Chances are, Maxim's list will not be accurate in accordance with any man's top 10. Mine, yours, anyones. Here are the reasons why:
1: Maxim will not include centerfolds and pornstars.
2: It's a list based on chicks who were in their magazine in the past year.
3: It doesn't include nearly enough foriegn girls.
4: It really is a popularity contest.
5: Just because a Hot 100 girl from a previous year doesn't have a huge mainstream year, doesn't mean she's not hot.
A good example of this is Sasha Grey. There are mainstream actresses and singers who didn't have as big of a year than Sasha. Not to mention she'll be hotter than half the list anyway. And how about Rosario Dawson? Not her biggest year in the spotlight, but was in a previous Hot 100 special. Is she not enough to make the list now???
I'm just sayin'...