between the number and cm. I tried without the space (180cm) and without the cm and every way, the results come up as if I entered no preference for height.
I still love the advanced search features but that's the one part I've always had problems with.
The last time you idiots started messing around with bullshit settings the site was fucked for weeks. Maybe the site needs a qualified tech instead of some goofball hitting random buttons like a chimp.


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
The last time you idiots started messing around with bullshit settings the site was fucked for weeks. Maybe the site needs a qualified tech instead of some goofball hitting random buttons like a chimp.

Thanks for the advice and the aftershock necrobump. I crown you today's official stick in the ass. Wear it proud.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Adam, did you forget to double lock the tard cages, AGAIN?!? This is why we can't have nice things.
Thanks for the advice and the aftershock necrobump. I crown you today's official stick in the ass. Wear it proud.
I didn't necro/bump the thread moron. Moonchild22 did today at 5:20. Check your facts

Apology accepted