My cat projectile vomited on me

I'm kicked back on the couch playing Fallout 4 and my cat, who was laying on my chest, suddenly gets up and starts heaving. Before I have a chance to react, she spews her cat chunks all over the side of my neck and shoulder. It was like burning acid from the Aliens movies. Ok, I exaggerate, but it was pretty warm.

Poor thing. I kept watch on her and she's ok. It was just one of those things cats do. Probably hairball related.
my vet said to wipe some Vaseline on the cats mouth so it swallows some
it helps hair ball problems- honest

I use it on my ass hole to prevent ass rash and chafing

wait until the kitty projectile shits on you- no help there

- - - Updated - - -

my vet said to wipe some Vaseline on the cats mouth so it swallows some
it helps hair ball problems- honest

I use it on my ass hole to prevent ass rash and chafing

wait until the kitty projectile shits on you- no help there


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I'm kicked back on the couch playing Fallout 4 and my cat, who was laying on my chest, suddenly gets up and starts heaving. Before I have a chance to react, she spews her cat chunks all over the side of my neck and shoulder. It was like burning acid from the Aliens movies. Ok, I exaggerate, but it was pretty warm.

Poor thing. I kept watch on her and she's ok. It was just one of those things cats do. Probably hairball related.

You sure?

You probably deserved it.

I probably did. Karma Kat.

my vet said to wipe some Vaseline on the cats mouth so it swallows some
it helps hair ball problems- honest

Yeah, I've got that hairball remedy gel that I really should use as a preventive measure instead of after the fact.

I use it on my ass hole to prevent ass rash and chafing

same. that and chamomile tea.

Be honest did you give her white beer before that happen? :D

No, but I was drinking and projectile vomited on her while she was sleeping as payback.

You sure?

holy shit.
I would have puked. Ever smelled cat hurl? That shit stinks
Hers didn't oddly enough. It was just really warm. Or maybe I'm just biased because I love her. Her poop does stink though.
Don't get me wrong, I love cats. Sadly I can't own one because I have a bad allergy to them. Eye's swell up and run, hacking and wheezing, sneezing with runny nose. Ain't worth it
my cat used to vomit right after eating- so I took to letting her outside so as not to create a mess
I noticed it one the vomit and passed by an hour later and it was gone
the stray cats ate my cats vomit
the food fed 2 or 3 cats in actuality

the Vaseline is a real cure for hair balls that build up

they lick them selves and some fur hair get in their mouith and stomach its undigestable so they vomit it out