Natasha Legeyda

Natasha is currently aged, in July 2016, of 22, thus born in 1994.
She was born in the former USSR, but without specifying the area.
Russian yes, but from Russian Federation or the U.S.S.R.?
However, it seems to me that she was born in Ukraine but the country has been independent since 1991.
By definition, she would not be Russian but Ukrainian.
In any case, she was born in Eastern Europe.
For some reason, familly or personal choice, Natasha intalled in Italy.
Has she asked his nationality? No one therefore knows and is said too that she is Italian.
Still, at last count, she lives in Turin and, according to other sources, in Milan.

Go find yourself there, in all this stuff !!! :facepalm:

So in summary, she is a native of Russia, which remains to be determined, and lives in Italy; either Milan or Turin.
As for his debut, the first glamorous photographs date from 2013.
Therefore, it would have started at the age of 19 or even perhaps before.

To be continued ! ;)


Natasha by Michele Maglio / mic330 © 2015
