Movie suggestions

I like watching movies so I was wondering if anyone had a favorite movie or know of a good movies worth watching.

So, I'll start off with suggesting a Swedish movie called Evil or Ondskan if you don't mind subtitles then definitely check it out

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Why are you laughing? Your insolence is not humorous. You will learn to use the search function or your will sleep with the fishes. Capicé?
:sing:Oh! Poor precious search function; neglected precious board section selection! How long will ye continue to go about unknown? Where threads, will be flooded upon, of people with no clue? How long will those six little letters that form SEARCH go unheard? And instead, people choose, to form upon us this wretched hurt, because, they decided to forsake the bountiful..... Search!:sing:

Ace Bandage

The one and only. guys are saying i shoulda used the search function?

Silly fool. I do not offer suggestions, I give orders. You will use the search function (and you will smile whilst doing so) or I'll break your kneecaps. Those are your options.
You give orders, but I have options? I was going to title it Netflix Suggestions, shoulda went with my gut.


Oh My God (2005)

The Pope (played by Geoff Goldblum) joins a support group for sex-crime victims. Hilarity ensues.


Closed Account
Here's a thought - if and when folk start a thread, they could just tag it all clever like, that way everyone can use the search function all clever like. The tags for the thread our erstwhile Greg brought to the noob's attention has the tags movie, cinema. All fair enough, actually, ahem, but, ah, there could have been a 'latest' for instance. No biggie. Using the search function would still have produced the desired thread.

Yeah yeah I know. nitpicking.

Note I said could 'have' been, not could 'of' been.

Oki I'm off to the teacher's lounge now.