I am such a freak when it comes to movies and I originally started with only ten but the list got longer and longer so I finally capped it off at 30. These are the films that entertained and/or moved me the most. It was a hell of a decade for movies. What's your favorite flicks of the past ten years?
30.The House of Sand and Fog deep, and good
29. 40 Year Old Virgin
28. Serenity I loved Firefly...
27. 28 Days Later
26. Bad Santa who didn't love Billy Bob...like Shakes the Clown...:thumbsup:
25. About Schmidt
24. Shaun of the Dead Just plain fun...
23. Man on Fire good ass-kickin' stuff
22. Ghost Dog: Way of the Samurai
21. Borat
20. The Wrestler
19. Juno
18. Up
17. A.I I loved this flick, deep sci-fi
16. Memento
15. Almost Famous
14. Superbad
13. Million Dollar Baby
12. X-Men
11. Spider-Man Not GWTW, but I read the comics from early 70s and enjoyed the flicks.
10. Wall-E
9. Lord of the Rings:The Return of the King I watch the trilogy from time to time:thumbsup:
8. Iron Man excellent movie due to Downey
7. Kill Bill vol. 2
6. Kill Bill vol. 1 another Tarentino classic ...love it.
5. The Dark Knight Best Batman ever, Ledger was great.
4. Avatar
3. Casino Royale
2. Grindhouse Awesome and crazy ...like Natural Born Killers, Pulp Fiction, etc.
1. Spider-Man 2 see above "Spider man 1"