My Super Fantastic Amazing Self-Absorbed Politically-Incorrect Thread

Re: My Super Fantastic Amazing Self-Absorbed Politically-Incorrect Thread

I wanna marry this MILF: Echo Valley.


ummmm...OK....I'm not sure where exactly this topic sprang (yes, it's a word in my personal dictionary) from, but it brings up an interesting topic.

SO, you want to marry Echo Valley. I admire your honesty and forthrightness (I think this is the only time I've ever actually been able to use this word in conversation), and furthermore, you'll hear no objections from me: I think Echo is fantastic, whether regarded as a MILF or in any category.

On the other hand, if I may play the Devil's advocate for a minute, can you please tell us WHY you want to marry her? What REASON and LOGIC led you to this desire? Everyone always says that they want to marry this celebrity, athlete, or pornstar, but other than saying it is because of their boobs, ass, or intense fucking, it's really difficult to find a reasonable explanation of why you want to marry them. So tell us, why are you and Echo the ideal married couple? :dunno:
3. This is just an open question: Have you ever seen, met, or loved a girl so much that you CANNOT masturbate while thinking of her? Like she is too good to be thought of this way or something?

Not me man. And I'd usually consider myself a romantic fellow. But you know, I've never thought of it that way. Usually, when I meet a girl, and fall in love, I'm so incredibly attracted to her that I would masturbate thinking of her, to her, with her... whatever. lol.

Interesting question.
For example:

3. This is just an open question: Have you ever seen, met, or loved a girl so much that you CANNOT masturbate while thinking of her? Like she is too good to be thought of this way or something?
yeah. this girl is unflawed. perfect. i kissed her, and touched her breast (over clothes) and thought that i was so wrong for doing so
Here's some things I've been thinking about tonight:

1. PORN Theme-porn. It makes sense and keeps porn interesting. There's porn that's make as a take-off of movies, such as Porn Wars for Star Wars, and then there's also porn designed with certain movie genres in mind, like Westerns or Mystery-themed porn. SO WHY HAS THERE BEEN NO HORROR-PORN COMBOS? Think about it: most horror movies almost always have some sort of sex in them and usually some bare boobs (Joe Bob Briggs even used boobs as a rating system!), so one would think that combining porn and horror would be an obvious marriage. So, why hasn't it happened, or if it has happened, why has it been so limited?

2. FOOD Tried a new soup tonight for dinner, and it is a fantastic Russian soup for cold and rainy weather. It's really amazing and definitely worth a try.

3. SPORT For most of...I don't know...FOREVER...anytime that anyone thinks of a football/soccer power in CONCACAF (if there ever was such a thing), the automatic name that pops up is Mexico. Over the past year though, something peculiar has happened.....Mexico has officially started to suck badly. Look at the numbers: currently 4th in the CONCACAF final round, and in the last year, they've lost approximately 200 points in the FIFA World Rankings. What the Hell is going on there?!?!!? Is anyone beginning to think Mexico will be watching the World Cup from home?

4. POLITICS As many of you may well know, EU Parliamentary elections were held last week(end). Other than the obvious results of the EPP getting more and the PES getting less, it seems like there were big gains for Euro-skeptics and fringe parties. A lot of people seem to think that the same slogan from the US Presidential Election of 1992, "it's the economy, stupid," applies; however, I personally don't believe that it is so simple. Yes, economic condition does play a large role in how people vote (people usually keep governments that make jobs and replace those that lose jobs), but there are also a lot of other factors in play. Since the last election in 2004, around which the EU was also in the process of adding a number of new members from the Baltics and Central Europe, the EU has changed significantly: aid has flowed East; migrants have flowed West; subsidies have flowed everywhere; and the Union itself has become more intrusive in the everyday life of its members countries, their economies, and their citizens. Bottom line: I think the people of each individual country are, to varying degrees, realizing that the "wonderful" idea of rushing to unite with the rest of Europe was both a bit hasty and taken without consideration of the potentially negative unintended consequences.
POLITICS As many of you may well know, EU Parliamentary elections were held last week(end). Other than the obvious results of the EPP getting more and the PES getting less, it seems like there were big gains for Euro-skeptics and fringe parties. A lot of people seem to think that the same slogan from the US Presidential Election of 1992, "it's the economy, stupid," applies; however, I personally don't believe that it is so simple. Yes, economic condition does play a large role in how people vote (people usually keep governments that make jobs and replace those that lose jobs), but there are also a lot of other factors in play. Since the last election in 2004, around which the EU was also in the process of adding a number of new members from the Baltics and Central Europe, the EU has changed significantly: aid has flowed East; migrants have flowed West; subsidies have flowed everywhere; and the Union itself has become more intrusive in the everyday life of its members countries, their economies, and their citizens. Bottom line: I think the people of each individual country are, to varying degrees, realizing that the "wonderful" idea of rushing to unite with the rest of Europe was both a bit hasty and taken without consideration of the potentially negative unintended consequences.

:thumbsup: And the word is 'Referendum' :) Its what the Brits want
Here's some things I've been thinking about tonight:

1. PORN Theme-porn. It makes sense and keeps porn interesting. There's porn that's make as a take-off of movies, such as Porn Wars for Star Wars, and then there's also porn designed with certain movie genres in mind, like Westerns or Mystery-themed porn. SO WHY HAS THERE BEEN NO HORROR-PORN COMBOS? Think about it: most horror movies almost always have some sort of sex in them and usually some bare boobs (Joe Bob Briggs even used boobs as a rating system!), so one would think that combining porn and horror would be an obvious marriage. So, why hasn't it happened, or if it has happened, why has it been so limited?

You've got a point. Only title that comes to mind is this one by Cathy Barry - http://server5.*********/posters2/e/e6c667c40d118790b2b9a3139866aefe2b5efcf5.jpg

I guess the answer is (according to Zack & Miri....) is that Zombies just aren't sexy.
Here's what's on my mind tonight:

1. I was checking some prices on eBay today (No, it's not the shredder...and why not check? who wants to be paying more money for something?) and I noticed something. Does everyone remember when, several years back, eBay used to offer some really good deals of stuff? Needless to say, it isn't really happening much anymore, is it? I'm starting to believe that eBay is becoming or has already become a product of it's own momentum and more like the retailers that they initially shunned. Just a couple more steps and they'll be no different than Amazon's Marketplace.

2. A bit about Global Warming. I'm sick of the rampant overuse of the word "green." If the ice caps and glaciers melt, won't this also yield more livable land? Couldn't the extra fresh water be used to irrigate previously desertificated areas? I've read where some people call global warming an "indisputable thing," and personally, I'm always a little worried whenever something or even anything is considered indisputable (sounds like tunnel vision). Finally, what about the WORST possible scenario: if some are right and global warming is so horrid, and others are also right that we're in a period between ice ages....doesn't this mean that everything would cancel each other out and we'd be ok? :rofl:

3. Stanley Cup predictions in the final couple of hours?
Tonight's topics:

1. Why is it that, when you take a woman out for dinner, they always pull that "feigning eating" shit. They pick at a salad or can barely eat half a steak. Does this piss anyone else off?

2. Global stock markets totally tanked today. How are you coping, where are you putting your money and why?


The One and Only Big Daddy
Tonight's topics:

1. Why is it that, when you take a woman out for dinner, they always pull that "feigning eating" shit. They pick at a salad or can barely eat half a steak. Does this piss anyone else off?

2. Global stock markets totally tanked today. How are you coping, where are you putting your money and why?

On your first topic no not really

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I'm still waiting for the politically incorrect stuff to appear on your Vanity thread. That, and something amazing and/or fantastic.
When racially-motivated yobbos are allowed free-reign....

Use the term "Yankees," and most people will associate it with a baseball team before they associate it with an American. Nobody hides their family and possessions in when someone from Oakland, California is around, because they are actually "Raiders." Also oddly enough, Tony Gwynn never officially took someone's confession simply because he played for the San Diego Padres- and the Catholic church isn't the slightest bit upset! Everybody seems to be able to relax and just enjoy the sport of it....except some. Redskins, Braves, Seminoles...names like these, however, are the arch-evil are the sporting world!!!! Have I missed something? :dunno: If the Redskins pounded the NY doesn't mean that a bunch of Sioux were at JFK taking a hammer to the Boeings. So how is this so horrible? Isn't it jumping just a bit too far? It's a team name, and even moreso, it's not even that bad of a name! ...nobody's saying the "Lousy Filthy Disease-Ridden Sub-Human Washington Redskins" are they? We can't go back in the past and be, instead of trying to be as fair as possible in the present, people are trying to overcompensate for some grievance that was committed generations ago. Can't the yobbos worry about something more important than this?


The One and Only Big Daddy
When racially-motivated yobbos are allowed free-reign....

Use the term "Yankees," and most people will associate it with a baseball team before they associate it with an American. Nobody hides their family and possessions in when someone from Oakland, California is around, because they are actually "Raiders." Also oddly enough, Tony Gwynn never officially took someone's confession simply because he played for the San Diego Padres- and the Catholic church isn't the slightest bit upset! Everybody seems to be able to relax and just enjoy the sport of it....except some. Redskins, Braves, Seminoles...names like these, however, are the arch-evil are the sporting world!!!! Have I missed something? :dunno: If the Redskins pounded the NY doesn't mean that a bunch of Sioux were at JFK taking a hammer to the Boeings. So how is this so horrible? Isn't it jumping just a bit too far? It's a team name, and even moreso, it's not even that bad of a name! ...nobody's saying the "Lousy Filthy Disease-Ridden Sub-Human Washington Redskins" are they? We can't go back in the past and be, instead of trying to be as fair as possible in the present, people are trying to overcompensate for some grievance that was committed generations ago. Can't the yobbos worry about something more important than this?

Huh you sound cranking just kidding I see where you are coming from but I ready never put it into thought because it does not bother e great question and statement.