Inside Naomi
Back to the Porn Stars Studio
Interview Date: 5/8/2006
Since her first scene shot back in August 2005, Naomi has taken the adult film industry and turned it on its ear. Appearing on numerous box covers and she even appears in a DVD devoted exclusively to her and her scorching sensuality. It's a fact: Naomi's appearance in an adult film means the movie will sell well. Her performances guarantee that her huge fan following will buy and rent her DVDs making her the hottest commodity in adult films today. Naomi, a 22 year-old half Slovakian, half Israeli native of Southern California, discusses with XRentDVD's Big D her recent success, why her stage name makes her unique and what famous person she wants to seduce.
Big D: You have been the hottest porn star to open the year 2006. On XRentDVD alone, your name is searched for more than anyone. That includes girls like Tera Patrick, Teagan Presley, Jenna Haze, Jesse Jane, Belladonna and even Jenna Jameson. How did you get so popular?
Naomi: Wow. That is such a compliment. I had no idea. I don't know how I got so popular. I really don't do anything other than go to sets, have sex and enjoy myself. I'm not really one to point out what I am good or bad at something so it is hard to say.
Big D: You've been in the business for a short time and have really made an impact in that short time. How did you come to the decision to go into porn?
Naomi: It's kind of a plethora of things but I have always appreciated porn. I was a legal analyst before I got into porn. Porn is considered incriminating and very demeaning to other people. I have been in pornos that weren't that way and I wanted to be in films that weren't harmful to others. I wanted to make films that people could enjoy themselves. I am really very sexual and wherever I go people would look at porn as if it was a bad thing. If there were a couple people in this world where I can make them feel comfortable through sex I think I can do that through porn. I think porn allows that. It allows people to speak openly about it.
Big D: You mentioned that you have always been a very sexual person. Did your career choice to go into porn quench that thirst or feed your need for more sex?
Naomi: I don't think it is either one. What I meant by being a sexual person is not that I need sex or I don't need sex. It means that I enjoy sex and I am very comfortable with it. Sex is part of who I am as it is with everybody. I am a very free spirit. For me I love to express it. I think porn allows me to show others that is okay to express your sexuality. That's what I love about it.
Big D: You were pretty reserved before you got into porn. Having a boyfriend for over four years and only being with him before making the jump to porn. How did you make the leap and come to the decision that making adult DVDs was what you wanted to do?
Naomi: It was eight years altogether but it was four years we were married. I actually left him simultaneously as I got into porn. I haven't been with anyone romantically since because I am in porn. I have my family and friends and I have porn for sex and that's as far as the relationships go.
Big D: So why only go by one name? In the history of porn there are over 18 Naomis; 20 if you count it spelled Naomie, 21 if you count directors. Why not have a last name to help stand out?
Naomi: It's really simple actually. My name is Naomi and that is my real name. I was going to use my real name and my real last name. My real last name is incredibly hard for people to pronounce so I just went with Naomi. I am not sure if this matters but of all the girls that have gone by Naomi, I am the only one whose real name actually is Naomi.
Big D: It seems like you have recently replaced Julia Bond as the 'Box Cover Queen' lately and it seems like you work 24 hours a day. How often do you work or does it just seem like you are a workaholic?
Naomi: I pretty much work almost every day. It is not planned that way. Normally I plan to work four days a week. Producers will call my agent and they will want me to come and work on one of my days off because they have a movie that needs to meet a deadline or something like that. I usually give in and I end up working something like six days a week.
Big D: How do you keep that kind of a pace and still perform well in your scenes without a break?
Naomi: Generally it is fine for me. I have always been the type of person who is used to just going, going, going and is doing a lot. Recently it has been a little bit difficult because my personal life has been spreading me thin because I have been taking care of my mom. It's a pleasure to be able to work so much. I welcome it. I try not to look down on working every day.
Big D: Your first anal scene was in Naomi: There Is Only One. How did you go from never having done anal, not even in your personal life, to do it on camera in the film?
Naomi: To be really honest with you, on or off camera really doesn't affect me. I am very comfortable and I am not shy at all. The person you see in public is the person you see in private. I am not really a shy person so it really didn't make that much of a difference for me. I think the biggest factor was that anything was going in my butt at all for the first time in my life. Whether it was on camera or in private did not matter it was more who it was with. It was something I had never really thought about and then they made the suggestion. I really adore John Leslie. He is the most suave, sexy, wonderful guy so I said, 'I'll do it for you, John.' So I did it.
Big D: John Leslie rarely speaks in public or comes out of hiding as far as the public goes but made an exception to talk about Naomi: There Is Only One. What do you think makes that movie so special that someone like John Leslie wanted to produce a movie dedicated 100 percent to you?
Naomi: I really can't put my finger on it. I actually have not seen it nor have I seen any of my movies. I heard on Adult Video News (AVN) that movie was one of the top five sellers in March. I am flattered by that. It's hard to believe the hype about myself because I am just being me. It's kind of funny all the attention but it is definitely appreciated. I think a big part of what made that movie so great was John Leslie's aura. He is so great because he has the most wonderful mixture of perversion and sex and class and love and masculinity and art. You can't get a better combination. He exudes it and we feed off of it. If there is anything that I can attribute the movie being so well received it is because of John Leslie.
Big D: Since you speak so highly of John Leslie, who are some of the other directors that you have worked with and would enjoy working with again?
Naomi: I love Olivie who is with BangBros. Chris Streams who does stuff for Zero Tolerance and 3rd Degree. I really like working with Justin Slayer who is with Evil Angel. I sometimes am not really good with names and that is not to say that if their name escapes me it takes anything away from the person or how they direct. I want to say some people but I know them by their real name and not their stage name so it is hard to say. There are so many that I think very highly of and I would hate to leave someone out.
Big D: Since you named off some of the directors with the hardcore gonzo studios, sounds like you like that style. Have you had the opportunity to work with Jules Jordan yet?
Naomi: Yeah I have. I think highly of Jules Jordan but he is not my style. He is more of the fishnets and hardcore type. I am hardcore but my hardcore is erotic. It's not hardcore like give me a whip. My hardcore you could use a whip but it would be different. It's not costumes and purple fishnets. It's just sex. My hardcore would be if you could just put sex on a platter and it is erotic and hardcore. I adore Jules and working for him but his style is a little bit different for me. Pretty much anyone with Evil Angel is great. Christoph Clark is great and so is Nacho Vidal. I love both of those guys. They are very sexual people. You can feel it on the set. If you wake up in the morning and you are moving slow, when you get to one of their sets, you know their sexuality is going to get you on that scene and you know you'll have a good time.
Big D: You mentioned that someone like Jules Jordan is great to work for but is not really you style. If you were in their shoes and could direct your ultimate scene, what would it be?
Naomi: If I was directing I wouldn't follow a particular style. I would want each person that is cast to have their individual sexuality to be brought out or to be enflamed. Everybody has a different style of sexuality and I would want to encourage each one of those to show it on camera. That would make for an awesome movie. Whether it is girls who like getting beat up or guys that like making a girl cum five times in a scene. That is the type of porn I would want to direct. As far as being in a scene my favorite type of movie is when it just flows. For me, I pretty much go with any style. I am not too much into the real cheesy stuff like girls in fishnets or patent leather shorts. Normally if that have that kind of a taste in wardrobe will have that kind of a taste in sex and it is kind of cheesy and not very erotic. I really, really love eroticism. If you could embody sexuality as opposed to fucking, that is what I would want to do.
Big D: One of the DVDs we have at XRentDVD that you have done is in our squirting category like Cunt Gushers. Also in Erotica XXX #10 you squirt in your scene with Mr Pete. Were you a squirter before porn or did you discover it after you got into the business?
Naomi: I've squirted in my personal life. You have to realize when you have been with someone since you were 13 as opposed to being with a bunch of different people it is not like a new sexual encounter. So when you have been with someone for a long time, each time you have sex you fine tune and fine tune and you find this spot and you find that spot. You become in tune with your own sexuality. You know when the guy is hitting the right spot and where and how high or how low and the momentum will just take you. For me, I would cum and squirt all the time in my personal life. When I started doing porn it was only a matter of if the guy wanted that. Some guys don't enjoy the girls getting off. Sometimes when the girl gets off they get turned off. That kind of sucks because then you can't continue the scene. Some guys love it when the girl gets off. You allow his dick to find that spot and you get to cum and squirt and both of you get off.
Big D: How do you find that chemistry with the guys? Is it just after working with the same ones you establish a chemistry? Who are the guys that you get excited knowing you will be working with them?
Naomi: Two come to mind right off the bat. Those two guys are Mr Pete and Manuel Ferrara. I also like working with Mr Marcus. Those three are the first ones that popped into my head. Tony T is another of those guys that I like to work with. Whenever I hear I am going to be working with them I know it will be a good, fun scene. Those guys all have that same similar style. They like to do the same things I like to do which is exacerbating the sexuality of the person they are with. You know how there are certain people that you can stand next to and you just get horny? You are feeling the sex. Those guys have that. Manuel Ferrara. All you have to do is look at him. Mr Pete just has that personality. Tony T, you just know how he feels. They have a certain masculinity to them to where they are so comfortable with themselves they allow the sex to flow. You can sense the comfort with themselves and because of that they are not thinking. They are just having sex. I think that is probably the biggest difference than brings a good performance out in me.
Big D: In looking at your face, you strike a resemblance to the porn star Tracey Adams who was really big back in the 1980's. The cover of Sailing Into Ecstasy, you look like you could be twins. Do you see the resemblance and has anyone told you look a little like her?
Naomi: I don't know who she is but I get told a lot that I look like an 80's porn star. I don't think it is an insult. I am fine with it. I don't think people say it in an insulting way. It's not like I am trying to be an 80's porn star. When people say something to you that they like and they say you look like someone, I take it as a compliment.
Big D: Being in the adult film industry for under a year now you have done quite a few scenes. What are some of the best scenes you have done that you would suggest the guys reading this rent or buy?
Naomi: Of course the John Leslie DVD, Naomi: There Is Only One. I haven't seen it but I hear good things so I guess I should say that. (laughs) To be honest with you, I've done so many scenes that it is a little hard for me to pin point the name of each movie. I would say that 90 percent of the time when I do a scene I feel comfortable in recommending it as one of my better scenes to hit the market. I think it all comes down to what type of person you like in your sex. When I shoot for Digital Playground, they are more mechanical and not very emotional. If you like really hardcore, screaming and fucking you may like more of my Evil Angel movies or BangBros or even Red Light District. I would hate to suggest one movie and then the fans do not like it because they prefer a different style. Different companies film differently. It's hard for me to pin point just one or two right off the bat. Sometimes when I shoot I do not know where it will end up and what movie it will be in. Sometimes I am told what the title is and they change it to something different by the time it comes out. Sometimes I don't expect to be on the box cover and then I end up being on the box. Sometimes I don't even know.
Big D: How does that make you feel to show up on a ton of box covers?
Naomi: It's very flattering. Like I said, I never go to a scene expecting to do a box cover photo shoot. I will open up AVN or Buttman and I will see I made all of these covers. It's flattering. It makes me feel good. It makes me feel that people enjoy me and enjoy my work. These people enjoy me and can get off on me. It makes me feel good knowing people can get off by watching me. I can't be there for all of them.
Big D: How far do you think you will continue on this path? Do you have aspirations to do something outside of porn or possibly stay in porn and direct?
Naomi: I would definitely like to stay in the industry as a performer for at least a few more years. After that I would really have to think about it. I would be good on set as a director or even a photographer. I am really good at analyzing things. I am not so good at being a director or anything like that. I would probably really have to analyze how capable I would be of having a position like director. Of course I would love to do it but at the same time I would have think functionally how successful would I be in that aspect of the business. I haven't really analyzed that yet because I am not in the position to do that yet. Obviously it is because I haven't been in that long and I have to give myself more time to figure out whether or not I am capable of doing something like that.
Big D: First job?
Naomi: Legal Analyst and medical assistant. I was a legal analyst in the day and a medical assistant at night. I got promoted to legal litigator and I quit my second job. I started when I was 16 as an assistant and I was an apprentice.
Big D: First concert?
Naomi: I've never been to a concert. I've never been to a party. I've never been to a bar. I've been to two clubs in my whole life. Both of them were in Europe.
Big D: First car?
Naomi: 1998 Chrysler Seabring convertible.
Big D: What's in your CD player right now?
Naomi: I like Hip Hop and Jazz. I don't like the Hip Hop that is all poppy and Top 40. I like Notorious B.I.G. I think that is in my CD player at home. In my shower I have Amy Grant. In my car I think I have Notorious B.I.G. and Eve mix CD. Kind of contrasting styles. I love Mariah Carey. I love Notorious B.I.G. and Tupac. In music I like stuff that has a lot of heavy soul and undertones to it. Something that you can kind of feel in your gut when you listen to it as opposed to some of these little melodies. Not that there is anything wrong with little melodies it is just that I prefer a little more soul in my music.
Big D: Favorite food?
Naomi: I don't have a particular favorite food but I love food in general. I eat all the time. I eat big portions because I can't get enough of it. For breakfast I had a pot roast dinner with pancakes and ice cream. Last night I had fish and potatoes and three bowls of Captain Crunch. I just love to eat period. I love fruits. I love sweets. I love milk. I can't even think of my favorite food. I just love all food so much. I can't say I don't like them because I haven't had them but I choose not to eat organs. You know like liver or brains, intestines or tongue or anything like that. It's just a little hard for me mentally to eat an organ. Even though muscles make up meat it is just hard for me to eat organs. I have a great appreciation for flavor and taste.
Big D: First porn you ever watched?
Naomi: I don't really know. I know when I was younger I would just flip through channels at my house and at my friend's house and see stuff on TV and watch it. I was fascinated by it even when I was young. It wasn't a sexual thing it was more I was interested in it and was fascinated by it. Growing up where I grew up, (South Central Los Angeles) there was something very nonchalant about it. (laughs) I don't remember the title but I do remember watching porn all the time.
Big D: Favorite position?
Naomi: You know what? I don't particularly have a favorite position. I have found that depending on the guy and the shape of his dick and the style that he fucks, there are a number of different positions that feel better than others. Some guys can do missionary great but can't do doggy to save their life. Sometime it is the complete opposite. I like to say that I like whatever feels good to the guy. When a guy is feeling it and is getting into it and the scene is flowing, it just naturally feels good to me.
Big D: Go to the movies or go to the ballgame?
Naomi: I would definitely choose to go to a sporting event. The main reason would be because I have never been to one. The second reason is because I am quite a boisterous person and I don't really go to the movies anyway. I watch movies at home but I don't go to the theaters. You have to be quiet, you can't talk, you can't get up, you can't do this and you can't do that. When you are at the ballgame you can get up, you can scream, you can get loud, you can get excited. I love sports. I used to pay basketball and I love watching football. A ballgame is kind of more me all the way around.
Big D: What modern convenience can you not live without?
Naomi: My refrigerator. How do you live without food? Think of how hard and inconvenient it would be to go back and forth to the grocery store. In today's day and age we don't have farms where you can just go and get food. You would have to go to the store every day because you have no way of preserving it. I think it would be very hard to live without a refrigerator.
Big D: Favorite mainstream movie?
Naomi: I really don't have one. I like movies but I have a few favorite TV shows instead. I love Seinfeld and also Law & Order. Sometimes I like that show Bones. I just watched it a couple and it appeals to me. I have loved Seinfeld since I was a little kid. I can watch the same episodes over and over again. It is just so relative and I love Kramer. It is so well put together and it is so simple yet it has so much that goes into it. You can watch it and read into it so many different things from it. I love to laugh.
Big D: Favorite vacation spot?
Naomi: I've never been on a vacation before but I have worked in Miami about seven times. Before I got into porn I had never been outside of L.A. I do like Miami. I think it great there. I don't know if it is because it is the only other place I have been but it is beautiful and it is warm and there is water. How much better can it get? Warm air and water. You can go swimming and hang out naked half the time. You can eat on the beach. It's like the perfect life.
Big D: Person you'd like to meet that you have not met?
Naomi: I would love to meet Bill Clinton. In fact, I would love to have sex with Bill Clinton. I would love to be with Bill Clinton and have dinner with him. I'd especially like to do that before he dies because he is getting old now. I have always kind of adored him. I love politics. I really respect him for being human even while he was in the office. I appreciate how he handled the whole (Monica Lewinsky) situation. I appreciate the fact that he was human and he did it as opposed to being this mechanical weirdo, Godly person. Don't get me wrong, my dad's a rabbi and I am a Jew and I have nothing against God, but these Godly and righteous people that are in power right now... I appreciate him for the different aspects that he enlightened into other communities. I am turned on by a man that has power but is comfortable with it and doesn't feel the need to show it off. He just comes out and says his opinion and people respect it. I like that about people that people can respect that.
Big D: Place you want to visit but haven't yet?
Naomi: Hawaii and Israel because that is where my family is from. Possibly some other tropical islands. I've always wanted to go to some different islands.

Inside Naomi
Back to the Porn Stars Studio
Interview Date: 5/8/2006
Since her first scene shot back in August 2005, Naomi has taken the adult film industry and turned it on its ear. Appearing on numerous box covers and she even appears in a DVD devoted exclusively to her and her scorching sensuality. It's a fact: Naomi's appearance in an adult film means the movie will sell well. Her performances guarantee that her huge fan following will buy and rent her DVDs making her the hottest commodity in adult films today. Naomi, a 22 year-old half Slovakian, half Israeli native of Southern California, discusses with XRentDVD's Big D her recent success, why her stage name makes her unique and what famous person she wants to seduce.
Big D: You have been the hottest porn star to open the year 2006. On XRentDVD alone, your name is searched for more than anyone. That includes girls like Tera Patrick, Teagan Presley, Jenna Haze, Jesse Jane, Belladonna and even Jenna Jameson. How did you get so popular?
Naomi: Wow. That is such a compliment. I had no idea. I don't know how I got so popular. I really don't do anything other than go to sets, have sex and enjoy myself. I'm not really one to point out what I am good or bad at something so it is hard to say.
Big D: You've been in the business for a short time and have really made an impact in that short time. How did you come to the decision to go into porn?
Naomi: It's kind of a plethora of things but I have always appreciated porn. I was a legal analyst before I got into porn. Porn is considered incriminating and very demeaning to other people. I have been in pornos that weren't that way and I wanted to be in films that weren't harmful to others. I wanted to make films that people could enjoy themselves. I am really very sexual and wherever I go people would look at porn as if it was a bad thing. If there were a couple people in this world where I can make them feel comfortable through sex I think I can do that through porn. I think porn allows that. It allows people to speak openly about it.
Big D: You mentioned that you have always been a very sexual person. Did your career choice to go into porn quench that thirst or feed your need for more sex?
Naomi: I don't think it is either one. What I meant by being a sexual person is not that I need sex or I don't need sex. It means that I enjoy sex and I am very comfortable with it. Sex is part of who I am as it is with everybody. I am a very free spirit. For me I love to express it. I think porn allows me to show others that is okay to express your sexuality. That's what I love about it.
Big D: You were pretty reserved before you got into porn. Having a boyfriend for over four years and only being with him before making the jump to porn. How did you make the leap and come to the decision that making adult DVDs was what you wanted to do?
Naomi: It was eight years altogether but it was four years we were married. I actually left him simultaneously as I got into porn. I haven't been with anyone romantically since because I am in porn. I have my family and friends and I have porn for sex and that's as far as the relationships go.
Big D: So why only go by one name? In the history of porn there are over 18 Naomis; 20 if you count it spelled Naomie, 21 if you count directors. Why not have a last name to help stand out?
Naomi: It's really simple actually. My name is Naomi and that is my real name. I was going to use my real name and my real last name. My real last name is incredibly hard for people to pronounce so I just went with Naomi. I am not sure if this matters but of all the girls that have gone by Naomi, I am the only one whose real name actually is Naomi.
Big D: It seems like you have recently replaced Julia Bond as the 'Box Cover Queen' lately and it seems like you work 24 hours a day. How often do you work or does it just seem like you are a workaholic?
Naomi: I pretty much work almost every day. It is not planned that way. Normally I plan to work four days a week. Producers will call my agent and they will want me to come and work on one of my days off because they have a movie that needs to meet a deadline or something like that. I usually give in and I end up working something like six days a week.
Big D: How do you keep that kind of a pace and still perform well in your scenes without a break?
Naomi: Generally it is fine for me. I have always been the type of person who is used to just going, going, going and is doing a lot. Recently it has been a little bit difficult because my personal life has been spreading me thin because I have been taking care of my mom. It's a pleasure to be able to work so much. I welcome it. I try not to look down on working every day.
Big D: Your first anal scene was in Naomi: There Is Only One. How did you go from never having done anal, not even in your personal life, to do it on camera in the film?
Naomi: To be really honest with you, on or off camera really doesn't affect me. I am very comfortable and I am not shy at all. The person you see in public is the person you see in private. I am not really a shy person so it really didn't make that much of a difference for me. I think the biggest factor was that anything was going in my butt at all for the first time in my life. Whether it was on camera or in private did not matter it was more who it was with. It was something I had never really thought about and then they made the suggestion. I really adore John Leslie. He is the most suave, sexy, wonderful guy so I said, 'I'll do it for you, John.' So I did it.
Big D: John Leslie rarely speaks in public or comes out of hiding as far as the public goes but made an exception to talk about Naomi: There Is Only One. What do you think makes that movie so special that someone like John Leslie wanted to produce a movie dedicated 100 percent to you?
Naomi: I really can't put my finger on it. I actually have not seen it nor have I seen any of my movies. I heard on Adult Video News (AVN) that movie was one of the top five sellers in March. I am flattered by that. It's hard to believe the hype about myself because I am just being me. It's kind of funny all the attention but it is definitely appreciated. I think a big part of what made that movie so great was John Leslie's aura. He is so great because he has the most wonderful mixture of perversion and sex and class and love and masculinity and art. You can't get a better combination. He exudes it and we feed off of it. If there is anything that I can attribute the movie being so well received it is because of John Leslie.
Big D: Since you speak so highly of John Leslie, who are some of the other directors that you have worked with and would enjoy working with again?
Naomi: I love Olivie who is with BangBros. Chris Streams who does stuff for Zero Tolerance and 3rd Degree. I really like working with Justin Slayer who is with Evil Angel. I sometimes am not really good with names and that is not to say that if their name escapes me it takes anything away from the person or how they direct. I want to say some people but I know them by their real name and not their stage name so it is hard to say. There are so many that I think very highly of and I would hate to leave someone out.
Big D: Since you named off some of the directors with the hardcore gonzo studios, sounds like you like that style. Have you had the opportunity to work with Jules Jordan yet?
Naomi: Yeah I have. I think highly of Jules Jordan but he is not my style. He is more of the fishnets and hardcore type. I am hardcore but my hardcore is erotic. It's not hardcore like give me a whip. My hardcore you could use a whip but it would be different. It's not costumes and purple fishnets. It's just sex. My hardcore would be if you could just put sex on a platter and it is erotic and hardcore. I adore Jules and working for him but his style is a little bit different for me. Pretty much anyone with Evil Angel is great. Christoph Clark is great and so is Nacho Vidal. I love both of those guys. They are very sexual people. You can feel it on the set. If you wake up in the morning and you are moving slow, when you get to one of their sets, you know their sexuality is going to get you on that scene and you know you'll have a good time.
Big D: You mentioned that someone like Jules Jordan is great to work for but is not really you style. If you were in their shoes and could direct your ultimate scene, what would it be?
Naomi: If I was directing I wouldn't follow a particular style. I would want each person that is cast to have their individual sexuality to be brought out or to be enflamed. Everybody has a different style of sexuality and I would want to encourage each one of those to show it on camera. That would make for an awesome movie. Whether it is girls who like getting beat up or guys that like making a girl cum five times in a scene. That is the type of porn I would want to direct. As far as being in a scene my favorite type of movie is when it just flows. For me, I pretty much go with any style. I am not too much into the real cheesy stuff like girls in fishnets or patent leather shorts. Normally if that have that kind of a taste in wardrobe will have that kind of a taste in sex and it is kind of cheesy and not very erotic. I really, really love eroticism. If you could embody sexuality as opposed to fucking, that is what I would want to do.
Big D: One of the DVDs we have at XRentDVD that you have done is in our squirting category like Cunt Gushers. Also in Erotica XXX #10 you squirt in your scene with Mr Pete. Were you a squirter before porn or did you discover it after you got into the business?
Naomi: I've squirted in my personal life. You have to realize when you have been with someone since you were 13 as opposed to being with a bunch of different people it is not like a new sexual encounter. So when you have been with someone for a long time, each time you have sex you fine tune and fine tune and you find this spot and you find that spot. You become in tune with your own sexuality. You know when the guy is hitting the right spot and where and how high or how low and the momentum will just take you. For me, I would cum and squirt all the time in my personal life. When I started doing porn it was only a matter of if the guy wanted that. Some guys don't enjoy the girls getting off. Sometimes when the girl gets off they get turned off. That kind of sucks because then you can't continue the scene. Some guys love it when the girl gets off. You allow his dick to find that spot and you get to cum and squirt and both of you get off.
Big D: How do you find that chemistry with the guys? Is it just after working with the same ones you establish a chemistry? Who are the guys that you get excited knowing you will be working with them?
Naomi: Two come to mind right off the bat. Those two guys are Mr Pete and Manuel Ferrara. I also like working with Mr Marcus. Those three are the first ones that popped into my head. Tony T is another of those guys that I like to work with. Whenever I hear I am going to be working with them I know it will be a good, fun scene. Those guys all have that same similar style. They like to do the same things I like to do which is exacerbating the sexuality of the person they are with. You know how there are certain people that you can stand next to and you just get horny? You are feeling the sex. Those guys have that. Manuel Ferrara. All you have to do is look at him. Mr Pete just has that personality. Tony T, you just know how he feels. They have a certain masculinity to them to where they are so comfortable with themselves they allow the sex to flow. You can sense the comfort with themselves and because of that they are not thinking. They are just having sex. I think that is probably the biggest difference than brings a good performance out in me.
Big D: In looking at your face, you strike a resemblance to the porn star Tracey Adams who was really big back in the 1980's. The cover of Sailing Into Ecstasy, you look like you could be twins. Do you see the resemblance and has anyone told you look a little like her?
Naomi: I don't know who she is but I get told a lot that I look like an 80's porn star. I don't think it is an insult. I am fine with it. I don't think people say it in an insulting way. It's not like I am trying to be an 80's porn star. When people say something to you that they like and they say you look like someone, I take it as a compliment.
Big D: Being in the adult film industry for under a year now you have done quite a few scenes. What are some of the best scenes you have done that you would suggest the guys reading this rent or buy?
Naomi: Of course the John Leslie DVD, Naomi: There Is Only One. I haven't seen it but I hear good things so I guess I should say that. (laughs) To be honest with you, I've done so many scenes that it is a little hard for me to pin point the name of each movie. I would say that 90 percent of the time when I do a scene I feel comfortable in recommending it as one of my better scenes to hit the market. I think it all comes down to what type of person you like in your sex. When I shoot for Digital Playground, they are more mechanical and not very emotional. If you like really hardcore, screaming and fucking you may like more of my Evil Angel movies or BangBros or even Red Light District. I would hate to suggest one movie and then the fans do not like it because they prefer a different style. Different companies film differently. It's hard for me to pin point just one or two right off the bat. Sometimes when I shoot I do not know where it will end up and what movie it will be in. Sometimes I am told what the title is and they change it to something different by the time it comes out. Sometimes I don't expect to be on the box cover and then I end up being on the box. Sometimes I don't even know.
Big D: How does that make you feel to show up on a ton of box covers?
Naomi: It's very flattering. Like I said, I never go to a scene expecting to do a box cover photo shoot. I will open up AVN or Buttman and I will see I made all of these covers. It's flattering. It makes me feel good. It makes me feel that people enjoy me and enjoy my work. These people enjoy me and can get off on me. It makes me feel good knowing people can get off by watching me. I can't be there for all of them.
Big D: How far do you think you will continue on this path? Do you have aspirations to do something outside of porn or possibly stay in porn and direct?
Naomi: I would definitely like to stay in the industry as a performer for at least a few more years. After that I would really have to think about it. I would be good on set as a director or even a photographer. I am really good at analyzing things. I am not so good at being a director or anything like that. I would probably really have to analyze how capable I would be of having a position like director. Of course I would love to do it but at the same time I would have think functionally how successful would I be in that aspect of the business. I haven't really analyzed that yet because I am not in the position to do that yet. Obviously it is because I haven't been in that long and I have to give myself more time to figure out whether or not I am capable of doing something like that.
Big D: First job?
Naomi: Legal Analyst and medical assistant. I was a legal analyst in the day and a medical assistant at night. I got promoted to legal litigator and I quit my second job. I started when I was 16 as an assistant and I was an apprentice.
Big D: First concert?
Naomi: I've never been to a concert. I've never been to a party. I've never been to a bar. I've been to two clubs in my whole life. Both of them were in Europe.
Big D: First car?
Naomi: 1998 Chrysler Seabring convertible.
Big D: What's in your CD player right now?
Naomi: I like Hip Hop and Jazz. I don't like the Hip Hop that is all poppy and Top 40. I like Notorious B.I.G. I think that is in my CD player at home. In my shower I have Amy Grant. In my car I think I have Notorious B.I.G. and Eve mix CD. Kind of contrasting styles. I love Mariah Carey. I love Notorious B.I.G. and Tupac. In music I like stuff that has a lot of heavy soul and undertones to it. Something that you can kind of feel in your gut when you listen to it as opposed to some of these little melodies. Not that there is anything wrong with little melodies it is just that I prefer a little more soul in my music.
Big D: Favorite food?
Naomi: I don't have a particular favorite food but I love food in general. I eat all the time. I eat big portions because I can't get enough of it. For breakfast I had a pot roast dinner with pancakes and ice cream. Last night I had fish and potatoes and three bowls of Captain Crunch. I just love to eat period. I love fruits. I love sweets. I love milk. I can't even think of my favorite food. I just love all food so much. I can't say I don't like them because I haven't had them but I choose not to eat organs. You know like liver or brains, intestines or tongue or anything like that. It's just a little hard for me mentally to eat an organ. Even though muscles make up meat it is just hard for me to eat organs. I have a great appreciation for flavor and taste.
Big D: First porn you ever watched?
Naomi: I don't really know. I know when I was younger I would just flip through channels at my house and at my friend's house and see stuff on TV and watch it. I was fascinated by it even when I was young. It wasn't a sexual thing it was more I was interested in it and was fascinated by it. Growing up where I grew up, (South Central Los Angeles) there was something very nonchalant about it. (laughs) I don't remember the title but I do remember watching porn all the time.
Big D: Favorite position?
Naomi: You know what? I don't particularly have a favorite position. I have found that depending on the guy and the shape of his dick and the style that he fucks, there are a number of different positions that feel better than others. Some guys can do missionary great but can't do doggy to save their life. Sometime it is the complete opposite. I like to say that I like whatever feels good to the guy. When a guy is feeling it and is getting into it and the scene is flowing, it just naturally feels good to me.
Big D: Go to the movies or go to the ballgame?
Naomi: I would definitely choose to go to a sporting event. The main reason would be because I have never been to one. The second reason is because I am quite a boisterous person and I don't really go to the movies anyway. I watch movies at home but I don't go to the theaters. You have to be quiet, you can't talk, you can't get up, you can't do this and you can't do that. When you are at the ballgame you can get up, you can scream, you can get loud, you can get excited. I love sports. I used to pay basketball and I love watching football. A ballgame is kind of more me all the way around.
Big D: What modern convenience can you not live without?
Naomi: My refrigerator. How do you live without food? Think of how hard and inconvenient it would be to go back and forth to the grocery store. In today's day and age we don't have farms where you can just go and get food. You would have to go to the store every day because you have no way of preserving it. I think it would be very hard to live without a refrigerator.
Big D: Favorite mainstream movie?
Naomi: I really don't have one. I like movies but I have a few favorite TV shows instead. I love Seinfeld and also Law & Order. Sometimes I like that show Bones. I just watched it a couple and it appeals to me. I have loved Seinfeld since I was a little kid. I can watch the same episodes over and over again. It is just so relative and I love Kramer. It is so well put together and it is so simple yet it has so much that goes into it. You can watch it and read into it so many different things from it. I love to laugh.
Big D: Favorite vacation spot?
Naomi: I've never been on a vacation before but I have worked in Miami about seven times. Before I got into porn I had never been outside of L.A. I do like Miami. I think it great there. I don't know if it is because it is the only other place I have been but it is beautiful and it is warm and there is water. How much better can it get? Warm air and water. You can go swimming and hang out naked half the time. You can eat on the beach. It's like the perfect life.
Big D: Person you'd like to meet that you have not met?
Naomi: I would love to meet Bill Clinton. In fact, I would love to have sex with Bill Clinton. I would love to be with Bill Clinton and have dinner with him. I'd especially like to do that before he dies because he is getting old now. I have always kind of adored him. I love politics. I really respect him for being human even while he was in the office. I appreciate how he handled the whole (Monica Lewinsky) situation. I appreciate the fact that he was human and he did it as opposed to being this mechanical weirdo, Godly person. Don't get me wrong, my dad's a rabbi and I am a Jew and I have nothing against God, but these Godly and righteous people that are in power right now... I appreciate him for the different aspects that he enlightened into other communities. I am turned on by a man that has power but is comfortable with it and doesn't feel the need to show it off. He just comes out and says his opinion and people respect it. I like that about people that people can respect that.
Big D: Place you want to visit but haven't yet?
Naomi: Hawaii and Israel because that is where my family is from. Possibly some other tropical islands. I've always wanted to go to some different islands.