My first Negative rep

How does a thread about neg rep get 140 posts???
The more interesting question is: why does a thread whining about neg rep harvest 24,000 rep points for the op?

24 hours ago: 116,000
now: 140,000


That's her diabolical plan, she's smarter than the average Bear, especially the likes of The Bear 247. :hatsoff:
Thank you

I thought it would have come sooner as I am opinionated.:rofl:

Though I didn't expect it to be from Homer vs Peter. So points to you on surprising me.

The only time I've been negative repped was for saying that Megan Fox is hotter than Angelina Jolie :thefinger

I still stand by what I said
I haven't given neg rep over the last 8 months. I used to neg rep f o x e l i p s u s but this guy was really unbearable, he pissed of every American with all his communistic and unamerican views.


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The more interesting question is: why does a thread whining about neg rep harvest 24,000 rep points for the op?

24 hours ago: 116,000
now: 140,000

I confess, I'm responsible for more than 1/6th of that rep boost. :nanner:


I got negged not too long ago but it was from 'trebus. Instead of getting pissed, I figured that it's probably what keeps him from slashing his wrists in a washtub out back under a pecan tree.

Me too and from the same character, however, in retailiation I returned the favor in the form of a Pos (+) rep. What do I care, it's more or less a board of satire anyway. :1orglaugh

The high rollers here are a collaboration of cross dressing reciprocally complimenting, self styled pseudo intellects anyways. ;p :jester:

I'm only Kidding ! Put your scalpels away ! :nono: WooleyWorm said it !
I haven't given neg rep over the last 8 months. I used to neg rep f o x e l i p s u s but this guy was really unbearable, he pissed of every American with all his communistic and unamerican views.
Well, he was just young and naive. He was calling for simple democracies and you could typically trip him up with his own logic.

But I had to admire his spirit and optimism, although he would be quite shallow when it came to political leaders and politics. He would assume the best about some, worst about others -- more so than anyone else.

But yeah, he basically called people stupid, without doing so directly, if you differed with his views.
Yeah we all get Neg Repped from time to time. I just wish I would receive negative rep from someone other than the same two cock sucking jerkoffs. They are probably doing it because it's the only way for them to get it up so they can participate in their daily circle jerking activities. Oh well.

P.S. Alisa, you are absolutely correct for thinking Peter would get his ass handed to him by Homer. Homer is the king of cartoon sitcoms and Peter had best accept his second place trophy if he doesn't want Mr. Plow to get in dat ass!


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Yeah we all get Neg Repped from time to time. I just wish I would receive negative rep from someone other than the same two cock sucking jerkoffs. They are probably doing it because it's the only way for them to get it up so they can participate in their daily circle jerking activities. Oh well.

You just need to get more rep than them. They leave you alone after that. ;)
I very rarely get negative repped and to be honest it surprises me somewhat. I think I once went a few years without getting one.

Although maybe people just wonder about my sanity, and give me a pass because of it. ;)

I also have never given anybody negative rep since I have been on the board.

I've never given neg rep either.
I haven't given neg rep over the last 8 months. I used to neg rep f o x e l i p s u s but this guy was really unbearable, he pissed of every American with all his communistic and unamerican views.

Never neg raped (is that how you spell it?) the guy, we did have completely oppostive views on just about everything though he did gave me a positive rep that if I remember correctly it was for posting some pics of a hot chick he liked so I'm glad we agreed on something.
P.S. Alisa, you are absolutely correct for thinking Peter would get his ass handed to him by Homer. Homer is the king of cartoon sitcoms and Peter had best accept his second place trophy if he doesn't want Mr. Plow to get in dat ass!

I know.

I won't neg rep over a difference of opinion. Everyone is entitled to one. Though I guess if someone posted something totally insane I might.

Wow this thread is way bigger than I thought it would ever have been.