Most Beautiful (attractive) Female Face… Ever!

Page 1 voting for "most beautiful (attractive) face" is currently underway.
Winner advances to MBF's Sweet 16!

The quorum level for the MBF tourney has been set at 7 votes, per poll period.

Short of meeting this minimum voter participation target, winners shall be determined by model's numerical rating as shown on
Likewise, ties shall also be resolved by

Upon further consideration, the quorum level for the MBF tourney is hereby increased to 9 votes (i.e., voters) per polled page.
Short of meeting this participation level, MBF winners shall be determined by ratings.
space Ratings* for Page 1 Nominees:

Audrey Hepburn - 8.7
Tori Black - 8.4
Natalie Wood - 8.2
Scarlett Johansson - 8.0
Kate Beckinsale - 7.9
Aleksandra Sveshnikova - 7.7
Penelope Cruz - 7.6
Iga Wyrwal - 7.5
Gemma Ward - 7.3
Raven Bay - 7.3
Freida Pinto - 7.2
Jennifer Dark - 7.0
Lea Thompson - 7.0
Vanessa Williams - 6.9

Short of achieving a quorum (defined here as 9 voters) by default, the highest-rated candidate shall advance to next playoff round.
In the event of a ratings tie, tiebreaker shall favor nominee with the greater number of poll participants comprising its rating.

*note: there is a 9-vote qualifying minimum for Listal ratings to be considered valid in this competition
^ Thanks for voting, Harpsman :thumbsup:... you're the 4th thus far to cast a vote in this poll.
However, we need to get to 9 voters, otherwise Listal will decide who wins.
space Ratings* for Page 1 Nominees:

Audrey Hepburn - 8.7
Tori Black - 8.4
Natalie Wood - 8.2
Scarlett Johansson - 8.0
Kate Beckinsale - 7.9
Aleksandra Sveshnikova - 7.7
Penelope Cruz - 7.6
Iga Wyrwal - 7.5
Gemma Ward - 7.3
Raven Bay - 7.3
Freida Pinto - 7.2
Jennifer Dark - 7.0
Lea Thompson - 7.0
Vanessa Williams - 6.9

Short of achieving a quorum (defined here as 9 voters) by default, the highest Listal-rated candidate shall advance to next playoff round.
Exception: An MBF poll result shall be validated as the governing poll, regardless of participation level, if page's leader has received at least 3 votes!
In the event of a 'ratings tie', tiebreaker shall favor nominee with the greater number of poll participants comprising its rating.

*note: there is a 10-vote minimum requirement for a Listal rating to be valid for use in this tournament

Face Off #1

Vote for your favorite pretty face* [by name or post #] from Page 1 of this thread.
Winner will qualify for the "Sweet 16" playoff round!
note: Unless 9 members [per poll] cast their vote, winners will be determined by model having the highest Listal rating (see above... data sourced from

*Please base your vote on facial attributes only. Poll will expire after 72 hours (3 days)


FreeOnes Lifetime Member
^ Thanks for voting, Harpsman :thumbsup:... you're the 4th thus far to cast a vote in this poll.
However, we need to get to 9 voters, otherwise Listal will decide who wins.

You're trying to make this into a contest? Seriously. Give it up. Too much work! You already spend too much time on the World Class Nudes and Teasers threads. So unless you want to be here 24/7 :rolleyes:

I'd suggest having members here continue to just post facial head shots of their favorite models and not vote.
Face Off #1


Scarlett Johansson -1
Aleksandra Sveshnikova - 1
Iga Wyrwal -1
Freida Pinto - 1

Time remaining in match (as of this post): ~ 45 hours :hourglass:
You're trying to make this into a contest? Seriously. Give it up. Too much work! You already spend too much time on the World Class Nudes and Teasers threads. So unless you want to be here 24/7 :rolleyes:

I'd suggest having members here continue to just post facial head shots of their favorite models and not vote.

Thanks. I hear you loud and clear... good looking out! :glugglug:

The good thing is, most, if not all of the work has already been done by the good people over at Listal. So, from that standpoint, this will be a "low intensity" thread.
For each page, I will list the models along with their respective Listal ratings.
My suggestion would be for people to vote only if they have a strong opinion favoring a candidate other than the the #1 seed. Otherwise, let it ride! ;)

In the meantime, I invite fellow members to continue posting their discoveries (non-nudes preferred] featuring babes that've been gifted with the allure of off-the-charts facial attractiveness!
Unless another Page 1 nominee gets to 3 votes, or 9 members decide to vote, iconic Hollywood legend Audrey Hepburn will advance to the Sweet 16 round!

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Unless another Page 1 nominee gets to 3 votes, or 9 members decide to vote, iconic Hollywood legend Audrey Hepburn will advance to the Sweet 16 round!

I haven't followed this contest, but I can see Audrey Hepburn as worthy. My list would have Grace Kelly at or near the top too. Class and style also play into my feelings on this topic. I mean, to be honest, a truck stop hooker could have a pretty face... prettier than say, Grace or Audrey. But since she'd lack the class and style of these women, I'd leave her off the list. Just a personal thing with me.
I haven't followed this contest, but I can see Audrey Hepburn as worthy. My list would have Grace Kelly at or near the top too. Class and style also play into my feelings on this topic. I mean, to be honest, a truck stop hooker could have a pretty face... prettier than say, Grace or Audrey. But since she'd lack the class and style of these women, I'd leave her off the list. Just a personal thing with me.

MBF was revived about a week ago, as until recently many of the pics in the thread had been offline for 2+ years, coinciding with the "hiatus" of image host provide Uploadhouse.
Speaking of Grace Kelly, she happens to be scheduled for competition later this week in Face Off 2 as a Page 2 candidate. ;)

^ Sabrina Maree is a SUPERB choice... what a gorgeous face she has!
Unfortunately, none of the pics posted are eligible for tournament entry. :(

To promote an even playing field where models' faces are the center of attraction, as a matter of policy, the MBF thread
rejects any and all nudity in order to reduce the possibility of swayed or tainted voting due to extraneous influence.

Luis 1972, thank you for your interest in MBF.
Please know you're welcome to submit non-nude pics of Sabrina Maree at a later time, on another page.
note: To overturn a page's Top Seed (i.e., its highest-rated beauty), at least 9 votes must be cast in the related poll, or one or more opposing candidates must receive 3 or more votes... it's that simple!
Face Off #1


Scarlett Johansson -1
Aleksandra Sveshnikova - 1
Iga Wyrwal -1
Freida Pinto - 1

Time remaining in match (as of this post): ~ 21 hours :hourglass:
To challenge top-seeded Audrey Hepburn for the win, a minimum of 9 votes must be cast in the poll, or one or more opposing candidates must receive 3 or more votes.