Must see movies before you die

Se7en (best ending ever)
Battle royal
Chan wook park's Revenge Trilogy (Sympathy for mr. Vengeance,Oldboy,Sympathy for lady Vengeance)
No, I didn't miss the point of the film. I get that it's a narrative device - I had this pounded into my head during English 386 The Movies in college. All I'm saying is that this is the perfect film for a "Cliff Notes Theater". Here's all you need to know about the film:

Charles Foster Kane had a shitty childhood. And despite the mass of wealth he acquired during his lifetime and all the recognition he received as a newspaper magnate, in the end, he longed for the time lost during his youth. - There I just saved you two hours. That's the film in a nut shell. I could do the same with Titanic: the boat sinks, people die, it's very sad. There, saved you three hours. :D
Yes you could summarize all films in such a short overly simplistic way. But that is not all you need to know about the film. Cinema is a visual medium, it is about Mise-en-scène. editing, music, composition, acting etc not just what the plot is. So people have not been saved 2 hours, 3 hours etc by you just explaining the plots.
There's a lot of war movies,

Full metal Jacket
Black Hawk Down
We were soldiers
Saving Private Ryan
Flags of our Fathers
The Thin Red Line

Just to name a few, and rename a few...
1. Donnie Darko
2. Sin City
3. 28 Days Later
4. Snatch (not a porno, a guy ritchie film before his films all sucked.)
5. Aliens (2nd one)
6. Adulthood
7. Hot Fuzz
8. The Shawshank Redemption
9. Eden Lake (fucked-up)
ET, Jaws, Old Yeller

punk rock

Dracula -bela lugosi
frankenstein-boris karloff
the mummy-borris karloff
texas chainsaw massacre-1974
drag me to hell-2009
evil dead-1981
evil dead 2-1987
the shinning
the wolf man-lon chaney jr.
Gates of hell-1980
house of 1000 corpses-2003
the creature walks among us
vampire lovers-hammer
twins of evil-hammer

man there is soo much more.....