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Mr Marcus Patient Zero in Syphilis Outbreak


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Here's DeepCover admitting he's fucking clown shoes.


No Sabrina YOU don't know who YOU are dealing with...you're no match for me but if you want to debate me on issues which can land you rbutt in PRISON then be my guest... Are you still a US citizen, or a foriegn citizen doing business in the US ?...Why yes you are now aren't you...:

The Supreme Court has ruled that, “transmitting obscenity and child pornography, whether via the Internet or other means, is... illegal under federal law for both adults and juveniles.”

-Reno v. ACLU, 521 U.S. 844 (1998).


Obscenity is not protected under First Amendment rights to free speech, and violations of federal obscenity laws are criminal offenses. The U.S. courts use a three-pronged test, commonly referred to as the Miller test, to determine if given material is obscene. Obscenity is defined as anything that fits the criteria of the Miller test, which may include, for example, visual depictions, spoken words, or written text.
Federal law makes it illegal to distribute, transport, sell, ship, mail, produce with intent to distribute or sell, or engage in a business of selling or transferring obscene matter. Convicted offenders face fines and imprisonment. Although the law generally does not criminalize the private possession of obscene matter, the act of receiving such matter could violate federal laws prohibiting the use of the mails, common carriers, or interactive computer services for the purpose of transportation. (For more information, see Citizen's Guide to Federal Law on Obscenity).

› Title 18 › Part I › Chapter 110 › § 2257prevnext18 USC § 2257 - Record keeping requirements

Current through Pub. L. 112-123. (See Public Laws for the current Congress.)

(a) Whoever produces any book, magazine, periodical, film, videotape, digital image, digitally- or computer-manipulated image of an actual human being, picture, or other matter which—
(1) contains one or more visual depictions made after November 1, 1990 of actual sexually explicit conduct; and
(2) is produced in whole or in part with materials which have been mailed or shipped in interstate or foreign commerce, or is shipped or transported or is intended for shipment or transportation in interstate or foreign commerce;

The porn industry is nothing more than a glorified criminal enterprise...The only reason you aren't in prison right now is because we have a liberal president who hasn't declared a "war on porn" like Bush did, and like Romney wants do...

You're no better than HIV positive Stagliano...and the same charges he faced are just as applicable for YOU and under conservsative interpretation of the Miller Test for Obscenity...your butt would be rotting in jail for LIFE :thumbsup:.

You are trying to fuck with the wrong person, eric2136. I don't allow you to say that shit in a public forum. How do you fucking dare to say that i have broken criminal laws, you anonymous coward? I haven't broken any laws and this shows the idiot that you are.

I haven't shot b-g stuff in the US since the condom proposal came out. I can shoot however the fuck i want out of US.

Neither me or my companies are US based, so i don't need to comply to 2257; however, i do with all my sites and have all the documentation in perfect order; i even never ever shoot with people under 21yo as clearly stated on my sites.

Don't say something like that again, because i'm no a coward like you and i'll seek for you, pussy!
Yeah I have plenty for you regarding Sharon "condom porn doesn't sell" Mitchell once you ascend past the remedial level of actually reading the article which you are commenting on but obviously haven't read....Rocco was just one person interviewed but there were others such as Belladona who substantiated the authors claims...

I'm not even going to comment on your claim regarding your test status for the past 15 or so odd years, because we all know pornstars NEVER lie...LOL...

Get up to speed on this issue before you engage me...It's common knowledge that working with herpes is permitted in the industry...forging and faking tests is common too... Marcus is no better or worse than the rest of you...which you already know all too well

Derrick Burts never denied doing gay porn...something you would know if you bothered to watch his press conference...but it's funny how quick you are to blame the victim and discount his testimony regarding industry testing practices...yeah I can tell you really care about Actor safety and what he went thru...

Also you want another example..how about Marc Wallace who infected other Actors including Karen Stagliano, John Stagliano's wife with HIV..this guy infected the wife of one of the biggest porn producers in the world with HIV, yet you want to irrationally hold Marcus to a higher standard than him...wow

Yeah I can tell you and Marcus go waaaayyy back together...with friend like you who needs enemies

it's really clear that Eric is just here to try and stir some shit up and be contrarian to everything.

Marcus DID cover it up. He was deliberate! It isn't Marcus' decision on whether he is cured or not. The guy has shot thousands of scenes, he knows better and he knew what would happen if he were caught. He only came forward because he was caught. If he had not been caught he wouldn't have said a peep about it, even though he himself was infected by someone! That alone would have raised a flag and protected other people so please, he was looking out only for himself and was willing to go on quietly while someone was working with Syphilis. He did deceive the director and producer and other talent in that way alone, let alone a forged test.

Rocco didn't say that ALL talent has herpes. If he did he's wrong because I DON'T have it. I have NEVER had an STD in my life. I have been told I may have been exposed, but never tested positive meaning I NEVER caught it.

Sharon Mitchell who ran AIM (Adult Industry mediacal) for years would know much better than Rocco would on who has what. She said that the % of active performers with Herpes is always over 60%, but the required tests do NOT test for herpes.

Derek Burts was doing gay scenes for sucks sake and did you know there IS NO TESTING IN GAY PORN!!! they rely on condoms or they pair HIV positive partners together? Did you know that Mr Burts was in gay bars and having gay sex off camera? So please, you need to find a better example than Derek Burts.
my first post goes to you, ms. milano..

as a young buck coming up, i remember watching porn and seeing this beautiful lady by the name of mariah on a west coast productions film.. omg i fell in love hard! lol! hey it's sad but true.. but it happens you know.. i have no shame.. lol.. fast forward to 2010 or 2011,whenever you made your comeback to the industry. i was excited for your return.. but i happened to read something about you refusing to work with black men or something.. i was like WTF?! it turned out to be something about justin slayer stiffing you on money or something.. i don't remember the full details on it.. anyway, i was like FUCK IT, i'll just view her OLD scenes.. the best bj scene is history, in my mind at least, was you with mandingo for a rodney moore movie.. anyway, then i hear something about you starting to do "selective IR" i'm like: OK... whatver, it's mariah fucking milano.. so i check out those new IR scenes.. i was so in awe of how you got even more sexy with age.. i was in love again.. lol..

i loved the actress mariah milano.. still do.. thank goodness for old dvds and porn clips on my computer.. lol.. i have to see some mariah at least once a month.. lol.. anyway, i am glad i learned earlier on not to get too invested any kind of celeb.. because the real life version of them will disappoint you every time.. pornstars are in no position to be looked at in a moral way.. seeing your posts on this board, remains me that i should never want to know a pornstar's personal thoughts or life.. watching you on porn is not the same as the real life you obviously.. but sometimes you still get wrapped up in what you see on the screen.. a beautiful woman with a bright smile that comes off as intelligent on screen.. i have no doubt you are probably a smart lady.. i mean, look what you have built for yourself.. you mentioned many times about some deals you have with some german company, blah blah blah.. plus you have your websites which undoubtly are a success for you.. you can't obtain those things being totally dumb.. kudos to you.. however..

i can't believe the statements you are making regarding blacks.. you are no better than the racist rednecks that do this sort of talking everyday.. what's with all the generalizations of blacks? when you had the hiv scare back in the day, did you write an article, or post, on whites living a destructible lifestyle and placing people like you in danger? did you group a bunch of them together? i'm pretty sure you didn't.. so why sis you go on a tangent about the ills of the black community.. yes some things you saaid were true.. but what does that have to do with what mr. marcus did? you just took this as a opportunity to shit on blacks.. it's pretty disrespectable for someone that has a son that is half black..

yeah yeah yeah.. i know what you're going to say.. we all know about the things you discussed about blacks making fun of the black "nerds" in school.. believe me, i was THAT guy.. i was picked at heavily and told that i was trying to be "white". i didn't give a fuck about what they were saying and continued to get my education.. i just laughed that shit off.. although things said were hurtful for me back then, i didn't look down on my people.. i just looked at as them being DIFFERENT from me.. simply as that.. i was my own individual who was strong enough not to give into peer pressure to "dumb down" i know that my people want to me DIFFERENT from everyone else. most don't want to be like THEM.. although i admire that, there are better ways to go about it that are not negative.. either way though, people are people.. there is someone for everybody.. those blacks you talk ill about are probably attractive to some women.. i'm pretty sure the guy you had your child with, was not a clean-cut nerdy type.. you best believe you were probably in your "bad boy" stage of life.. back then you loved to get fucked by him.. but now that he's shown you all the stereotypes on blacks first hand, you think you're an expert on us.. well, sorry., my friend, you are not..

your whole rant on blacks doing this and that was purely based on your frustration of the black deadbeat dad of your kid.. oh what else.. let me see.. oh yeah, justin slayer screwed you out of some money.. etc.. etc.. hmm.. so am i to assume that the other races you have come in contact with are perfect people? hmm probably huh.. perhaps if you stayed away from thugged-out black dudes you would learn that not all black guys want to cheat and fuck everything moving.. i really can't believe that you would go there.. and NO you're not bad ass for saying all that stuff.. you're only impressing the idiots on here, that are mostly white i'm sure, who want to use this as an opportunity to put down the black race AGAIN.. i noticed how some chick named maggie, i think, was all up your ass praising you for what you said.. she's probably never touched a black dick in her life.. and from the look of her, she looks like a deep south chick.. and we all know what their mommies and daddies teach them at a young age: never to get involved with a black person.. that's the redneck way of life.. live life like trash but have the nerve to look down on another race when you have only two teeth in your mouth.. wow..

i would respect your opinions more if you had stuck to the subject of the matter, which is mr. marcus fucking up.. but you decided to make it a black cultural thing also.. that is not your place.. i just love how everyone in other races think they are so knowledgeable about the black race.. they're always telling us what we need to do.. or how we should dress and act.. meanwhile they are doing whatever the fuck they want.. however they want.. whatever! we will behave the way we want, just like all you "holier than thou" people do every single day.. stand on your soapbox and preach down all you want! looking at this country right now, all you see is hip-hop everywhere.. everyone wants to be cool.. everybody wants to have "swag". every guy likes a big booty now.. lol.. please! blacks being doing all those things since the beginning of time.. all people do is copy us when they want to look cool to their friends.. but when they are around a real black person they look down on them.. just look at the white kids listening to rap right now but have the nerve to be racist.. what the fuck.. america is the land of millions of hypocrites i tell ya.. if you dislike a group of people so much, why would you imitate them or listen to music they like? smh..

as far as you talk on medical studies involving blacks.. LMAO! america is a white majority country which has a history of distorting facts against blacks.. come on.. this is the same place where they actually secretly gave blacks diseases to test how they would react to them.. god knows what else they did back then to people who were just going for a doctor's visit.. also: how come there are rarely any articles that say"asians are more likely to do this.. indians are more likely to do this.. whites are most likely to do that.. and if there are these kinds of articles, you better believe that they, whites especially, would be shown in a positive light.. why are these kinds of things needed anyway? i'll tell you why.. to feed the racist, superiority minds of the people in this country.. you know it's true.. there's nothing the white majority loves more than reading articles how they are so much better, smarter, than any other race.. especially when it's against blacks.. so excuse me if i don't buy into every little article i see from some "medical study"! you're just feeding your mind with all the negatives you can to make your stupid views on blacks valid to you.. spare me your links on stats about black crimes, diseases blacks get, or whatever else.. i'm sure you check those stats all the time.. lol.. fuck those stats.. this is the real world.. once people get off their high horse and stop judging people they know nothing about, the world might be a better place.. i judge everyone individually even though it's hard as fuck with racist trash coming at my race from all sides.. i can see right through most of them.. even the ones that try to hide it with their fake smiles.. the eyes always give them away.. smh.. i always wanted to meet you to look into yours but i never went to a convention or anything.. but your writing on here tells me you have some animosity in your heart against blacks.. and just because you have a half-black kid and you hung around some black people doesn't mean you can't be racist.. my uncle is married to a white woman yet is always saying racist shit about whites.. the older he gets, the funnier it gets though.. lmao! he's saying all this racist shit with his arm wrapped around his white wife while they're both watching seinfield.. lol.. but i'm man enough to call him out on his racist shit.. unlike the millions of people that CLAIM to be not racist but will associate with people who are.. most don't have to guts to confront friends and family on their racist bullshit.. anway, i call him out on it and his answer is that he knows his wife's heart.. he says there is not a racist bone in her body.. he trusts her with his life.. it sounds so sweet but sad at the same time.. i will continue to work on getting him into a non-racist mindset but older people are set in their ways.. which explains why all of these older parents pass down their racist hate to their kids.. it's up to the kids to fight against it.. but most won't because they don't want to stand on their own and go against family..

i hope you are not becoming the old, racist hag complaining about the blacks ruining the world.. well, even if that is so, it's not ALL of them.. when you make stupid generalizations of an entire race it is unfair and sets up the possibility of discriminatory actions on your part.. which i'm sure you already engage in.. whatever.. those are your choices.. you need to remember that your son is HALF of that race.. you need to get off your high horse downing my race for a few cheap claps of applause from some fans on a porn board.. at some point, you should take a look at your own self and realize it doesn't look good.. i don't give a fuck what some black person has done to you.. it doesn't justify you attacking an entire race for the actions of individuals who just happened to be black.. i'm sure you don't do it for whites so stop doing it to us.. it's bullshit.. you don't know shit about ALL black people.. you're just one of the MANY that like to jump on the bandwagon talking down about us.. try to be ORIGINAL for once.. try not to be a FOLLOWER of the masses.. then we might care about what you have to say.. because the shit you spewing now is only the normal talk of southern rednecks who sit around talking shit about blacks being on welfare, while they're on welfare themselves.. smh..

as far as you saying blacks should do this and that and need to change this and that.. i don't represent the whole black race.. but let me speak for all them when i say: FUCK YOU! we don't need to cater to what others think we should be.. how we should dress.. how we should present ourselves to make YOU feel comfortable.. fuck off! it's funny how certain people want us to change things but won't even entertain the thoughts of changing themselves.. also: you are no better than anyone.. you are just a pornstar that i can see anytime i want by popping in a dvd or pulling up a scene on my computer.. you are in no position to be on a moral high ground.. you are the type of person that would call a black person ARROGANT for having self-confidence.. but you'll come on a message board of strangers and brag about what you have or what you're doing.. so i guess that's modesty huh? well i'm not impressed..

the actress, mariah milano, i like very much.. the person that plays her, not so much.. your comments scored you points with your caucasian fans who you mostly cater to now, like many of the other porn actresses.. it's the nature of the beast i guess.. it's obvious you don't care about the feelings of black fans like me, by your comments.. instead you want to attack them for daring to disagree with you and accusing them of defending mr marcus because he's black like him.. it's really sad and disappointing that you have to behave like that but, as a black man, i am never surprised.. life is full of hypocrites.. i mean, look at me.. even though i dislike your views, i am going to watch one of your scenes with my girl tonight.. lol.. see how that works? i wish i could say i respect your views but i don't.. there is a way to put things in an adult manner.. you chose to do the childish way.. please don't let your views rub off on your kid.. although your kid's dad is not a great role model, i hope that you won't plant in the kid's head that blacks are all like his deadbeat ass.. after all, that was YOUR choice to lay with him and produce a child.. don't take it out on the NICE black guys you probably looked over to fuck this THUG guy in the first.. don't take it out on blacks period.. our culture didn't have shit to do with what mr marcus did.. if you think so, then you are clearly losing your mind.. anyone, i hope you can teach your kid to treat everyone decent no matter the race. teach the kid not to be like you.. because your racially divisive statements are not a good look and would embarass any child..

as far as the mr marcus thing.. he knows what he did was wrong and i don't feel sorry for him.. but at the same time, he is a respected dude in the industry judging by his longevity.. everyone makes mistakes.. he should accept his punishment and go on with his life.. if the porn industry accepts him back in, then so be it.. if i were him, i would just step away from the industry though because there are going to be people like you, always whispering behind his back, dragging his name through the mud.. it's funny though how you took it WAY beyond the mr marcus subject by blaming black culture.. fuck that.. blame WHITE culture for the major hiv case in the past when that dude knowingly infected people.. oh you won't do that will you? there's too many of the white culture in your fan-base huh? i see you talking down to your black fans on here for daring to disagree with you.. i know how a person like you thinks.. you're thinking this black fan doesn't matter anyway because he's probably broke and doesn't buy your stuff anyway.. am i right? ohhh i'm very sure that i am!! hmm.. i guess you know better than to go against the white fans that have fed your family.. smart girl.. you're all about that business.. good for you, i guess..


Official Checked Star Member
No Sabrina YOU don't know who YOU are dealing with...you're no match for me but if you want to debate me on issues which can land you rbutt in PRISON then be my guest... Are you still a US citizen, or a foriegn citizen doing business in the US ?...Why yes you are now aren't you...:

The Supreme Court has ruled that, “transmitting obscenity and child pornography, whether via the Internet or other means, is... illegal under federal law for both adults and juveniles.”

-Reno v. ACLU, 521 U.S. 844 (1998).


Obscenity is not protected under First Amendment rights to free speech, and violations of federal obscenity laws are criminal offenses. The U.S. courts use a three-pronged test, commonly referred to as the Miller test, to determine if given material is obscene. Obscenity is defined as anything that fits the criteria of the Miller test, which may include, for example, visual depictions, spoken words, or written text.
Federal law makes it illegal to distribute, transport, sell, ship, mail, produce with intent to distribute or sell, or engage in a business of selling or transferring obscene matter. Convicted offenders face fines and imprisonment. Although the law generally does not criminalize the private possession of obscene matter, the act of receiving such matter could violate federal laws prohibiting the use of the mails, common carriers, or interactive computer services for the purpose of transportation. (For more information, see Citizen's Guide to Federal Law on Obscenity).

› Title 18 › Part I › Chapter 110 › § 2257prevnext18 USC § 2257 - Record keeping requirements

Current through Pub. L. 112-123. (See Public Laws for the current Congress.)

(a) Whoever produces any book, magazine, periodical, film, videotape, digital image, digitally- or computer-manipulated image of an actual human being, picture, or other matter which—
(1) contains one or more visual depictions made after November 1, 1990 of actual sexually explicit conduct; and
(2) is produced in whole or in part with materials which have been mailed or shipped in interstate or foreign commerce, or is shipped or transported or is intended for shipment or transportation in interstate or foreign commerce;

The porn industry is nothing more than a glorified criminal enterprise...The only reason you aren't in prison right now is because we have a liberal president who hasn't declared a "war on porn" like Bush did, and like Romney wants do...

You're no better than HIV positive Stagliano...and the same charges he faced are just as applicable for YOU and under conservsative interpretation of the Miller Test for Obscenity...your butt would be rotting in jail for LIFE :thumbsup:.

I'm not American, i don't live in America, i don't run a business in America, you ignorant moron.


Official Checked Star Member
do YOU know how Pinky because famous? Do YOU? I do. She was pimped out starting when she was 12. Her pimp then started filming her fucking everyone in the hood and putting it out on the internet back in the early 2000's for free and she became famous. I am sorry but you're use of examples is embarrassingly lame.


Official Checked Star Member
To everyone who claims I'm a racist. I am NOT. I think that everyone is so afraid to say some things that are long overdue to be said. I said them.

I do not "cater" to my white fans. I have a shitload of black fans and spanish fans and asian fans and white fans too. I am myself to them ALL and if they don't like it then I don't know what to tell you. I will be me, and only me to everyone.

If I don't like people wearing their pants down below their asses, then I will fucking say so! If I don't want an email written to me in ebonics " hey Ma, dat pussy be fat as fuk and you be bangin n yOU need to geT down wit dis dicK bb" that shit is retarded and anyone who writes like that should be ashamed. Same goes for white trash and spanish slang.

I have a mixed son so forgive me for hating a culture that gravitates towards speaking and dressing like fucking idiots. Did you know that sagging comes from prison where jeans are all one size so they wear them however they get them with their boxers showing? So the youth of America is emulating men in prison. Geniuses all of them right?

I say the same when I see people with piercings or ink all over their faces. I am sure they can't figure out why the world isn't catering to them and they aren't rich and getting job offers daily. Same goes for how you speak and if your fucking pants are falling down or not.

Stop being so fucking sensitive and speak up on the people who give the racists shit to point out. Demand that other blacks and whites and spanish and asians stop embarrassing the rest of us and acting like fucking idiots. Tell them to pull up their pants and learn how to speak and have some respect for other people.



Official Checked Star Member
and Eric, dude you need to give that 2257 shit a rest. That entire law was written so that the government could trip up people in our industry over paperwork to prosecute them and make doing business that much harder. It's a huge joke and I have a compliance officer who mainstains all of my paperwork and releases and I haven't shot a scene since the law went into effect. So good try!
and Eric, dude you need to give that 2257 shit a rest. That entire law was written so that the government could trip up people in our industry over paperwork to prosecute them and make doing business that much harder. It's a huge joke and I have a compliance officer who mainstains all of my paperwork and releases and I haven't shot a scene since the law went into effect. So good try!
I thought you were retired?
and Eric, dude you need to give that 2257 shit a rest. That entire law was written so that the government could trip up people in our industry over paperwork to prosecute them and make doing business that much harder. It's a huge joke and I have a compliance officer who mainstains all of my paperwork and releases and I haven't shot a scene since the law went into effect. So good try!

Are you blind son?


I'm watching some specialist videos
There seems to have been a lot said since I was away for a couple of days....

Everything you said regarding the industry issue is 100% wrong...Go back and re-read all posts that were made relative to that issue and then you tell me who really made a "big deal" about it...like I said, porn models come here to be validated. and noone else... whether you, or anyone else, believes me or not is irrelevant.

Everything you said regarding the legal issues is also 100% wrong...porn company's violate the law everyday regarding condom regs meant to help protect and mitigate against the spread of STD's, and you think that the DA wouldn't be interested in that regarding cases of STD outbreaks!?!?...that doesn't even make any sense...

In any event, all discussion regarding prosecutiion is ridiculous anyways if you have read and comprehend the facts in their entirety, so i'm not even going to re-vist and debate on that topic again because it's pointless...

Porn companies won't be charged and niether will Derrick Burts or anyone else..There is too much money at stake. Any talent infected needs to get their shots get it cleared up and get back to work...Stop all this bitchin and moanin' cause you're lucky to have a job in the first place...

And if another outbreak occurs I'll say the same thing... Now I'm THRU with this topic, back to the pussy and porn :thumbsup:!!!
I did not say anything about the industry so how it could be wrong, let alone 100% wrong, I am at a loss to understand
You have totally failed to address any of the points that I made, include (most significantly) the one asking for some sort of proof of your involvement in the adult industry apart from as a customer.
Apparently I am also 100% wrong about the legal issues involved. I think that you are not quite correct on that score. I am humbled by your legal wizardry, but I am pretty sure that it is in fact a felony (i.e. it is against the law) to knowingly infect someone with a disease, and altering a medical document is probably not legal, either. So even if I am wrong in some aspects, I am certainly not 100% wrong.
Just so that everyone has a working knowledge of %, I maybe should explain that percent or per cent means "out of 100". i.e. 100% is "the whole thing". I know that recent television programs such as X-Factor and "USA/Britain has Talent" have leant towards 1 million percent, but please be assured that this is just the ramblings of idiotic TV personalities and has no substance in reality where 100 is the most that you can have as a percentage.

LOL..Ok, well despite your rambling gibberish, the following facts remain:

1) Marcus didn't DELIBERATELY infect anybody...he took treatment and thought he was cured..
Yes he did - he even altered his test results because he decided that the results were not to his liking

2) He faked the test because he thought he was basically cured and was told that his test results were indicating a false positive technicality, and he was cleared to work with the help of the industry doctors so he could make them money...an assertion backed up by other posters in this thread and also by Derrick Burts in his press conference video...
He faked the test so that he could work

3) Marcus most likely WASN'T patient zero which is an assertion which is also supported by other posters in this thread...Just because a biased industry race-bating thread is made quoting a biased industry source...you all of the sudden take it as gospel despite any facts to the contrary ...why, because I guess the industry NEVER lies, huh !?!?...that's just ridiculous...
He has not alluded to anyone else in the industry as being patient zero

4) The article clearly states that ALL porn performers have or have had STD's...Rocco says ALL porn actors/actresses have herpes...Derrick Burts said he got three STDs his first month in the industry and was told to keep working...Derrick Burts also said that he wasn't aware of the existing regs about condoms, and he felt that condoms were imperative to help stop the spread of STD's...He also said that he was dissuaded, if not prohibited, from wearing condoms in Sraight pornscenes..
I gather that herpes is the STD mentioned here. Herpes is incurable and lasts for life, but is dormant most of the time. Cold sores are a form of herpes and can lead to genital herpes. I would be surprised if most of the industry performers did not have herpes. In the US, 57.7% of the population is infected with HSV-1 and 16.2% are infected with HSV-2 (genital herpes). Worldwide, the infection rate is estimated at between 65 and 90% of the population, so I would ignore herpes as an STD to worry about

So despite all the evidence regarding the overall STD problem you choose to irrationally rant, bash, and demonoize ONE employee like he's the only porn person who EVER worked with an STD in the industry...why? because he's black, he's male, and thus because he's an easy target...

wow.. that's awsome...yeah I can tell you really care about everybody and are absolutely determined to get to the truth and improve work conditions for all porn actors/actresses...:facepalm:

And as for the criminal aspect...you've broken as many criminal 2257 regs and condom laws as anyone, HIV- postive Stagliano just escaped prison by the skin of his teeth for stuff that YOU do everyday ...

So if Marcus ended up jail, which he absolutely won't,. then I garauntee YOU would be in the cell right next to his.
What a load of old cobblers you have just stated. Mr Marcus has admitted publicly to what he has done, so is, in fact, a very easy target for prosecution. Just because others have not been charged does not mean that her should be let off.

How was he blaming everyone else? If anything it should have been the industry to blame not him. Sure he messed and is held accountable for his actions but I am going to say this again. The guy apologized for his actions and he aplogized for covering it up but to feel that he should be put away behind bars and banned from the industry forever is just crazy. Even if I didn't like him or know him I believe I have the right to be empathical (NOT sympathize) and try to understand his flaws, his pain, his suffering something the industry could even care less on. Let alone the lack of obtaining a performer's TTS sheet and something the industry should take into action. Not just about losing money.

This thread has nothing to do with race but ppl are pissed off because there are those who happen to think differently understanding the story from a different angle instead of siding with those who feel justice should "put-his-ass-sorry-ass-in-prison" bandwagon. Sorry but you won't find me joining that bandwagon. Even if Marcus fucked up again it still wouldn't change my mind. People make mistakes and sometimes it takes a long time for them to finally learn from it. I believe Mr Marcus has understood what he did and will eventually move on. This will happen eventually.

Fuck...this slow computer of minesss...I probably wouldn't call you bad names in person unless you seriously tried to be all up in my face then I'd be like "Is this girl for real? Why is this crazy ass all up in my face like a fucking vulture?...Oh fuck here she goes now with her shit...uh oh....uh oh...UH OH! oooooooo" Fight is on. If I saw you in person i'd prolly give you small wave and walk out so who knows. So yeah...call me a controversial, conspiracy brother/player or whatever the fuck else slang you've put to the table but that won't change my views on this topic. PERIOD!
I don't know about you, but I would feel that someone that came up to me and broke my legs with a baseball bat should deserve some time in prison.
If you feel that breaking legs is worse than syphilis then you obviously have not looked at the potential symptoms which include and are not limited to - lesions and skin ulceration, which may occur outside of the genitals. The most common location in women is the cervix (44%), the penis in heterosexual men (99%), and anally and rectally in gay men. Other symptoms include fever, sore throat, malaise, weight loss, hair loss, and headache. The lesions can also occur on the brain, causing Neurosyphilis which include symptoms such as blindness and retardation.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
hey scumbag would you rather wipe my ass for posting that piece of shit? I could only imagine how you would really operate if you worked for the tabloids. And for the record I haven't replied in her dirty box since you pathetic meatheaded shit sack.



Official Checked Star Member
I thought you were retired?

I am retired. I haven't shot a scene since December of 2011 so how would that make you question if I'm retired or not???


Closed Account
here is something for you outsiders that think you know everything about the porn business.

Deepcover you said that he shouldn't be prosecuted or banned from working in the industry forever. What he did by knowingly engaging is sex while infected without informing the other person is a felony! Did you know that?

Do you also know that with the recent outbreaks of HIV and now Syphilis that the porn industry is teetering on becoming heavily regulated by the government and that every little thing is under a microscope? They are just waiting for the perfect chance to come charging in and declare it a disease infested nuisance.

He has been finger pointing at everyone else, kind of like a kid who gets caught stealing "but they were stealing more than me" like justifying bad behaviour with other bad behavior is acceptable?

You have a dog in this fight because he's black. Just like "Guilty or not we love you OJ" and the very same reason that Michael Vick is the most popular NFL player among black fans for the 3rd straight year even thought he electrocuted and tortured hundreds of gods for fun. Or the people of DC voting Marion Barry in as Mayor a second time after he was caught smoking crack with hookers during his first term as mayor lol It is no secret that many black folks find it very hard to see the fault in other black folks. More than 60% of blacks on juries say they find it hard to convict a black defendent even when they have overwhelming proof. You are a conspiracy brother without question

You're defending HIM because he's black.

Here we go now............Look sweetheart...would it make a difference if I felt Lee Harvery Oswald didn't kill JFK? And Lee Harvey Oswald is not black as far as i'm concerned, or Robert Blake did not kill his wife but was later found liable for his wife's death in civil suit just like OJ Simpson which I personally find that civil suit thing corrupt to begin with, or the West Memphis 3 dudes who were, since last year been found not responsible for mutilating 3 young boys and being able to walk free? Nixon lied during his cover up in Watergate has admitted to lying to David Frost and admitted his guilt. OK fine THERE BUT FOR THE GRACE OF GOD GO WE. Now I don't have to agree with everything Nixon or any of the other men says but they have admit their guilt and on top of that these guys aren't even black but dispite their race I try to see it from their POV. So I don't know where you're going with "I'm only defending Marcus because he's black" and yet you are against him because he's black. So you tell me where the line should be drawn here. Now I can't simply empathize with everyone and im sure there will be a thread sometime in the future where I might be against something and finally be criticized or heck maybe even be called a hypocrite. Fine. I'm not perfect but that also shouldn't change my feelings about this particular story. I haven't called you a racist although you are surely calling me one and a conspiracy nut. Oh my gosh give me a break.

As for Michael Vick I feel he was consisted with his actions and answers, he served and done his time like a man and was fortunate enough to get a job back in pro sports. His teammates voted for him and was given an award since it's clear his teammates knew what he's been through. Vick is still finacially supporting his friends and family memebers, involved in a community to stop dogfighting and hiring a bunch of attorney to help him stay on the rath path so he's personality won't be tarnished. So in a way he's not a complete jerk as many ppl feel. I mean holy shit people in Mexico go to bullfights, they torment and kill the bulls and they don't get convicted for anything. Vick grew up with dogfights since he felt that was the culture even though he knows now it's considered wrong by today's standards. I think the fans of pro sports have learn to forgive him. You seriously want this man back behind bars again? Yeah you're real understanding.....Me thinks not. It is clear you have a problem with me because I tend to forgive those who have already lied to the public. Well how do we not know that we could do the same thing if we were in their shoes?


Closed Account
Yeah I have plenty for you regarding Sharon "condom porn doesn't sell" Mitchell once you ascend past the remedial level of actually reading the article which you are commenting on but obviously haven't read....Rocco was just one person interviewed but there were others such as Belladona who substantiated the authors claims...

I'm not even going to comment on your claim regarding your test status for the past 15 or so odd years, because we all know pornstars NEVER lie...LOL...

Get up to speed on this issue before you engage me...It's common knowledge that working with herpes is permitted in the industry...forging and faking tests is common too... Marcus is no better or worse than the rest of you...which you already know all too well

Derrick Burts never denied doing gay porn...something you would know if you bothered to watch his press conference...but it's funny how quick you are to blame the victim and discount his testimony regarding industry testing practices...yeah I can tell you really care about Actor safety and what he went thru...

Also you want another example..how about Marc Wallace who infected other Actors including Karen Stagliano, John Stagliano's wife with HIV..this guy infected the wife of one of the biggest porn producers in the world with HIV, yet you want to irrationally hold Marcus to a higher standard than him...wow

Yeah I can tell you and Marcus go waaaayyy back together...with friend like you who needs enemies

Exactly. These pornstars say they care for the actors saftey and yet they are quick to blame on one individual who got contracted.


Closed Account
HE DIDN'T OWN UP TO IT UNTIL HE WAS FUCKING CAUGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!! He was going to get treated and not tell anyone which would have allowed whoever infected him to keep on infecting other people!!!!!!!!!!!!! he is only saying sorry because he was caught!!!! wake the fuck up people God Damn!!!!!!!!!!!

Not true not true. He was still seeing a private doctor and getting treated. Of the three women Marcus worked with they were tested as negative.