Monroe Lee / GND Monroe / Monroe from GNDmodels (GND Models)

We are not affiliated with her in any way as of January 4th, 2011. We wish her all the luck in the world.

I will not be fielding questions on the topic, as it is a closed topic.

Ok, thanks for the clarification. On a side note, having her site listed in the links below your posts gives many of us the impression that you may be affiliated. I understand the business decision to still have that link, as I'm sure you own that web domain, but it still comes off as false advertising as it makes it look like you are still pushing a site that will not receive any new updates. Just my last opinion of the topic, and I will drop it now.
Thanks for your time and honesty, as I could have signed up for her site had you not clarified things, and obviously would have been very unhappy.
hot girl indeed