Mixed Martial Arts

love em both, never actually seen a live pride event though but seen enough of it on youtube and other places an im always watchin ufc on the tv:D

I wish there was more UFC programs on tv. Like a recap show for us fools that keep missing PPV's.

way to go gsp. what a performance! too bad about silva though, i wanted him to win. :(

Looks like I missed another good one. :( That GSP fight sounds awesome.


knows petras secret: she farted.
I wish there was more UFC programs on tv. Like a recap show for us fools that keep missing PPV's.

Looks like I missed another good one. :( That GSP fight sounds awesome.

yeah man, the first couple of fights sucked, but GSP is the man, he is always exciting and im really glad he validated his win to all those doubting him. he deserves to be there, and hes super modest too. they gave him that inter-whatever belt and he took it off saying thank you very much, but i am not the champion yet. what a guy.

now he will face matt serra. i realy wanted to see serra and hughes duke it out but eh, im happy for GSP. and it looks like hughes might be retiring too. what a dick.
yeah man, the first couple of fights sucked, but GSP is the man, he is always exciting and im really glad he validated his win to all those doubting him. he deserves to be there, and hes super modest too. they gave him that inter-whatever belt and he took it off saying thank you very much, but i am not the champion yet. what a guy.

now he will face matt serra. i realy wanted to see serra and hughes duke it out but eh, im happy for GSP. and it looks like hughes might be retiring too. what a dick.

Looking at the card results, I don't think I knew many of the guys in the early fights.

Yeah, I was looking forward to Serra/Hughes too, but Hughes/GSP, can't go wrong. I like them both, but I'm glad GSP came out on top. I really like that weight class. Looks like that BJ Penn will be in the next UFC PPV. I love watching that guy fight too.

Hopefully we'll get a bad blood match with Hughes and Serra. Hopefully after GSP takes Serra's title?


knows petras secret: she farted.
Looking at the card results, I don't think I knew many of the guys in the early fights.

Yeah, I was looking forward to Serra/Hughes too, but Hughes/GSP, can't go wrong. I like them both, but I'm glad GSP came out on top. I really like that weight class. Looks like that BJ Penn will be in the next UFC PPV. I love watching that guy fight too.

Hopefully we'll get a bad blood match with Hughes and Serra. Hopefully after GSP takes Serra's title?

yeah, i used to like hughes more than i do now, no doubt hes talented but fuck man, hes a dick! still, u have t ogive him the proper respects. and yeah man, any GSP fight is always a fun fight, he always puts up an exciting display.

and i wonder how the GSP/serra fight will go. i mean, yeah, serra won, but wtf! i really dont want to count serra out but its hard to say with much confidence serra will prevail over GSP. i wouldnt wager any money on it, but who knows. either way, ill be happy for a good fight.
I've been a hardcore MMA fan since around '95 when I started renting the old UFC videotapes. I don't remember exactly what UFC was the first one I saw but I remember the first time I saw Pride explicitly. It was Don Frye vs Ken Shamrock. I came home from work and my brother was watching it. He knew Shamrock from wrestling and was like, "Ken Shamrock's on here but I dunno if it's wrestling or UFC." The ring confused him I guess.

I've been to a couple of UFC's in Vegas and I'll be going to UFC's 81 & 84 coming up shortly. I trained in BJJ for a few years, until I wrecked my back. Hopefully I'll be good enough to get back to it soon.

Anyways, it seems like there's a fair amount of WWE fans on this site, I was wondering what you guys think of Brock Lesnar going to the UFC? He's fighting Frank Mir on superbowl weekend.


knows petras secret: she farted.
did any of you goobers catch that mir/lesner fight? omg, did u see all those "wrestlers" there? what a joke!
I'm glad lesner lost, go back to the WWE. UFC is for real fighters. On the other hand if Lesner had more experience in the octogon he would of at least try to roll out of the leg bar, even Mir said it after the fight " it was a loose leg submision". Anyways I'm happy for Mir. We will see what Lesner does in the future.



knows petras secret: she farted.
I'm glad lesner lost, go back to the WWE. UFC is for real fighters. On the other hand if Lesner had more experience in the octogon he would of at least try to roll out of the leg bar, even Mir said it after the fight " it was a loose leg submision". Anyways I'm happy for Mir. We will see what Lesner does in the future.


wwf/wwe is a joke. maybe the guy wanted to see what its like in the real world? what its like to really fight and not have it written down and practiced. its choreography and nothing else.

what really make me laugh was the introduction for him in whatever "titles" he won in the wwf/wwe. theres no fucking claim to a wwe/wwf title! its made up. u win the title when the writers write it in for you. theres no skill required, no surprises.

i was joking before the fight started that lesner was gonna be confused when there was no chair in the octogon and no break-away tables to use on mir.

so yeah, we'll see what happen in the future for him. and hopefully mir will be back on the winning track too.

but seriously, its just a shame lesner was all cocky about it, it just made it more of a joke. its really too bad he didnt try to be serious about it. i mean, who really wants to see him back? i know i dont.
The only reason I would like to see him back is to see him loose again... the only thing he proved in the octogon is that POWER is'nt everything.


knows petras secret: she farted.
The only reason I would like to see him back is to see him loose again... the only thing he proved in the octogon is that POWER is'nt everything.

oh indeed, power isnt everything. thats the principle of most martial arts. i think its gonna be a long time til we see lesner back again though.

whats your take ape? did u catch the fight?
I just got back from UFC 82 in Columbus. I was sitting 8 rows from the cage to witness the ballet of violence that is Anderson Silva. That guy is amazing. It was a long drive, but well worth it.

I got some pics, hopefully I can post some tomorrow. I met Murilo Bustamante, Rodrigo Nogueira and Mark Coleman. Nog & Coleman are the only 2 fighters to hold Pride & UFC titles (unless you're counting Rampage & Anderson) so I thought that was pretty cool.

Oh yeah, and Mark Coleman announced he's fighting Brock Lesnar in August. For those of you keeping track:

Coleman - 1 NCAA championship, 7th place '92 Olympics, 2x UFC tournament champ, 1st ever UFC heavyweight champ, Pride Grand Prix champ, Invented the very style Lesnar uses

Brock - 1 NCAA championship, WWE championship, Less than 3 minutes MMA experience :eek:
anyone see the EliteXC show from last night? ken shamrock fought buzz berry.
and again Ken got knocked the fuck out within the 1st 2 minutes of the 1st round. TIME TO RETIRE KEN!
I've got Coleman. This decade he's only lost to Fedor, Cro Cop & Rodrigo Nogueira. The 3 best heavyweights. No shame in losing to those guys.

Coleman, while not as big, is every bit the wrestler Lesnar is. What's Brock's advantage going to be? Hype?
I've got Coleman. This decade he's only lost to Fedor, Cro Cop & Rodrigo Nogueira. The 3 best heavyweights. No shame in losing to those guys.

Coleman, while not as big, is every bit the wrestler Lesnar is. What's Brock's advantage going to be? Hype?

Agree to: Coleman losing to 3 of the best heavyweights out there.

Disagree: Coleman winning the fight. YES, Coleman does have experience over Lesner and YES, Coleman is every bit of a werstler as Lesner.

But: Lesner is younger, faster and stronger than Coleman. Lesner learned his lesson on his loss against Frank Mir which he dominated Mir (former champ) the 1st round...until he go caught with a leg/ankle lock due to his experience.

In the MMA/sports world it's all about being young, fast and strong....experience is important too but if you're relying on it to win than prepare for a rude awakening. Give Lesner a couple years....he'll be a force to be wreckin' with...not hype.
Agree to: Coleman losing to 3 of the best heavyweights out there.

Disagree: Coleman winning the fight. YES, Coleman does have experience over Lesner and YES, Coleman is every bit of a werstler as Lesner.

But: Lesner is younger, faster and stronger than Coleman. Lesner learned his lesson on his loss against Frank Mir which he dominated Mir (former champ) the 1st round...until he go caught with a leg/ankle lock due to his experience.

In the MMA/sports world it's all about being young, fast and strong....experience is important too but if you're relying on it to win than prepare for a rude awakening. Give Lesner a couple years....he'll be a force to be wreckin' with...not hype.

I didn't say 3 OF the best, I said The 3 best. Bar none. Not to mention he did beat Shogun.

Tell Randy Couture an old man can't dominate in MMA. And Randy has a few years on Coleman.... You're contradiciting yourself, man. You say don't count on experience, but also that experience is why Mir beat Lesnar.

Frank Mir is a shell of his former self. He's been beaten by C level fighters, and hasn't looked like he's come to fight since his accident. Coleman presents a far more serious challenge to Brock.
way to go gsp. what a performance! too bad about silva though, i wanted him to win. :(

I believe that the Chuck Liddell/Wanderlei Silva fight was so awesome that Silva's loss in that fight was way more honorable than Keith Jardine's win against Liddell.

Speaking of which, I can't wait to see the Axe Murderer behead the Dean of Mean.
it makes me laugh that "Mixed Martial Arts" is posted under "Games and Stuff"
Tell Randy Couture an old man can't dominate in MMA. And Randy has a few years on Coleman.... You're contradiciting yourself, man. You say don't count on experience, but also that experience is why Mir beat Lesnar.

Frank Mir is a shell of his former self. He's been beaten by C level fighters, and hasn't looked like he's come to fight since his accident. Coleman presents a far more serious challenge to Brock.

Couture is a legend in the MMA but his time is up....dude needs to move on. No matter how long and hard he train....his endurance is not the same as to a 20 or 30 yr old.

Dominate? Yeah, he'll dominate if you're fighting his fight but if he can't bring you down then he's worthless cause Couture can't throw a punch for shit.
Will experience win you fights...yes, the Mir vs. Lesner fight did. Was I contradicting myself...yes (got me there) but i'm simply stating: don't count on experience to win fights but total domination and destroying your opponents.

It's a cage fight ANYTHING can happen....doesn't matter if you're an A,B, or C level fighter. I'm just choosing youth over age.