Movies that you hate that everyone else likes?

dick van cock

Closed Account
The Usual Suspects
Star Wars Series
Lord of the Rings Series
Schindler's List

anything Scorsese after '82

Shaving Ryan's Private
Gone With the Wind
Blade Runner
The Big Lebowski sucked. It wasnt even funny, just stupid.
Most movies. I think most movies these days are crap, yet I'm constantly bombarded at work and elsewhere with "That's a great fuckin' movie- man, you gotta see that."

It all started with the year I was told by everyone (Including the President, I believe) that I *had* to see Robocop. Best-movie-ever.

It sucked. It sucked hairy, cheese-crusted donkey balls.

The Usual Suspects
Star Wars Series
Lord of the Rings Series
Schindler's List

anything Scorsese after '82

Shaving Ryan's Private
Gone With the Wind
Blade Runner
I'm with you on those although some like the lord of the rings I have never even seen,just from the sound otf them I knew I would not like them.Only one I would say is a classic and good movie though is "Gone with the wind"

Most movies. I think most movies these days are crap, yet I'm constantly bombarded at work and elsewhere with "That's a great fuckin' movie- man, you gotta see that."

It all started with the year I was told by everyone (Including the President, I believe) that I *had* to see Robocop. Best-movie-ever.

It sucked. It sucked hairy, cheese-crusted donkey balls.


I have to agree most movies made past the 70s don't do much for me.Younger folks may think thats just a generational thing and for them that's understandable.But IMO there was a golden age of movie making from the late 30s thru the mid 70s,although 60s and 70s didn't produce what the 40s and 50s did.Actors were better for identifiable reasons.They worked more and perfected there craft in earlier times more than the ones today.Actors used to make several films a year while now most do 1 a year if not less.And not every movie was not trying to be a big major release and so again there were more films made and more work.
also the simpsons movie. not funny
Old School and Austin Powers or actually anything with Mike Myers and Will Ferrel. They just ain't funny at all!


Take a Hit, Spunker!
The Big Lebowski sucked. It wasnt even funny, just stupid.

Big Lebowski is a great movie!!!

One movie that I can't stand is The Princess Bride. I hate that movie with a passion that I can't describe:mad:
I have to agree with the Lord of The Rings trilogy, 9 hours of my life, what a waste of time.

My sentiments exactly. Except for me it was a wasted 50 minutes of my time. That's about how long I read that drivel of a book "The Hobbit" until it occurred to me that nothing written by this hack is worth reading. 13 year old girls speaking pig latin made more sense to me than this guy.
Any movies that star Adam Sandler & Rob Schneider. Yeah, they had their moments on SLN, but their fucking movies are not funny at all and have the same stupid plots. YAWN.

Jim Carrey too.