Most Beautiful (attractive) Female Face… Ever!

18 hours remaining in this match...

Most Beautiful Face Tournament
Group 9
Match D

Janessa Brazil (more pics)


Lauren Summer (more pics)

In terms of relative facial attrativeness, do you agree or disagree with this result?

Vote "Lauren Summer" to confirm or "Janessa Brazil" to overturn the ratings survey*.

* note: Ratings shown above may be based upon multiple factors not exclusive to model's facial beauty.
Overturning the "suggested winner" requires a two-thirds (67%), or more, majority vote.

This match has now expired.
The ratings survey has been upheld (i.e., overturn threshold was not met).
Consequently, Lauren Summer officially advances to the Semifinals round for Group #9.

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Most Beautiful Face Tournament
Group 9
Match A

Carla Ossa (portfolio of pics)


Nata Lee (portfolio of pics)

Considering their web samples (see links), which of these models do you find to be more facially attractive?

Vote "Carla Ossa" to confirm or "Nata Lee" to overturn the ratings survey*.

* note: Ratings shown above may be based upon multiple factors not exclusive to model's facial beauty.
Overturning the "suggested winner" requires a two-thirds (67%), or more, majority vote.



Light one for Me
This is the tourney's first real test! It's very future may be riding on the outcome.
Will it pass?

The MBF Tournament seeks to determine the most facially attractive woman in modern history.
Please be advised, the ratings (i.e., suggested winner] are generally based upon a model's overall appeal, not specifically her face.
Consequently, the survey may not necessarily reflect an accurate comparison of one model's facial attractiveness versus the other.
Please keep this in mind when voting! :)
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Comparing their online pics, I find Carla Ossa's face consistently more appealing as she has superior facial features [imo].
Remember: This contest is not about popularity, reputation, who has the best body, or even who's hotter... only the neck up (i.e., the face) matters!
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Vote "Nata Lee" to confirm or "Carla Ossa" to overturn the ratings survey*.

* note: Ratings shown above may be based upon multiple factors not exclusive to model's facial beauty.
Overturning the "suggested winner" requires a two-thirds (67%), or more, majority vote.

Exactly 24 hours left to cast your vote.
As the "underdog" in this match, In order to advance, Carla Ossa must capture twice as many votes [or more] than Nata Lee.
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Confirmation failed. The MBF tournament [in its current form] has been terminated.

Here's why...
Out of curiosity, I posted the current match on another site, presenting it to an equally experienced judging panel where the outcome was 6 to 5 in favor of Carla Ossa,
as opposed to the 3-3 tie reached here which would've by rule, but perhaps erroneously, catapulted Nata Lee to the Sweet 16 round.

Bottom line is, the low participation rate here essentially makes MBF non-credible and untenable, plus the selection process
is fundamentally flawed (that's on me) as babe ratings are not associated directly with a model's facial attractiveness.

For the record, the two voting panels [when combined] gives a slight advantage (9 votes to 8) in favor of Carla Ossa.
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Which one of the following actresses would you say [in their prime] is more facially alluring?

Olivia Wilde


Lynda Carter

Please click the links above to review and compare their photo images.

*note: this is not a resumption of the prior tournament, but merely a request-for-opinion survey
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Light one for Me
OIivia Wilde