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Neesa - Redhead Milf

hehe sure i enjoyed it - thats fucking awesome stuff!! :hammer:
thats exactly what i want!! :hammer: :hammer:

..but pictures would also be nice! :wave2:
Replying to ur comments..
Yeah,I didn't enjoy the Milfsoup much.It bored me.It was the directors first movie ever so I will cut him some slack.Thats what u get when talent attempts directing.And I was with 3 guys.2 had never been talent in a porn b 4.And those 2 were 18 and 19 yrs old.Very inexperienced.I got no time to wk with amateurs.And the sound quality sucked.But check out my other 2 Bang Bros vids,"Milflessons 7+11".
Also I want to tell u that I will be doing web cam for the first time in late Dec. I will keep you guys updated.And it will be my first adult content since Nov 06.
Thx to all you guys who stuck up for me.I love u 4 it.And Dave Rhino,u seem so angry,may I suggest a little anger management.I went myself and I can tell u,it works.U must have something better to do than talk smack about me,right?And London is where ur at? Nice teeth! But,I like that u took time out of your day to post on MY board.But I must block your posts bcause I don't allow any negativety to enter my soul.Sorry darlin',have a happy Thanksgiving though and think positive and u will be. ;)

James,the only pics I have of my shoots are what I find online.U can google me under Neesa Porn and find some.

Welcome some of my new fans! And first time posters!
hola! i'm from buenos aires, agentina... and i must say that even when there are beautiful girls in my hometown, no-one seems to be as beautiful as you are, girl ;)
(just wanna say hi, and thanks all these guys for the links. pardon my english)
Welcome Joaquin and Scooter! ANd thanks for the sweetness! I will be doing my first nude work on camera in 1 year exactly..Late Dec for 2 weeks.If I like it,I will continue..I will keep you posted but for now I think its naked.com?
On another note..I searched th internet and saw a posting by an asshole named Sean..I replied..I copied/pasted it for you to read.I tried to reply and it didnt allow me.If he runs the board/is friends with the webmaster,I am sure he made it possible with the IP address thing...SO I will post my reply here.

Keep in mind,this is a man(Well,hes really not a man) who started a post called,"Do some women deserve to be raped? Now,if he ever got convicted of rape/anything bad..This posting will come up in court.What a loser.Hes gotta be fat and ugly..SO I am asking you,my fans to reply to his post..Tell him exactly what you think of his ridiculous posts..Look at all his other posts.Its located on Left of his post..Thanks

Max Hardore in trouble
SeanRenaud posted on Jun 01, 2007 | views: 310 | Tags: Max Hardcore, freedom of speech, max, the looooser

For those of you who do not know who Max Hardcore is, he is porn director know for particularly extreme videos. In the European versions they commonly include urination and vomit. In the American versions they standarly just have a large amount of rough oral and anal sex.

He's been indicted (again) for distributing obscene materials. What precisely is the legal definition of obscene, particularly as applied to imported (or in this case downloaded) information?

What's your case, this isn't Joe Francis of Girls Gone Wild fame who at least did a few legally questionable things. This is about consenting adults doing (unusual) adult things.

What do you think?

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neesa said about 17 hours ago....
Consenting adults?Hi,my name is Neesa.I was the star in one of max's(Purposely lowercased) videos.There was no consenting.This hairlip,ugly thing raped,tortured me,verbally abused me(Telling me I need to lose weight when I was 90 pounds.ANd made it very difficult for me to leave.You weren't there.There have been plently of police reports on him.He doesn't have much money like people think.I looked into it.And he is not the only name on his house.I have a big feeling he is gay too.Do u really think girls say o.k. to the vomit? Seriously? He doesnt pay shit! He says he does,but he doesnt.The girls who stick up for him(2) are payed by him to do so.I hope I helped you see more clearly. He was raided by the FBI.DO you realise how hard it is to get the FBI to your house? And why does this old noodle hang out with rap stars?SO they can fight his battles? He's more broke than you think people.People think he's cool,until he rapes your sister,girlfriend,etc..What if he did that to your child? For the men that have shit to say...Remember karma..If you think it's cool to rape women,it will happen to your child,or family member,girlfriend,etc..I wish that on you.You dont stand up for a rapist.The only fans he has are ones that are angry at women.max is pissed bcause girls never liked him in school.Boo fuckin' hoo. I am insulted that anyone would stick up for him.He's a bad(He's not even a person).He was abused as a child and is taking it out on women.Justice will be served.I will make sure of it.And I allready made that possible.I will fight tis till my last breath.I am a strong,powerfull women who is very intellegent.He is a wanna be leader/manipulator.And when he is lying in a casket,I will be sure to spit on his grave :) I dont fear you max.Obviously,with all the shit talking I say about you.
SeanRenaud said about 5 hours ago....
You got paid, unless you were one of the first girls to star in one of his films you had to know exactly what was going to be expected of ou. so you either consented or you were an idiot.

That said considering how badly the feds have wanted him for how long if you (or anybody) had the slightest hint of evidence that he raped you he'd have been put away.

And here is my reply that I am not able to post..

O.K. Sean the women hater.You know everything.You're
right.I made the whole thing up.I was just having
fun.What a hoot.I got paid $100 after being promised a
whopping $600.I used it to fly home.I hope your
daughter,wife,girlfriend go through what I did.Like I
said,he says he wont force you to do anything,and then
forces you to do things.Which is called rape.And yes,I
am an idiot Sean.You have me pegged.10 bucks says you
are fat and ugly.Oh,I def. had something ot do w him
getting in trouble.I dont need to prove that. Keep
standing up for your boyfriend max.Do what he says.He
made you his butch.I am sure you are his friend/or
him.Have a Happy Thanksgiving Sean.You rock!
;).Hahahahha SIncerely,the idiot.

P.S> Love your post about women that deserve to get
raped.Does your mom deserves to get raped?When u r convocted for rape,that post will come
to haunt you.Hahahahaha.You are fun Sean! Keep In
touch :)

(You can find his postings on www.soulcast.com
I found it by googling max hardcore in trouble.
Replying to ur comments..
Yeah,I didn't enjoy the Milfsoup much.It bored me.It was the directors first movie ever so I will cut him some slack.Thats what u get when talent attempts directing.And I was with 3 guys.2 had never been talent in a porn b 4.And those 2 were 18 and 19 yrs old.Very inexperienced.I got no time to wk with amateurs.And the sound quality sucked.But check out my other 2 Bang Bros vids,"Milflessons 7+11".
Also I want to tell u that I will be doing web cam for the first time in late Dec. I will keep you guys updated.And it will be my first adult content since Nov 06.

I also wanted to chime in by saying how beautiful you are.
I also wanted to know if you could explain how there two were inexperienced.
How do I start a new thread? I wanted to do so w the following big news...
Not only am I starting webcam in mid Dec,but I will be signing for Bang Bros at the Vegas AVN convention which goes on Jan 9-13th.Days and times posted soon.I'v never signed autographs b 4 so this is a rare thing..Also,come check out my new look ;) Neesa
Great news Neesa! I hope you'll have fun doing the convention, signing all those autographs - without trying to be too smutty, it will be your turn to have the aching wrist! :rofl: If only I could get there to get one... and autograph that is, not the strained wrist... I can probably do that myself!

I'm also glad to hear about the webcam starting next month! How's it going to work?
Nissa + new look = ME WANNA SEE (the "old" one was fantastic mind you, but change in styles can be a real turn on) I just hope you still have red hair, I absolutely adored it.

Anyhow, just registered here, but I'm a "long" time Neesa fan, I can honestly say your the best looking woman I've seen over the internet. There's few in real life that tops you aswell so far, but I'm currently in love so I guess I can't be very objective about it.

And I would really like to wish you good luck with your new plans and I'll promise to support, by watching and most probably wanking =)
Dear Neesa,
This thread has been engrossing. I have read every post, because your insight into the adult business has been fascinating. Clearly I was here looking for naked women, and I found them. What I didn't expect was a pagan woman with strong opinions. I have never liked Max, so you will get a special one time boost to your spells from a druid.
Porn has always been a collection thing for me, since I have never had TOO much problem getting actual sex. That's prolly gonna sound odd to a lot of people, but it is likely caused by a seriously fucked up childhood.
Anyway, I've noticed that you tend to skim long posts, so I will just leave with one last question. What led you into Wicca? I'm guessing that that's the witchcraft you talk about, so please don't be offended if my supposition is wrong.

P/S Not trying to get into your pants, as I am happily married to an incredibly sensual woman, but I'd like to talk. LOL, she might even like you opinions.
When the web company receives the legal paperwork,my webcam profile will be up,and then I can start.So maybe as soon as next week.This is how it works..I will not be wking for myself.A company handles all the credit card money stuff,website and technical,etc..I'm just the talent.I am doing naughty webcam solo for now.Maybe in the future I will have others join me.

I have only done webcam 1 other time back in 1999 for 1 month.The company ripped me off on commission so I quit.I think about 1 year later the man died of a heart attack(Like I said,I practice magic and I make things happen with my mind when ppl wrong me.His name was Greg Greggory and he did other things in the porn industry as well.)

There's a good chance I won't get ripped off now bcause I have worked for the company before doing porn...It's owned by bangbros..

On a plitical note..I just want to say,relating to the situation with the British lady in Sudan who's class named a fucking teddy bear Muhammed..Now she's in jail and looking at death,40 lashes on her ass,etc..I just named my wet,pussy,muhammed(Lowercased on purpose for the lack of respect I have for those people)....So from now on,please refer to my pussy as muhammed.Hahahaha.For real.I am even considering making a porno called,"Neesa's Pussy is called muhammed".

But I do want to say that my heart goes out to the British women and her family.I don't care what religion,rules,etc are in other countries..A man in Sudan said,"He wants to behead her for allowing her class to name the teddy bear that.."Well,I want to have one of my gay male friends fuck that Sudan man in the ass just for saying that".If you don't know what I am talking about..Just google that shit..

Also,it is the end of the year and i know some of you donate $ to charity for tax purposes..If u r interested in donating to some of my fave organizations,please let me know and I will give u their website info.

My new look-Well,I make alot more $ at the strip clubs with my new look,so it can't be that bad.My friends and customers say I look really good.But,I am sure I will lose some fans,but I will gain just as many new ones.But I understand that this business is about a look.If I change my look,I can't expect to keep all my fans.

As far as my body goes,I can tell u what I did that's different..I went from 98-92 pounds over the last few months.I went through a deep depression over losing someone.I dropped alot of weight from my unhealthy eating habits.During that time I started going to the gym more than I used to,I changed my work out to a longer/more strenuis one.I started doing pilates and yoga..For the first time in 15 years my butt is not too big anymore.My legs are nice and lean and strong.I have a very physically healthy body.It's finally right where i want it.

I am looking forward to this whole AVN thing.It will be the first time I am a part of it.I hope I get asked to do interviews so I can b my scandelous self and talk shit,expose the industry,tell them the cmapnies that have been cool to me,tell everyone they can find me on freeones,and just be an outspoken cunt.Thanks for all your support,kind words,understanding,and most of all respect for me and the female gender.


Neesa...good for you. Take what comes and make it work for you.

About that Sudan thing...it is real typical of Islam; an impoverished country with very low level of independent thought.
The teacher actually gave out the Teddy Bears to the kids and told them to name them, then write stories about them (imaginary stuff).
ONE little boy name Mohammed (most names with Mohmammed in them mean "Beloved of.., son of..., blessed son of...) named his Teddy after himself, and therein is her heinous crime.
What can you expect of people who wipe their ass with their left hand, and put livestock on a higher level than women? Whatever...

Would you post a photo of you that's recent? Wanna see your new look!
Liked the old one; the more Neesa the better!
Before checking out the "new look Neesa" - I recently got the Barely Legal #28 and MILF Lessons #7 DVDs both with great perfomances from our favourite redheaded thread queen! :) Especially the MILF Lessons DVD which contained outtakes - all from Neesa's scene! :D
Nessa! I love you soooo much. You such an inspiration to me, you beautiful and you don't take shit from nobody. You are a true badass Nessa. I love a girl who can get down and dirty and can fight for her own rights.
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Neesa, I stumbled across this thread by accident whilst looking for some more of your work. It's great to see you have such a strong and balanced personality, plus you have the brains to round out your exceptional good looks - a perfect combination.

I hope everything is going smoothly with Bangbros. I've got a lot of respect for their output, especially as everyone seems to be genuinely enjoying themselves. Anything involving you is going to be super hot, and I can't think of a better studio for you to be getting involved with. Hopefully it'll lead you to all the places you want to go with your career :)