Moon Bombing

I heard the flake who began this crap on late night radio a while ago while I was coming home from my GF's apartment. I just drove and listened. And thought about antipsychotics.

I think it's kinda funny. :D A friend of my brothers used to talk about nazi-moped-gangs living on the moon and secretly plotting against us all, when he wanted to go on someones nerves. But that there are people who actually believe in stuff like that... fascinating.


Closed Account
You're only half correct.

There is a base but it's not an alien base. It's the secret Nazi moonbase. It's been there since 1942.

Doubtful it would be human. Much less Nazi affiliated.
Humans cannot survive outside the protection of the Earths magnetic fields.

We were born here (Earth), under ideal conditions that have protected our fragile physiological makeup.
There are no such protections on the moon (or Mars, which I seriously doubt we will never step foot on). Yes. even if you dig tunnels.
What IS on the moon has been there since before man figured out how to record history.
Once man figured out how to read/write/record, documented moon-surface anomalies have been reported through each culture, from all over the world, as far back as records exist.
Doubtful it would be human. Much less Nazi affiliated.
Humans cannot survive outside the protection of the Earths magnetic fields.

We were born here (Earth), under ideal conditions that have protected our fragile physiological makeup.
There are no such protections on the moon (or Mars, which I seriously doubt we will never step foot on). Yes. even if you dig tunnels.
What IS on the moon has been there since before man figured out how to record history.
Once man figured out how to read/write/record, documented moon-surface anomalies have been reported through each culture, from all over the world, as far back as records exist.

You are forgetting one thing. With Hitler all things are possible.
'Significant' water found on Moon
Nasa's experiment last month to find water on the Moon was a major success, US scientists have announced.

The space agency smashed a rocket and a probe into a large crater at the lunar south pole, hoping to kick up ice.

Scientists who have studied the data now say instruments trained on the impact plume saw copious quantities of water-ice and water vapour.

One researcher described this as the equivalent of "a dozen two-gallon buckets" of water.

"We didn't just find a little bit; we found a significant amount," said Anthony Colaprete, chief scientist for the Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) mission.



Postal Paranoiac
BB beat me to it. Just heard this on the way home from work. I just wanna know what a "significant amount" is. Because we're gonna need an awful lot of it.
I don't really understand why we are doing this. A bunch of money to produce a dust cloud so we can study it.

No, no, no. It's target practice for December 21, 2012.