Mother Sets Fire to Daughter's Rapist (He died from the injuries)


You lefties are the most vile, enflamatory, militant-like people in the country. It's really ironic when you consider it. They play the conservative as the neo-nazi and fascist, when in many cases it's the other way around. Oh well...whatever. :rolleyes:

*And the world rolls on....*:sleep:

Well put. Funny how they can't see the obvious...

Actually, F-K, I didn't call you a wuss...try reading a bit more carefully.
I said your post was a classic wuss-type, and it is.
I must've hit a nerve, though, huh?
Are you really fixated on my balls as much as your post seems to show? That's really creepy.
And I looked in Websters Dictionary, as I didn't know that word. You seem really familiar with the term and it's attendant application...I wonder why?
You get so much wrong; decide on a subject, then find other people's articles on it, and quote them a lot. Not too good at thinking on your own?
I also noticed you change and overstate a lot of things, as well. Twisting the truth is a weak method of proving a point, as you did in this thread...
Classic F-K...change facts, leave out key words and statements, get it wrong with a lot of words disguising your lack of intellectual integrity.

Now, you can't help yourself and are letting loose with personal insults...losing it, are you?
I definitely hit a nerve...were you the perennial playground-bully victim growing up?
It seems like it, from your method of excessive word use assaults on people discussing things on the site.
I am immune to those tactics...referring to me as a caveman and using a Sesame Street dictionary are really little boy level insults that reflect badly on you.
You didn't call me a wuss? Huh? You linked to my lengthy post (which was actually about the subject at hand) and you said this:

"Ladies and this post, then go to Wiki...look up "wuss"...there will be a link to this post.
If not, there should be."

So, who were you referring to as a "wuss"? Someone else, who didn't write the comment? Oh, ok, I get it, you really "said" that my post "was a classic wuss-type."
Come on. I mean if that isn't being a - to use your phrase - "babbling hair-splitter" I don't know what is. You called me a wuss.

I foolishly jumped into your silly game and returned fire, using an actually existing word that you denied the existence of.

You were the first to employ personal insults, but when I do so in response, it's a sign I'm "losing it". Ok.

I think what bothers you is that my insult was just more creative, and funnier, than your "wuss".

So, again, do you have anything to say about the substance of the issue at hand, or are you just going to continue to project upon me all of the loathsome traits that you've actually displayed?


You didn't call me a wuss? Huh? You linked to my lengthy post (which was actually about the subject at hand) and you said this:

"Ladies and this post, then go to Wiki...look up "wuss"...there will be a link to this post.
If not, there should be."

So, who were you referring to as a "wuss"? Someone else, who didn't write the comment? Oh, ok, I get it, you really "said" that my post "was a classic wuss-type."
Come on. I mean if that isn't being a - to use your phrase - "babbling hair-splitter" I don't know what is. You called me a wuss.

I foolishly jumped into your silly game and returned fire, using an actually existing word that you denied the existence of.

You were the first to employ personal insults, but when I do so in response, it's a sign I'm "losing it". Ok.

I think what bothers you is that my insult was just more creative, and funnier, than your "wuss".

So, again, do you have anything to say about the substance of the issue at hand, or are you just going to continue to project upon me all of the loathsome traits that you've actually displayed?
There there, aren't creative, just more childish.
Claim all you want, I know what I wrote and if it's beyond your abilities to read and comprehend...go to another thread and terrorize the newbies there.
Loathsome? Give us all a break...:rofl:
As for calling you a wuss...if I knew you personally I'm sure I'd have a more indepth description of you...although I suspect the term would not be inappropriate judging from the weak logic you constantly bring to bear in most posts you overstate in.
Your view of things reflects a fairy tale take on reality, nothing from hard experience.
But I don't know that for sure, so I can't in good conscience so state.
But that was a classic wussy post, and I stated as much.
Nothing compared to your long explanation about testicles, etc...pathetic and weak, but nothing unexpected.
Does your mother know you post on FreeOnes?:rofl2:
they should do this to all rapists.


"We don't need no water, let the motherfucker burn...

Burn, motherfucker...

Before this thread gets to far out of hand... I think I need to tell you all why this thread gets at me so much, and why I agree so "wildly" with what this woman did.

When my wife was 13 she was raped, by a man I shall name as "Paul". Paul was 21 at the time of his pedophile crime. His punishment? He served a 6 month sentence.

He raped and mentally victimized a 13 year old girl and was sentenced to 6 months and is registered as a sex offender.

Years later, my wife comes home from work and tells me that Paul had come into the store she works at. I told her it was no big deal. It was probably just a fluke.

It was, but then it wasn't.

Paul recognized my wife and eventually started to come into the store more and more.

Until one day he came into the store and found my wife. He asked her, "Where are your condoms?" My wife was freaked out, but managed to point him in the right direction. He then said, "No, I want you to walk me over there."

To her credit, she did walk him over and as she was walking away, the bastard looked at her and said, "Your all grown up now, what would you recommend?".

My wife ran away and told her manager. He told her to wait in the back until he leaves.

later that night, my wife told me what had happened. Needless to say I was PISSED OFF.

I got his info off the sex offenders website, and started to follow him around. I would hang outside his house and sit there for HOURS.

One night, he called the cops on me. Lucky for me, I actually knew these guys. They asked me what was going on. I told them that the guy that lives in that house is a pedophile and the he is taunting my wife, who was a victim of his.

They told me to go home. I did.

The next day Paul goes up to my wife and asks her who I was. She told him I was her husband and that he should leave the store.

As he walked out, I was sitting on his car. Yeah, I was still following him. As he walked over to me he told me he was gonna call the cops.

I just said, leave my wife alone. You don't like me stalking you, so don't stalk her. I then told him I would leave after he would. He drove away.

He came back into the store the next day and harrassed my wife again. She was crying and called me. I got there as quick as I could.

I got there as he was walking out. We had a confrontation, okay, I had a physical confrontation, he cried like a girl and curled up into a ball on the ground. I was arrested for assault and was in jail for 3 days, until my arraignment (spelling?).

I then caught the luckiest break EVER!!

The judge I was standing in front of was THE EXACT same judge that presided over Paul and his rape case. The Judge warned Paul to stay away from my wife and that I had time served for the assault.

My wife hasn't seen Paul for 4 years since then.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I can't believe what I'm reading in this thread. Yes, the guy is a rapist and he is the epitome of scum, but I just can't believe how many people are congratulating this woman for what she did.

Also, I thought that rape wasn't allowed to be talked about on the forum. This thread is 4 pages deep and it hasn't been closed yet? Hmm...


Take a Hit, Spunker!
I can't believe what I'm reading in this thread. Yes, the guy is a rapist and he is the epitome of scum, but I just can't believe how many people are congratulating this woman for what she did.

This isn't about the r-word. This is about justice served. The slimy little fuckwad got what he deserved and my hat goes off to that mother.