Name your top 3 ebony pornstars of all time


Lost at Birth
Heather Hunter
Dominique Simone
Vanessa Blue ( i was going to put you in regardless of the fact that i'm posting behind you VB :) )

i feel limited with 3 choices...i could go on and on here.... Lacey, Jada, Marie, Tyra.......
1. Ebony Ayes
2. Ebony Ayes
3. Ebony Ayes

Angel Eyes, Anna Amore, Ayana Angel, Champagne, Cinnabunz, Jada Fire, Janet Jacme, Jeannie Pepper, Kim Eternity, Kitten, Lori Alexia, Ménage à Trois, Monique, Soleil, Sydnee Capri, Vanessa Blue and Vida Valentine are also fine but noone comes close to Ebony.

I must have been pretty horny when I wrote this five months ago. The right answer:

1. Vanessa Blue
2. Ebony Ayes
3. Anna Amore

are my top 3 porn stars of all time.