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Mr Marcus Patient Zero in Syphilis Outbreak

Everything you said regarding the industry issue is 100% wrong...Go back and re-read all posts that were made relative to that issue and then you tell me who really made a "big deal" about it...like I said, porn models come here to be validated. and noone else... whether you, or anyone else, believes me or not is irrelevant.

Everything you said regarding the legal issues is also 100% wrong...porn company's violate the law everyday regarding condom regs meant to help protect and mitigate against the spread of STD's, and you think that the DA wouldn't be interested in that regarding cases of STD outbreaks!?!?...that doesn't even make any sense...

In any event, all discussion regarding prosecutiion is ridiculous anyways if you have read and comprehend the facts in their entirety, so i'm not even going to re-vist and debate on that topic again because it's pointless...

Porn companies won't be charged and niether will Derrick Burts or anyone else..There is too much money at stake. Any talent infected needs to get their shots get it cleared up and get back to work...Stop all this bitchin and moanin' cause you're lucky to have a job in the first place...

And if another outbreak occurs I'll say the same thing... Now I'm THRU with this topic, back to the pussy and porn :thumbsup:!!!

I'm sure that no one here particularly cares about what I think about your industry status, however you have made a big deal out of it and yet have provided absolutely no back up to this being the case. Therefore, you should either provide the evidence or drop your assertion that you are "in the biz".

No, the action would not have to involve the porn company - it makes no odds as to whether or not they do or don't force the wearing of a condom as that is a different case.
If he was so sure that he was cured, then why did he alter his certificate?
If he was cured, then he would not have had to change the cert, which would have stated that he was no longer infectious.

The man did not just "fuck up", he deliberately altered the certificate. This alone is a criminal offence. To go on to have sex knowing that you are infected is also a criminal offence. This is not just a minor fuck up.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to


Closed Account
Diane Duke. "He showed courage coming forward." Bullshit. His ass was backed into a wall and his lies were exposed. What is Duke's intrest in Marcus? And at the end she says that she was on the phone for 3 hours on a Sunday with a doctor? Sell that shit to sonebody else.

Well sooner or later Marcus had to admit that he had it and he did come fwd and apologized as Diane Duke has stated. What's so bullshit about that?


Closed Account
Relax, relax. You are all right in some manner regarding this particular issue. Mariah wasn't being a racist when she said what she said. Her execution on the matter needs much work, but she wasn't being racist. Did anyone even read the article? Bottom line, there is a genetic trait that does influence one's susceptibility in contracting the HIV virus. That particular trait is common in black Africans(which is an umbrella term) particularly in the western part of the continent due to specific alleles. That doesn't mean that black people have an immune system problem or any other genetic problem. Quite the contrary. In the field of Molecular Biology and Genetics, it is well known that black Africans are the most genetically resilient(allow fewer deadly mutations of genes) and genetically diverse(more diversity=less stagnation of gene pool=fewer deadly mutations) group of humans on the planet. By and large, this makes the term "Black African" the biggest umbrella term there is in regards to the classification of humans because the ethnic groups(people with their own distinct language, culture, and genetic signature) of black Africans number in the hundreds. This is a discussion for another time as it is quite extensive. Those same alleles that may make particular groups of black Africans more susceptible to the HIV virus also provide some boosts to the immune system in terms of warding of some other biological threats such as malaria and scurvy. Oddly enough, that same allele also has ties to the frequency in which the sickle cell trait occurs, which goes right back into that umbrella term I was talking about earlier(to make it short, the frequency of the sickle cell trait in some black African groups is about the same as northern Europeans). Lastly, have a look at the article Mariah posted. Right under the title it says that this trait MAY account for 11% of HIV cases in Africa. That still leaves a whopping 89% of HIV cases was due to something other than this trait. When you stop and look at it, the trait itself is but a miniscule part of the contraction of HIV. There is still a whole lot of fuckin' without rubbers and other forms of careless fluid swapping going on.

Now that we have done a rough run through of some of the genetics involved, we can get to the socioeconomic and cultural shit which is THE largest contributor to the spread of HIV and other STDs amongst black Americans, black Africans, and just about everyone else. Economics plays a large part in the spread of any form of disease, sexual or otherwise. The world over, developing nations and nations in the third world are the areas hardest hit by total cases of STDs. Bottom line, when you are poor, your access to quality health info. and prevention is scarce. As far as black American STD infection goes, there are many factors that come to play ranging from cultural stigmas about health care(they use medical care and treatment less than whites i.e. they don't get tested often) to the high incarceration rate of black American men.

Pick your poison and you will see that a lot of these things just add more fuel to the fire by supplementing an already shitty situation. There is more than one force at work, but they all seem to work together to create on hell of a problem. It's like a symphony of death.

Whatever. So you believe all blacks are the symphony of death? Amazing...So if you had a daughter and you found out she was fucking someone of color you would dethrone her ass right? Yeah blacks are mostly likely to get everything except other races...A Brazillian actress gave Darren James HIV so I guess Brazilians or any other race wouldn't be responsible for contracted anything dangerous right? Fuck outta here with your rhetoric nonsense. Your comment was so offensive it's not even funny.

Maggie Green

Official Checked Star Member
Yes, syphilis is curable but it's a bit more serious than something like the clap. It isn't always just wait 10 days and you're good to go. The antibodies can stay in your blood for a very long time. That's what I read in numerous articles. What if you're a performer who contracts the disease and you can't be cleared for work b/c the antibodies are in your system 6 months later? And it's very very contagious. If something like this happened to me...which it hasn't....for example say I tested positive for syph and got a shot from my doc and he said wait 10 days and you should be good to go. Then when I went in to get my next talent test and it was still present in my blood stream, I would NOT try and work until I knew I was 100% safe. Even if that was months without working. I personally don't know Marcus, I only do g/g scenes except for my own site, so I can't say what motivated him to do what he did.


Official Checked Star Member
I'm going to say something to you that will for sure offend you, because clearly if I were to say that "most black people have darker skin than white people" you would scream racism.

Sometimes you just have to stop being a fucking victim and accept that scientific reality is just that, and move the fuck on. You avoid high risk situations and putting yourself in harm's way. Do you dispute that Sickle Cell is something that only blacks can have? Is THAT a racist thing to say? I think that what Bearded Menace said was factually based and I provided CDC findings to back up what I said, so why the hostility?

Ok so here's my insult lol My son's father is a black man who I met when I was 15 and he was 27, I was pregnant at 16 and had my son a month after I turned 17. He lives up to every single negative stereo type that people of color face. He has no job, he has 4 kids with 4 different women that he doesn't pay a penny to support or have any interest in knowing and at 44 he still thinks he's going to be a rapper. He sags and he wears jerseys every day. He also blames all of his failures and issues on racism, even though he has good parents and has had a million opportunities that he has blown. Everything is racist, and he thinks that anything that any white person says about a black person is an attack. I chalk that entire thing up to the foolishness of youth and at least I got my son out of it as well as a very serious lesson learned.

Do I blame his skin color for this? Of course not. Do I blame his ancestors and his ethnicity? Of course not. Racism is based on opinions, not facts. It's based on ignorance and fear.

Now do I blame the culture of black America? Abso - fucking - lutely. it has become part of the culture of black america to have kids and not give a shit about them. to not become educated and clown the people who do well in school. Jay Z and Nas and Puff Daddy all spoke out against that athelete who chose to go to college over turning pro saying he was being "railroaded by white people" and "he needs to make that money for his people while he can" The kid was 18 and wanted to be the first person in his family to ever go to college. He wanted something to fall back on and those famous people he had never met and admired, railed against him and spoke out publicly against him. Its part of black culture in America to not speak proper english. Good luck having people worthwhile take you seriously if you sound like an idiot and good luck getting a decent job. Its also part of the culture to cheat on your woman. Its part of the culture to glorify the car you drive and the chains you wear yet live in a shit hole, and without a job and education how do you suppose those things are paid for?

Now do I think all black americans are this way? of course not. But if you are honest with yourself you cannot deny that this is a tremendous struggle for your people and Mr Obama has said "pull up your pants" in 2 different speeches to the NAACP. But he has big mouth opportunists like Sharpton and Jesse Jackson to contend with who need blacks to be oppressed so they can continue to shake people down and remain relevent. It was Jesse Jackson who said that the "American youth in gangs are the warriors of the future for civil liberties" in a speech at the million man march. Listen to the popular songs right now...which I like as entertainment but when a 14 year old living in the projects hears Rick Ross rapping about selling dope and Akon and everyone else and sees what and where it got them, that is a very bad message being sent to someone in a very hopeless situation. It's the culture and it's getting worse not better.

You can be pissed and call me a racist and say all that shit you want, but nothing I said is wrong. And by denying it or blaming other people you extend the problem and throw gas on the fire.

I also thank you for your service in the military. That isn't said often enough. You and I clearly disagree on several issues but that doesn't mean I don't respect you and appreciate your sacrifices and your opinions


Official Checked Star Member
I'm going to say something to you that will for sure offend you, because clearly if I were to say that "most black people have darker skin than white people" you would scream racism.

Sometimes you just have to stop being a fucking victim and accept that scientific reality is just that, and move the fuck on. You avoid high risk situations and putting yourself in harm's way. Do you dispute that Sickle Cell is something that only blacks can have? Is THAT a racist thing to say? I think that what Bearded Menace said was factually based and I provided CDC findings to back up what I said, so why the hostility?

Ok so here's my insult lol My son's father is a black man who I met when I was 15 and he was 27, I was pregnant at 16 and had my son a month after I turned 17. He lives up to every single negative stereo type that people of color face. He has no job, he has 4 kids with 4 different women that he doesn't pay a penny to support or have any interest in knowing and at 44 he still thinks he's going to be a rapper. He sags and he wears jerseys every day. He also blames all of his failures and issues on racism, even though he has good parents and has had a million opportunities that he has blown. Everything is racist, and he thinks that anything that any white person says about a black person is an attack. I chalk that entire thing up to the foolishness of youth and at least I got my son out of it as well as a very serious lesson learned.

Do I blame his skin color for this? Of course not. Do I blame his ancestors and his ethnicity? Of course not. Racism is based on opinions, not facts. It's based on ignorance and fear.

Now do I blame the culture of black America? Abso - fucking - lutely. it has become part of the culture of black america to have kids and not give a shit about them. to not become educated and clown the people who do well in school. Jay Z and Nas and Puff Daddy all spoke out against that athelete who chose to go to college over turning pro saying he was being "railroaded by white people" and "he needs to make that money for his people while he can" The kid was 18 and wanted to be the first person in his family to ever go to college. He wanted something to fall back on and those famous people he had never met and admired, railed against him and spoke out publicly against him. Its part of black culture in America to not speak proper english. Good luck having people worthwhile take you seriously if you sound like an idiot and good luck getting a decent job. Its also part of the culture to cheat on your woman. Its part of the culture to glorify the car you drive and the chains you wear yet live in a shit hole, and without a job and education how do you suppose those things are paid for?

Now do I think all black americans are this way? of course not. But if you are honest with yourself you cannot deny that this is a tremendous struggle for your people and Mr Obama has said "pull up your pants" in 2 different speeches to the NAACP. But he has big mouth opportunists like Sharpton and Jesse Jackson to contend with who need blacks to be oppressed so they can continue to shake people down and remain relevent. It was Jesse Jackson who said that the "American youth in gangs are the warriors of the future for civil liberties" in a speech at the million man march. Listen to the popular songs right now...which I like as entertainment but when a 14 year old living in the projects hears Rick Ross rapping about selling dope and Akon and everyone else and sees what and where it got them, that is a very bad message being sent to someone in a very hopeless situation. It's the culture and it's getting worse not better.

You can be pissed and call me a racist and say all that shit you want, but nothing I said is wrong. And by denying it or blaming other people you extend the problem and throw gas on the fire.

I also thank you for your service in the military. That isn't said often enough. You and I clearly disagree on several issues but that doesn't mean I don't respect you and appreciate your sacrifices and your opinions

Quoted, approved, signed. Post of the year, for me. And about being called racist...who cares...People can call me all the names they want.
It's never about the words, it's about their information.


Closed Account
Well it would be no fucking difference if I was an irishman and scientists were sating with their #'s that ppl of Ireland are more likely to get any diease then anyone else. I would get offended by that. I'm not gonna lie I would. I have not once use the word racism (Maybe offensism but not racism lol) Have these so called scientist tested every man, woman in child? No. So then there's more to it then what the percentages shows. Now here you are arguing about your strong hatred for ppl who talk about what goes on in the porn industry with no experience and yet you talk as if you know everything about hip hop music and how black ppl live in America. How do you know that? You're not even fucking to black to begin with and not every black person fits the lousy stereotype. What about the blackmen and women who do work, who do wake up early to go to work and school, who do pay their taxes and try to contribute to society? Are you seriously now going to show me just based on false statistics? Now you can use that Ronald Raegan personality of "i'm right and they're wrong" all day long but that approach can only last for just how long?


Official Checked Star Member
do you realize how out of contest you take EVERYTHING? Did you not read where I said "Do I blame his skin color for this? Of course not. Do I blame his ancestors and his ethnicity? Of course not. Racism is based on opinions, not facts. It's based on ignorance and fear." or where I said "Now do I think all black americans are this way? of course not."

Of course there are very many black americans who are not this stereo type. We have a president who is not for one. I never said it and I challenge you to show me where I did. And you need to remember that blacks make up 12% of the population and statistics show that only 32% of them are registered to vote. So that means that non-blacks voted him in overwhelmingly, proving that racism is not gaining on American society.

However, the numbers do not lie. I will not argue with you because your argument is a personal issue rather than factual and I understand it. There are tribes in the Amazon for example who should not be exposed to people from the outside world because their immune systems have never been exposed to the same things that ours have and it could wipe them out. Is THAT racist? Fuck no, it's a medical FACT. It's not a slur against them as a people, it's pointing out science and how can you as a clearly intelligent man with exposure to the world and all types of people dispute that?

And there is no "Strang hatred" for people who speak about things that they know nothing about. It's simply annoyance because it affects me and is in regards to the industry I have been a part of for 14 years.

And you praised Marcus for admitting it and apologyzing for it, but you have yet to condemn him for what he did.


Official Checked Star Member
Well it would be no fucking difference if I was an irishman and scientists were sating with their #'s that ppl of Ireland are more likely to get any diease then anyone else. I would get offended by that. I'm not gonna lie I would. I have not once use the word racism (Maybe offensism but not racism lol) Have these so called scientist tested every man, woman in child? No. So then there's more to it then what the percentages shows. Now here you are arguing about your strong hatred for ppl who talk about what goes on in the porn industry with no experience and yet you talk as if you know everything about hip hop music and how black ppl live in America. How do you know that? You're not even fucking to black to begin with and not every black person fits the lousy stereotype. What about the blackmen and women who do work, who do wake up early to go to work and school, who do pay their taxes and try to contribute to society? Are you seriously now going to show me just based on false statistics? Now you can use that Ronald Raegan personality of "i'm right and they're wrong" all day long but that approach can only last for just how long?

Come on DeepCover, let's be serious: a scientific study is exactly and only that...why should you feel offended as a race? I see no races and because my skin is as white as milk, i know that if i sit on the sun i get burned, while a black person probably just sweats, but i don't feel offended at all. Too many lawyers and stupid laws have made us all too susceptible and easily offended by nonsense.

About the black men and women who do work, who do wake up early to go to work and school, who do pay their taxes and try to contribute to society...i know quite a few of them and i can assure you that they are the first to laugh about idiotic racial issues. It's time that some people realize that if you are an asshole, the fact that you are part of a race or a gender or a sexual or religious group must not be an excuse or for your bad actions and that if people call you asshole it's because you are one and not because you're a gay, or a woman, or a black person, or a muslim.
Mr Marcus is an asshole and if he or somebody for him thinks that i call him an asshole because of the color of his skin, i don't give a flying fcuk and actually it just reinforces his assholish status.

By the way...
You're not even fucking to black to begin with...
why do i feel somehow as if i wasn't worth to talk about black people cause i'm not black? How would you call that?
I'm going to say something to you that will for sure offend you, because clearly if I were to say that "most black people have darker skin than white people" you would scream racism.

Sometimes you just have to stop being a fucking victim and accept that scientific reality is just that, and move the fuck on. You avoid high risk situations and putting yourself in harm's way. Do you dispute that Sickle Cell is something that only blacks can have? Is THAT a racist thing to say? I think that what Bearded Menace said was factually based and I provided CDC findings to back up what I said, so why the hostility?

Thank you for at least acknowledging my post. I am glad someone took the time to read the shit, so my efforts were not completely in vain. What is so funny here is that a lot of people crying racism in this instance are probably not even black. Go figure.:dunno:

On a side note, while the Sickle Cell trait is most prevalent amongst those of Central and South African decent, I can dispute that blacks are the only ones that get sickle cell. It also affects Indians, Native Americans(primarily ones native to the areas surrounding the Mississippi River and Mississippi River Valley), Turkish people, Middle Easterners, and North Africans (such as Moroccans, Libyans, Egyptians, and Tunisians) whose hues are usually a lot lighter than their sub Saharan counterparts. Also from time to time, it shows up in Italians, Greeks, and Spaniards(The Mediterranean). Surprisingly, it is nearly non existent in Ethiopian highlanders and certain pockets of Somalians, who actually share a particular genotype found in only one other Ethnic group.....Northern Europeans.. Basically, it can be found in any region that has been historically laid to waste by Malaria. Don't cha' just love science?

And if anyone thinks my claims are dubious, by all means, go and look it up. I spent over a year and a half in college in the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology field before I decided to say "To Hell with Med School". Not gonna provide links for the info because if I did, you won't learn nuthin'!:tongue:
I'm going to say something to you that will for sure offend you, because clearly if I were to say that "most black people have darker skin than white people" you would scream racism.

Sometimes you just have to stop being a fucking victim and accept that scientific reality is just that, and move the fuck on. You avoid high risk situations and putting yourself in harm's way. Do you dispute that Sickle Cell is something that only blacks can have? Is THAT a racist thing to say? I think that what Bearded Menace said was factually based and I provided CDC findings to back up what I said, so why the hostility?

Ok so here's my insult lol My son's father is a black man who I met when I was 15 and he was 27, I was pregnant at 16 and had my son a month after I turned 17. He lives up to every single negative stereo type that people of color face. He has no job, he has 4 kids with 4 different women that he doesn't pay a penny to support or have any interest in knowing and at 44 he still thinks he's going to be a rapper. He sags and he wears jerseys every day. He also blames all of his failures and issues on racism, even though he has good parents and has had a million opportunities that he has blown. Everything is racist, and he thinks that anything that any white person says about a black person is an attack. I chalk that entire thing up to the foolishness of youth and at least I got my son out of it as well as a very serious lesson learned.

Do I blame his skin color for this? Of course not. Do I blame his ancestors and his ethnicity? Of course not. Racism is based on opinions, not facts. It's based on ignorance and fear.

Now do I blame the culture of black America? Abso - fucking - lutely. it has become part of the culture of black america to have kids and not give a shit about them. to not become educated and clown the people who do well in school. Jay Z and Nas and Puff Daddy all spoke out against that athelete who chose to go to college over turning pro saying he was being "railroaded by white people" and "he needs to make that money for his people while he can" The kid was 18 and wanted to be the first person in his family to ever go to college. He wanted something to fall back on and those famous people he had never met and admired, railed against him and spoke out publicly against him. Its part of black culture in America to not speak proper english. Good luck having people worthwhile take you seriously if you sound like an idiot and good luck getting a decent job. Its also part of the culture to cheat on your woman. Its part of the culture to glorify the car you drive and the chains you wear yet live in a shit hole, and without a job and education how do you suppose those things are paid for?

Now do I think all black americans are this way? of course not. But if you are honest with yourself you cannot deny that this is a tremendous struggle for your people and Mr Obama has said "pull up your pants" in 2 different speeches to the NAACP. But he has big mouth opportunists like Sharpton and Jesse Jackson to contend with who need blacks to be oppressed so they can continue to shake people down and remain relevent. It was Jesse Jackson who said that the "American youth in gangs are the warriors of the future for civil liberties" in a speech at the million man march. Listen to the popular songs right now...which I like as entertainment but when a 14 year old living in the projects hears Rick Ross rapping about selling dope and Akon and everyone else and sees what and where it got them, that is a very bad message being sent to someone in a very hopeless situation. It's the culture and it's getting worse not better.

You can be pissed and call me a racist and say all that shit you want, but nothing I said is wrong. And by denying it or blaming other people you extend the problem and throw gas on the fire.

I also thank you for your service in the military. That isn't said often enough. You and I clearly disagree on several issues but that doesn't mean I don't respect you and appreciate your sacrifices and your opinions

You make some valid points. It has much do do with socioeconomics. Its a struggle, but not close to being a hopless situtation.
Well it would be no fucking difference if I was an irishman and scientists were sating with their #'s that ppl of Ireland are more likely to get any diease then anyone else. I would get offended by that. I'm not gonna lie I would. I have not once use the word racism (Maybe offensism but not racism lol) Have these so called scientist tested every man, woman in child? No. So then there's more to it then what the percentages shows. Now here you are arguing about your strong hatred for ppl who talk about what goes on in the porn industry with no experience and yet you talk as if you know everything about hip hop music and how black ppl live in America. How do you know that? You're not even fucking to black to begin with and not every black person fits the lousy stereotype. What about the blackmen and women who do work, who do wake up early to go to work and school, who do pay their taxes and try to contribute to society? Are you seriously now going to show me just based on false statistics? Now you can use that Ronald Raegan personality of "i'm right and they're wrong" all day long but that approach can only last for just how long?

As I stated before, accompanied my much factual information, I don't believe this claim to be racist. I believe the confusion is in the delivery or the over simplification of the issue. The study is basically stating that a certain gene may make you more susceptible in contracting the HIV virus. HIV is complicated in that it's ease of contraction is based on a few things. For example, it is much easier to contract if someone is engaging in anal intercourse versus vaginal intercourse. First off, if you delve deep enough into it, it is not really saying that all black people are more susceptible to contracting HIV. You are talking about a segment of Earth's population that has the highest frequency of genetic variation and consists of nearly 2 billion people. It would be outright foolish for them to say that when under the surface, black people are more varied than anyone. The study is talking about a particular gene found primarily in those of African decent, particularly west and central Africa. Even then, it is only found in about 25% to 30% of that particular group. This same gene is responsible for not only boosting the immune system's response to certain viral infections, but it is the same gene that can cause complications with the Sickle Cell trait giving rise to Sickle Cell Anemia.

That gene is a double edge sword and continues to be as the study suggested. While it may make it easier for an individual to contract HIV, the study shows that it also takes a good deal longer to be killed by it if you have that gene. Up to two years longer. Since HIV and AIDS are immunodeficient conditions, one could conclude that the gene actually makes you tougher, albeit at a cost. So really, I see nothing to be upset about. Keep in mind, however, this is ONLY for HIV and AIDS in regards to ease of contraction. As far as other STDs go, I don't believe that the higher rate of contraction amongst black Americans has anything to do with the immune system so much as it has to do with culture which are strongly influenced by socioeconomic and bits of psychological forces. Like I said before, black Americans, particularly in urban areas, tend to get tested less often than their ethnic counterparts. The other common STDs have to be broken down by whether it is bacterial or viral infections. The human body reacts to each completely different. Bacterial infections, such as syphilis and chlamydia, are usually localized and the body very rarely contracts a way for the immune system to prevent you from getting them. Viral infections, however, are systematic, therefore the body responds much better in developing prevention methods, provided that the said virus doesn't kill you. I mean, why do you think people only contract chicken pox(a virus) once or twice in their life but can contract yeast infections and chlamydia(both are bacteria) a dozen times over?

Anyway, I think I am done on this subject. I have said enough, and if people still don't get it, then they probably won't ever get it.

P.S. What the FUCK was Marcus thinking? A veteran like him who has been in porn for nearly 20 years should have known better. He will be very fortunate to come out of this intact.


Closed Account
do you realize how out of contest you take EVERYTHING? Did you not read where I said "Do I blame his skin color for this? Of course not. Do I blame his ancestors and his ethnicity? Of course not. Racism is based on opinions, not facts. It's based on ignorance and fear." or where I said "Now do I think all black americans are this way? of course not."

Of course there are very many black americans who are not this stereo type. We have a president who is not for one. I never said it and I challenge you to show me where I did. And you need to remember that blacks make up 12% of the population and statistics show that only 32% of them are registered to vote. So that means that non-blacks voted him in overwhelmingly, proving that racism is not gaining on American society.

However, the numbers do not lie. I will not argue with you because your argument is a personal issue rather than factual and I understand it. There are tribes in the Amazon for example who should not be exposed to people from the outside world because their immune systems have never been exposed to the same things that ours have and it could wipe them out. Is THAT racist? Fuck no, it's a medical FACT. It's not a slur against them as a people, it's pointing out science and how can you as a clearly intelligent man with exposure to the world and all types of people dispute that?

And there is no "Strang hatred" for people who speak about things that they know nothing about. It's simply annoyance because it affects me and is in regards to the industry I have been a part of for 14 years.

And you praised Marcus for admitting it and apologyzing for it, but you have yet to condemn him for what he did.

Alright fair enough sweetheart. Fair enough.
Well sooner or later Marcus had to admit that he had it and he did come fwd and apologized as Diane Duke has stated. What's so bullshit about that?

If there was a possibility he could get away with it, he would've tried...that's whats so bullshit about it.

...I personally don't know Marcus...so I can't say what motivated him to do what he did.

Really? I think you can have a good guess...

He lives up to every single negative stereo type that people of color face. He has no job, he has 4 kids with 4 different women that he doesn't pay a penny to support or have any interest in knowing and at 44 he still thinks he's going to be a rapper. He sags and he wears jerseys every day. He also blames all of his failures and issues on racism, even though he has good parents and has had a million opportunities that he has blown. Everything is racist, and he thinks that anything that any white person says about a black person is an attack.

Its part of black culture in America to not speak proper english. Good luck having people worthwhile take you seriously if you sound like an idiot and good luck getting a decent job. Its also part of the culture to cheat on your woman. Its part of the culture to glorify the car you drive and the chains you wear yet live in a shit hole, and without a job and education how do you suppose those things are paid for?

Those African Americans aren't the only one's that live up to this stereotype...it's the same with many blacks in the U.K. and arguably around Europe...less so those from African countries IMO, though that's changing too.

And yes it is RACIST to say blacks are more likely to have this or that....BUT that doesn't mean it ISN'T TRUE or that it is DEROGATORY...

The same with dick size or black women having bigger butts...it's funny that you never hear black men or women call racism then.

And regarding my earlier question....

Mariah, do you know what racism actually means?

rac·ism [rey-siz-uhm]
1. a belief that human races have distinctive characteristics that determine their respective cultures, usually involving the idea that one’s race is superior and has the right to control others.

It is my belief that even insinuating a particular race to anything is racist even if it seems true, though this is the lowest form of racism...everybody does this, it's human nature and there is nothing wrong with it.

I never said the study was wrong...just that it didn't apply to everybody i.e. me.


Staff member
I'm going to say something to you that will for sure offend you, because clearly if I were to say that "most black people have darker skin than white people" you would scream racism.

Sometimes you just have to stop being a fucking victim and accept that scientific reality is just that, and move the fuck on. You avoid high risk situations and putting yourself in harm's way. Do you dispute that Sickle Cell is something that only blacks can have? Is THAT a racist thing to say? I think that what Bearded Menace said was factually based and I provided CDC findings to back up what I said, so why the hostility?

Ok so here's my insult lol My son's father is a black man who I met when I was 15 and he was 27, I was pregnant at 16 and had my son a month after I turned 17. He lives up to every single negative stereo type that people of color face. He has no job, he has 4 kids with 4 different women that he doesn't pay a penny to support or have any interest in knowing and at 44 he still thinks he's going to be a rapper. He sags and he wears jerseys every day. He also blames all of his failures and issues on racism, even though he has good parents and has had a million opportunities that he has blown. Everything is racist, and he thinks that anything that any white person says about a black person is an attack. I chalk that entire thing up to the foolishness of youth and at least I got my son out of it as well as a very serious lesson learned.

Do I blame his skin color for this? Of course not. Do I blame his ancestors and his ethnicity? Of course not. Racism is based on opinions, not facts. It's based on ignorance and fear.

Now do I blame the culture of black America? Abso - fucking - lutely. it has become part of the culture of black america to have kids and not give a shit about them. to not become educated and clown the people who do well in school. Jay Z and Nas and Puff Daddy all spoke out against that athelete who chose to go to college over turning pro saying he was being "railroaded by white people" and "he needs to make that money for his people while he can" The kid was 18 and wanted to be the first person in his family to ever go to college. He wanted something to fall back on and those famous people he had never met and admired, railed against him and spoke out publicly against him. Its part of black culture in America to not speak proper english. Good luck having people worthwhile take you seriously if you sound like an idiot and good luck getting a decent job. Its also part of the culture to cheat on your woman. Its part of the culture to glorify the car you drive and the chains you wear yet live in a shit hole, and without a job and education how do you suppose those things are paid for?

Now do I think all black americans are this way? of course not. But if you are honest with yourself you cannot deny that this is a tremendous struggle for your people and Mr Obama has said "pull up your pants" in 2 different speeches to the NAACP. But he has big mouth opportunists like Sharpton and Jesse Jackson to contend with who need blacks to be oppressed so they can continue to shake people down and remain relevent. It was Jesse Jackson who said that the "American youth in gangs are the warriors of the future for civil liberties" in a speech at the million man march. Listen to the popular songs right now...which I like as entertainment but when a 14 year old living in the projects hears Rick Ross rapping about selling dope and Akon and everyone else and sees what and where it got them, that is a very bad message being sent to someone in a very hopeless situation. It's the culture and it's getting worse not better.

You can be pissed and call me a racist and say all that shit you want, but nothing I said is wrong. And by denying it or blaming other people you extend the problem and throw gas on the fire.

I also thank you for your service in the military. That isn't said often enough. You and I clearly disagree on several issues but that doesn't mean I don't respect you and appreciate your sacrifices and your opinions

post of the year


Official Checked Star Member
I have so much respect for anyone who struggles in life for reasons for which they have no control. To be gay or have sexual identity confusions and get up out of bed and face the world everyday takes more courage than I have ever had in my life, and they do it every day. To have someone look at you and judge you purely by your skin color is horrible. People always that I was mixed. When I was in 8th grade I transfered to a new school that was almost 100% white...Simi Valley, (where the Rodney King trial was if that tells you anything) I wore Karl Kani clothing and had my hair braided and by all means I was trying so hard to be black...my aunt told me that Sicilians were mixed with Africans so we are part black. She didn't know it was actually northern Africans which is Arabic from Tunisia mostly. So I listened to Luther and Eazy-E and wore my grandpas huge t shirts...

Anyway...on my first day there, I walked into class, brand new to a school where I knew not a soul and without ever speaking to me my teacher looked at me, asked me to stand up and said "young lady you are not in south central anymore (I was from Chatsworth in the valley about 3 miles away) and until we begin to study urban decay you will not bring your ebonics into this classroom!" Again, never spoke a word to me.

So being the calm and collected young girl I was I flipped over my desk and told him to go fuck himself. Swear to God all true. I wasn't black but I was treated as if I were and as sad as it is to think back I loved it because I thought it made me officially black. Kind of like the "no such thing as bad publicity" policy. Hey, if they call me the n word then I must be black! YAYYYY! :)

I do not wish racism on anyone. But as it was said about some of the young people who have been shot and killed "if you dress and act and talk like you're a thug, eventually someone is going to take you seriously" I think being a thug and a gangsta and all that shit is being glorified and has become a tremendous problem with all young people, not just blacks.

I want a better world for my son and the future is very bleak right now for his generartion. The first generation in the history of mankind that will not live in a better world than the one before it.