Official Checked Star Member
You're a tough one, Spex.
Perhaps, but he wanted my opinion so I gave it. IMO, no one has the right to have an affair. I don't care who you are or what your marital situation is like, if its that bad that you are going to stray, then just be a man (or woman) and end it. Disrespecting the person you vowed to love forever, not to mention exposing them to STD's that they never asked for is just not necessary. And furthermore, if you have children, then its important to show the mother (or father) of your children basic respect for the kids sake. Otherwise you put the children in a position where they have to take sides, and thats never a good idea. Its your job as a parent to set the example of how to treat your loved ones, and human beings as a whole...if you can't set that kind of example then why have kids? All you're doing is showing them how shitty people and spouses can be, and sets them up to lower their own standards when they choose future life mates.
I'm just speaking from experience here. Like I said, I'm the product of a marriage where my father engaged in extra marital affairs and seeing first hand how my father crushed my mothers soul...thats something I'll never forget. My siblings feel the same way. There's never EVER an excuse good enough to pardon infidelity. If the marriage is that bad...then get out of it.