Natalie Fiore

Ms Fiore or Nadine as she calls herself on Imlive, is an absolutely exquisite temptress. She is so accommodating on her live chat web cam. She controlled me to the point where I came for her on command. Although her breasts are absolutely devine and her face is so motherly, she had me yearning to bury my face in her pussy. I was erect for her for over an hour until she finally gave me the order, at which point I gushed for her so hard that I collapsed on the floor.
What a woman.:bowdown::bowdown::bowdown:
Those overwhelmingly magnificent, enticing breasts are to die for. I could bury myself in them for hours. She used her assets to coax me in. Her deep dark eyes are alluring as is her friendly and heart warming smile. And yet once she had me in her clutches she directed my attention fully toward her exquisite pussy. It was almost as if I was right there kneeling in front of her, sucking at her loving lips.