My O-Ring burns like a muh fuh

no, not my 6.0 powerstroke injector (I don't even know what that means), I'm talking about my butthole. It's like Johnny Cash dedicated a song to it or something.

I've sought medical advice here before and you've always come through. Or should this have been posted in politics instead?

It's not 'roids and I'm pretty fastidious about keeping myself clean down there. I basically squeak when I walk and my boxers in my hamper (or your mom's ) you would never known were worn.

So would you recommend some home remedies? Right now I'm walking around gingerly and wincing a lot. Should I soak it in chamomile tea maybe?

Thanks again!
Butt cancer.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
That dream of Kanye making assplay with you was no dream.

You will be in his next video, too.

It got better - as in it's gone.

I think it's because of my recent dramatic change in diet and workout routine. I'm loading up on more carbs while doing higher volume weight training so there's more time under tension and probably more clenching involved.

Anyways, thanks to all for your genuine concern and helpful advice.


Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
O Rings? Red Robin does O Rings better than anybody, with the possible exception of BK. I do make my own O Rings on occasion, but they rarely turn out so good.

Wait, this is about your b-hole? You're on your own.
Soak ring in a hot soapy bath for about 20 min, almost as hot as you can stand without burning yourself. Worked for me, hope this helps.