MTV Video Music Awards

Do people even watch videos anymore?

With being able to download as much music as you want now which takes away the act of physically buying it aren't making the videos to promote said music rather an arbitrary process now? With the advent of youtube, myspace and many other places shitty new bands can promote their crappy music - music videos just seem like even more of a waste of time than they ever were before.

Or am I just being far too cynical? Yes, there was a time when videos became quite an art form, but the days of Sabotage are over. All we get now are wave after wave of the same thing. It's only ever RnB and hip-hop stars who take it upon themselves to put what effort they can into making them and as I say there's no variety in them anymore. It's worthless.

Why do I even care? I haven't watched MTV in years.


It's good to be the king...
Kanye was uncool (aka acting like a dipshit) - but that doesn't mean I'm going to dump his CDs because of his actions....
I think South Park might have to do a sequel to "gay fish"

but he might now be the biggest douchebag of all time. he had to have been drunk
I just think it's funny how Kanye just comes out of no where and just appears on stage.

Are we starting to think conspiracy now? I'm not suggesting even the Kanye on stage in the first place was planned...just that at some point there might have been a discussion to get Taylor back up there to be able to say thank you again-so not sure if it was all Beyonce's idea or impression was from the way it was cut or presented in these clips makes it look like Taylor got there with an extra mic really quickly...maybe there was a wait during the actual broadcast....just thought it seemed wierd....

Still a classy thing to do though.
The last time I watched an MTV awards show--PDiddy tried to upstage the event by driving a giant semi-truck down Broadway or I think, again, Kanye's stage rush antics (in order to hog the spotlight) are just him trying to copy Puffy again. :dunno:

I also remember all MTV awards shows used to be nothing more than opportunities for music or movie stars to shamelessly plug their next movie/CD/ or shamelessly shill some product...


Die For Me
Are there any working links to the kanye/taylor video that viacom hasnt removed?
I havent seen it yet
2 things.....
Kayne = J.Y.N.
and why does MTV do a video awards show? they don't show videos anymore.... and if they do who watches MTV for videos?
i don't go to mtv for my videos (which i dont watch anyway) i go to youtube

on a different note Kayne supposedly rips on autotuning with his song on the new Jay-z cd....BUT KAYNE IS THE BIGGEST USER OF THE AUTO TUNE on all his songs!!!!!!...He is a J.Y.N.
I find him obnoxious, irritating, and a huge douche. Sad thing is, that is what he wants people to think of him as. Goes to show who he truly is on the inside. The outside is to get the attention and after that, he is nothing but a hollow shell.

Are you talking about Kanye West or Russell Brand? Either way, you're right on! :thumbsup:
im sorry i like kanye and all, but he had lost his fuckin mind pullin that bs off
Some one remind me what M-TV stands for again?
I thought the M stood for music but there hasn't been any music on it in years.
an I'm assuming TV means Television but when ever I turn it on there is just that test pattern crap done by stoned college kids.
its like the public access channel - just showing community bulletin board.

If I was a musician who won an M-TV MVA award I would retire in humiliation and disgrace.
I feel sorry for that poor girl Taylor Swift just being on MTV.
Barack Obama has called rapper Kanye West a "jackass", an ABC News anchorman has reported on Twitter, apparently.
I agree with barack. Kanye west is a wanker he thinks he is jesus christ this guy should be banned from any public awards what an idiot :mad:


Lord Dipstick