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Navy SEALs face assult charges for capturing a most-wanted terrorist


Navy SEALs have secretly captured one of the most wanted terrorists in Iraq — the alleged mastermind of the murder and mutilation of four Blackwater USA security guards in Fallujah in 2004. And three of the SEALs who captured him are now facing criminal charges

Ahmed Hashim Abed, whom the military code-named "Objective Amber," told investigators he was punched by his captors — and he had the bloody lip to prove it.

Now, instead of being lauded for bringing to justice a high-value target, three of the SEAL commandos, all enlisted, face assault charges and have retained lawyers

The four Blackwater agents were transporting supplies for a catering company when they were ambushed and killed by gunfire and grenades. Insurgents burned the bodies and dragged them through the city. They hanged two of the bodies on a bridge over the Euphrates River for the world press to photograph.

Unbelieveable, well actually it's becoming more and more believeable and a pretty sad state of affairs. I say the hell with capturing most wated HVTs, as apprently they will just bitch and moan about it, just fucking put a bullet in the back of their head. These SEALs did their job and this scumbag is going to bitch and moan about it, too fucking bad.
It's okay for a terrorist to murder a lot of people but it's not okay for them to give him a bloody lip? A bloody lip...what is this high school? I agree with you jason282...should have just put a bullet in the back of his head.
What kind of ass backward justice system do we have in this country!? This is fucking ridiculous....who ever is representing this douchebag is in need of a good fuckin' towel party.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Shows how mauch af a warrior he actually is. If he had any pride, he would curse them and accept that your enemies will fight back... nad that they gladly just gave you the smack across your dirty mouth, toher like the Mossad uses to handle people like you...

With a bomb in your cell phone that blows your head off or the beforementioned bullet to settle things.
The incident at Fallujah is painfully personal as one of my close friends Scott Helvenston was part of the BWUSA team that went down.

Honestly, I'm surprised the guy didn't blow himself up as he tried to retreat and evade capture.


These guys were delivering catering supplies to a HH unit, not like they were delivering TOWs and other military equipment. HotMega sorry to rehash old wounds and sorry about your friend Scott, but I feel that people need to know about this. This guy was also the "mastermind" behind the Fallujah battles as well.
How does this work hes not even an American Citizen so can he even be represented in court? Our justice system is fucked...


milf n' cookies
How does this work hes not even an American Citizen so can he even be represented in court? Our justice system is fucked...

It's very fucked! Every terrorist on earth is guaranteed the same rights about U.S. citizens.
It's very fucked! Every terrorist on earth is guaranteed the same rights about U.S. citizens.

That is so fucking bull shit. I say torture the fucks for the rest of their natural born lives. That fuck head would be wishing all he had was a bloody lip if anyone else got a ho9ld of him.
These guys were delivering catering supplies to a HH unit, not like they were delivering TOWs and other military equipment. HotMega sorry to rehash old wounds and sorry about your friend Scott, but I feel that people need to know about this. This guy was also the "mastermind" behind the Fallujah battles as well.

Jason I know what the media reported but do you honestly believe men with their training, getting paid what they were getting paid were on a mission to deliver "catering supplies"?

I'll just leave that part of the discussion at that.
Just because you are a SEAL doesn't mean it is always kill and destroy (as much as some would want it to be) Sometimes you are sending something to another base for SEAL business or just base (generic term for whatever being sent over for) business. What these guys were doing who knows.

Anyhoo, I say a nice Pay Per View execution of this terrorist is in order. It will help out economy wise with as much people paying to watch a terrorist get his. Too bad they didn't do the same for Saddam's hanging.

But punched and a bloody lip? What happened to good old days of hooking up a battery and cables and electrocuting them? Pouring salt over a open wound when they accidentally fell and received a nasty wound. Jeez. A punch and a bloody lip. Boo hoo. I got that when I was a child from a school punk! Tough shit!

We need to get over this sensitivity bullshit and start showing the enemy what will happen once we catch the scent of your dirty towel wrapped around your heads! We will either kill you or leave you for dead, destroy your food and ammunition supplies, and leave whoever remains alive straggling and desperate. Only capture the high up folks for intel (maybe some little ones), make sure information checks out, if it doesn't... well. You better hope Allah will save you. If it does check out: shave his beard, strip him down, and send him into town with a sign stating: I am a terrorist shitbag; behead me for my crimes. Courtesy of US Government!

Bah! I could go on and on. But why get riled up in middle of the afternoon?


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
I wish we would just declare war on the taliban and al quida and use a full-on assault campaign. Let it be war instead of the bullshit police actions. if innocent people are hurt or killed, so be it. Yes, i said it. the world will be better without those chicken shit terrorists hiding behind innocent people, our standards or whatever else works to their advantage.

They fight without honor and I am sick of it and the chickenshit approach our leaders have taken. Either pull out entirely or fight a fucking war to win it.
I wish we would just declare war on the taliban and al quida and use a full-on assault campaign. Let it be war instead of the bullshit police actions. if innocent people are hurt or killed, so be it. Yes, i said it. the world will be better without those chicken shit terrorists hiding behind innocent people, our standards or whatever else works to their advantage.

They fight without honor and I am sick of it and the chickenshit approach our leaders have taken. Either pull out entirely or fight a fucking war to win it.

I'd rep you but you know :hatsoff:

Every war always has casualties. That is inevitable. I don't know why it should be so damn different now. If we stopped this sensitive, public world opinion crap and actually let our military do what they do best, this war could ahve been over with and Iran would have been taken care of along with other terrorist states.

Heck, we can take out the whole middle east with just two aircraft carriers with the amount of firepower and force that are on just one of them.

But instead we are too worried about what others think. Thus we come off looking like weaklings and limp wrists in the eyes of our enemies and other countries. Then again, all they ahve to do is look at our President and see that.

When the world wants a particular person to be the President of the United States of America... that is when you vote for the other person.
Just because you are a SEAL doesn't mean it is always kill and destroy (as much as some would want it to be) Sometimes you are sending something to another base for SEAL business or just base (generic term for whatever being sent over for) business. What these guys were doing who knows.

~~whimsy~~ I can assure you 100% the BWUSA (Xe) agents killed in Fallujah were not delivering "catering supplies". You don't pay the kind of money they were getting paid to deliver "catering supplies"...You should know whatever those particular men were involved in was classified and not for public dissemination...If they were uniformed soldiers...the military having to comply with FOIA could not cover up the op with misdirection. The military would have said they were on some classified op.

Scott was the only (former) Navy SEAL in that team BTW.
Why would the Seals bother to capture this target?

Since we've never learned from our mistakes at Gitmo and Abu Gharaib it's not surprising that captive prisoners are going to try to embarrass us. Based on all the chest-thumping response rhetoric in this thread (and with the way that FixedNews article is probably written)...I guess they've succeeded?

I remember the Bridge Incident in 2004. We must be very careful how we consider events like that one in the grander scheme of an Occupying Force. If we simply let ourselves be inflamed and let our passions make our decisions, we'll be occupying Iraq for 50 years...
Personally, I think that police forces have been given too tight a leash over the years now. There is a reason for why we have a policing force, and restricting its in such a way as this, is as good as paradoxical.

I say we give police more rights; a longer leash.
Ugh. You just love arguing don't you?

Where's the argument? You state what I know to be an incorrect perception about the circumstances of an incident. I offered you a different insight based on what I know.

You can take it or leave it....It's not a debate.:dunno:


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
I'd rep you but you know :hatsoff:

But instead we are too worried about what others think. Thus we come off looking like weaklings and limp wrists in the eyes of our enemies and other countries. Then again, all they ahve to do is look at our President and see that.

When the world wants a particular person to be the President of the United States of America... that is when you vote for the other person.

The policy was the same under both Bushes and Clinton. Send in some missiles to remind them we can, but don't turn half the desert to glass.

Maybe radiation in the oil is a bad thing. What was Reagan's response after the Marine barracks was bombed? We have not gone into "war" mode in the Middle East yet. it is only a matter of time, and then it will be WW3.

If the US does go after the Taliban and other groups, how many muslims in the military will defend their faith before the Constitution? We know there was at least one