Nazi-Arabs attacked America

Can you or anybody explain one of the many things I've posted here with a logical explanation

He, myself and others were doing so earlier on the thread, but it appears you have no interest in logical explanations, so why continue trying?

I could readily pick apart everything you've posted - this last video about the "mysterious vehicles" and the theory they were actually there the day before is one of the most ridiculous things I've seen posted yet (as if there could possibly be that kind of massive local buildup before the fact yet nobody, not one soul, has mentioned observing it in the aftermath) - but I've got better things to do with my time than spend an hour typing logical arguments and posting photos to support them when I know they'll just be dismissed because they don't fit your deeply ingrained mindset.

Are you even aware that Judge Napolitano has long since cut loose his statement that nobody died before 5:13? I could have posted that days and days ago but again, why bother?


Hiliary 2020
I don't care too much about what Napolitano said. That's just one thing.

Nothing in most of these manufactured terror attacks, shootings and bombings makes sense.
You haven't looked into it. You just take what the news and the GOV tells you.
And although it sounds good I don't think you can pick apart anything I said let alone a reasonable explanation.
You can believe it's real, I don't blame you. You can believe Al quada and Isis or whatever they call it today isn't created armed and paid for by the GOV.
You can trust what the politicians and the fake news tell you and not question any of it despite the obvious lies deception and manipulation.
If you can't see what's so obvious I can't make you.


Closed Account
I don't care too much about what Napolitano said. That's just one thing.

Nothing in most of these manufactured terror attacks, shootings and bombings makes sense.
You haven't looked into it. You just take what the news and the GOV tells you.
And although it sounds good I don't think you can pick apart anything I said let alone a reasonable explanation.
You can believe it's real, I don't blame you. You can believe Al quada and Isis or whatever they call it today isn't created armed and paid for by the GOV.
You can trust what the politicians and the fake news tell you and not question any of it despite the obvious lies deception and manipulation.
If you can't see what's so obvious I can't make you.

Since you took your time explaining this conspiracy theory and showing this alleged proof with lots of exampes, telling people they haven't looked into it is hardly a convincing excuse for people not being convinced by it. Nor does it mean that people take for granted everything what politicians and the media say. This board with heated debate on a political section and basically the entire internet tell another story. I'm not trying to be mean but I notice how this argument is always the last line of defense for conspiracy theorists: "you haven't looked into it" - or when I broaden it to other conspiracies talked about on the internet: "you are too stupid to understand" or "they must be hired by the government to make us look bad and cover this up" - somehow reassuring yourself that it's a just cause and you are part of the good and intelligent side. Or in other words: "you can't be wrong." That's not how it works buddy.

It's your job to come with proof since you claim it to be a conspiracy. What I have seen so far are a lot of cases of special pleading. There are plenty of reasonable explanations, yet you choose some sort of explanation to fit a theory. Somehow a mother being at the place of the crime and sobbing would be proof for you. Well, people will respond in all kind of ways when under a lot of stress: maybe they are in shock, maybe they get angry, be silent, need to talk, laugh, cry, maybe this woman has cried for hours and has no more tears, maybe this woman wants to be as close as possible to the scene where her son would be, maybe she keeps herself strong. All of these are reasonable explanations even if some may seem weird to you or me. What you claim several times in your posts: it should or should not be like [fill in an personal expectation], it isn't, therefore it is a conspiracy. None of that is proof. That's something you want to see. Everything you have said can indeed be picked apart as there are reasonable explanations for everything you stated

If you are claiming the system is failing in some areas, or that a government isn't what it should be and has secrets or does things that shouldn't see the daylight, if you are claiming politicians are manipulating or deceiving the general public, I don't think to many people would disagree. Making it a giant organised conspiracy however is a lack of reality.


Hiliary 2020
That was very well put. I can appreciate it.

A few things:
I'm not sure people have taken the time to look into it.
There are so many now.
Like I've said I can fill a page with Newtown and Orlando alone.
The demeanor of basically all the victims families and witnesses in both of these plus the fact that so many are actors or wanna be actors.
People just don't act like that after they lost a child or have been through what must have been a seriously traumatizing event.
And the victims who survived serious gunshot wounds and major trauma surgery doing press conferences a few hours earlier.
No way possible no matter what
Then of course there is the money. So much money.
Never any blood, never any video of the actual killings.
I'll stop there with that, but there is so much more.

So most admit and believe the GOV and the media mislead and lie. That they use real events like Ferguson for example to cause problems between groups. They do manipulate us at least to sell news.
We admit we don't trust them.

So why is it so hard to believe that if they do all this routinely and have been for years that they wouldn't go one step further and start manufacturing the news? And always with hot buttons and an agenda.
Because that's what they are doing and if people are too stupid to see it theyre just gonna keep doing it.

I believe we all feel something bad is coming soon. Most of us don't want to face it but it is.
These staged events in my opinion are partly used as a distraction for people of the US and Europe.
Our leaders and the people who own them are setting up WWIII as we get caught up in mass shootings and terror attacks almost on a daily basis at this point. Now they are coming so fast we can't even keep track. Probably be anither one by this time next week.
The summer of chaos which is clearly leading to Marshal Law.
Nato and the US are setting up war machine and nukes all around Russia. Our politicians who like I said are puppets are talking non stop about war and more war.
You don't see that in the headlines. You see one disaster after another whether staged or not.

Keep us distracted. Keep us worrying and stressing about these things. These manufactured boogeymen.
Stress out our children.That what pisses me off the most.
While our GOV and Nato do all they can to promote a serious war with russia.
If the media actually put what's happening in the headlines the people would not tolerate it. They would protest all over and the ones creating this threat to mankind would have to listen

Most of you seem pretty normal and smart. I can not see how you don't see most of these things are manufactured events.
Don't say they wouldn't do that because they would.

I'm not a big AlexJones fan but I think he's right on this topic. The video is made to be dramatic but the point remains the same.


Hiliary 2020
Nobody's buying what you're selling. Back off a bit.

Ok. But I'm not going all over the board with it. I'm sticking with this thread because there is no doubt in my mind that Orlando was a staged event.
But if nobody wants to believe or accept it that's fine. Keep believing the official stories that the fake news and the corrupt government sell you instead.
Maybe one day you will.
Everything is fine. The US does not fund ISIS. They are not setting up WWIII. They haven't been invading and destroying country after country and handing them over to radical muslims and all these mass shhotings and bombings, 160+ since Obama took office are just a coincidence.
The United States GOV and who really controls it has not become a threat to the entire world and it's not gonna hit the fan sooner than we think.


Hiliary 2020

released by the orlando police 2 weeks after the countrys worst mass shooting in history. So you gotta figure they started planning and filming this within days of the shootings.
Probably recorded the day they got their checks.
An emotional heartfelt video to show how affected they are by the tragedy. Not a dry eye in the house.
" to honor the 49 Victims of the Pulse tragedy".

Who's selling what now?
Everything you have said can indeed be picked apart as there are reasonable explanations for everything you stated


Re Putin - first of all, nobody is a more adept liar and propagandist. Why anybody would extend him any particular measure of credibility is beyond me. And if he's so concerned about WWIII then he needs to GET THE FUCK OUT OF UKRAINE. Russia is in direct violation of the Budapest Memorandum, an agreement it committed to back in 1994.

Who's selling what now?

What they're "selling" is that they aren't going to alter their lives and live in fear and darkness because some lunatic went on a rampage. Real simple. Real direct.

In regard to the sarcastic "no dry eyes" observation - I attended a memorial for someone today who died 2 weeks ago, and rather than being a tearful event (a great many tears had been shed already) it was an upbeat celebration of his life, and of life in general. Have you never experienced such a thing?


Hiliary 2020

Re Putin - first of all, nobody is a more adept liar and propagandist. Why anybody would extend him any particular measure of credibility is beyond me. And if he's so concerned about WWIII then he needs to GET THE FUCK OUT OF UKRAINE. Russia is in direct violation of the Budapest Memorandum, an agreement it committed to back in 1994.

What they're "selling" is that they aren't going to alter their lives and live in fear and darkness because some lunatic went on a rampage. Real simple. Real direct.

In regard to the sarcastic "no dry eyes" observation - I attended a memorial for someone today who died 2 weeks ago, and rather than being a tearful event (a great many tears had been shed already) it was an upbeat celebration of his life, and of life in general. Have you never experienced such a thing?

Well regarding the video. If you think that is normal after right after the supposed worst mass shooting in US history good for you.
I don't. I think it is more proof of the staged event.
btw where are the other survivors? I've only seen about 5 of them. Where's the other 45 or so that got shot?

Putin? I listen to him. The man repeatedly keeps saying he doesn't want a war and he has a superior military and some very serious explosives. Haven't heard any US politicains saying that lately.
And if the Ukraine is going to be used as an example well ok. How many countries has the US invaded, attacked and destroyed in the past hundred years? How many have they interfered with?
How many military bases do they have in other countries?
And is Russia bringing arms to the borders of Canada and Mexico and pointing them at us?
Are they bringing War ships to the coast of the Atlantic and Pacific and in the Gulf of Mexico?
Are they flying war planes all around our airspace?

I listen to Netanyahooo too. Our good friend who is constantly calling for war and has enough nukes to kill everyone and everything on the planet.

We are the aggressors here.
We have been for a long time. Our puppets leaders are the ones provoking war for the bankers and for israel.
All wars we've ever been in were for more money for the richest of the rich. Our owners.
By refusing to acknowledge that you and everybody else are enabling these psychopaths to lead us down a path nobody wants to go.
Not being "in the know" I guess I have to ask - what's the big deal about him being at a Clinton rally?
He didn't carrying out the shootings.
He didn't justify them.
He lives in the area.
What sinister scenario are we hopelessly naïve, not with the program commoners supposed to glean from this?


Hiliary 2020
What you mean the guy who's son who worked for G4S who killed 50+ people in town last month doing front row at a Hillary speech smiling his face off?
A speech in which she opened with talking about the Orlando shooting.
Coincidence that's all.
I'm not implying HC or the US GOV would try to deceive us. I know they wouldn't do that.
Yes, I see.
It's mighty suspicious she'd open by mentioning the Orlando shooting considering she was a whopping 10 miles away in Kissimmee.


Hiliary 2020
If you want to believe he was dead front and center right behind her on camera the whole time by coincidence you can.
Believe it all you want.
Believe the whole Orlando thing too.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Again, no one is buying what you're selling. I'm sure infowars has their own forum for tinfoil hat aficionados.
Again, no one is buying what you're selling. I'm sure infowars has their own forum for tinfoil hat aficionados.

I did buy one of [NOBABE]Alex Jones'[/NOBABE] Bill Clinton RAPE shirts and a Bill Clinton Rape whistle.


Hiliary 2020
That because you would rather stick your head in the sand.
I understand. Facing the truth can be too much for some people, especially the weak willed.
But that is not Mateens voice.
I knew that before I even saw this video by howiseetheworld.
Mateen has no accent at all. The guy on the recording sounds like some sort of spanish accent and is a very different voice.
It is not the same person.
And I'm not selling anything ace. You are.
You tell me where are the other 40+ victims that got shot. Who are they?
Considering that the 6 or 7 victims theyve shown us have made 10's of thousands in donations you might think a few more might show up, but no, not a one.
Tell me why so many witnesses of this horrific event are smiling and laughing right afterwards.
Tell me why the video of the supposed victims shown on all the news channels was filmed 2 blocks away from the club showing people carrying victims toward the club, some laughing and smiling.
Show me a drop of blood. Show me a body.
Tell me how people can get shot multiple times by a high powerd rifle then be up and about the next day smiling and waiving their arms without a hint of pain. That is not possible no matter what.
Tell me how they can be released from the hospital after being shot the next day and doing interviews looking perfectly fine.
Tel me how most of them are actors or aspiring actors or even news reporters for FOX.
Tell me why the parking lot of a club that had 300 people in it, 50 of them dead inside and another 50 in the hospital had only about 6-8 cars in it.
Show me an ambulance.
Tell me why many of these victims and witnesses had recent arrests on serious charges from FL police.
Tell me how they all had gofundme pages up the very same day as the shooting which raked in millions of dollars all together.
I'm not selling anything. I'm stating facts.
The people like you who swear it's real with no evidence other than what the news said are selling something.

And I don't follow infowars. A Jones is a fraud.

2 weeks after the worst mass shooting in US history.

Who is this dumb, annoying, juvenile asswipe?
I can hear what Matteen is saying just fine.
There were no ambulances? Bullshit. I've seen a number of pictures with ambulances present.
Nobody died at Pulse? Nobody died at Sandy Hook? Nobody died at Nice?
Then who the fuck is buried in all those graves, and where did all the allegedly undead disappear to?
Jesus it's just mind blowing to me that people are as cranially impaired as this youtube warrior.