Eternally hoping to lick Briana
No and even if I did, I doubt I'd use it. I get so lightheaded from looking at it so I try not to look. I had to last night because I'm still using gauze and when I took the gauze out after eating the sausage, I saw the little bits of sausage on the gauze so forced myself to look in my mouth and rinse it out.
I know I don't even need to be using the gauze still, but I am so creeped out by this surgery that I'm scared to not have gauze. I don't want to feel it or see it. It's still bleeding a little too. Not much, but definitely noticeable because every time I change the gauze, the top of it is splotched red. So the top extraction site is still bleeding a little and the bottom isn't, which is weird since the bottom one was a bigger tooth and more difficult to extract since it was impacted. The top tooth was only half a tooth- it used to be a whole wisdom tooth, but a few months ago it totally chipped in half. Then again, they didn't put any stitches in the top, they only did the bottom, so that might have something to do with it.
im far from an expert but if i had to guess id assume the top was bleeding and the bottoms not is simply because of gravity. if you stood on your head, itd probably reverse. or not, i dont really know.
i dont really remember being able to see the wounds, but its been a while. i know i didnt need to look to squirt the food out. you just put it next to your back teeth and let the water pressure do the job. i had that thing for the longest time