
Head Of Ministry Of Tarts And Tart Team Commander
Official Checked Star Member


Head Of Ministry Of Tarts And Tart Team Commander
Official Checked Star Member
You're welcome and thank you very much for mentioning me :) You don't have to be sorry, it's all good Miss, my name is really Jim so it was even better to hear that instead of my screen name jlm. xoxo

Oh no......I have corrected the correct version now with a misstake three?


Head Of Ministry Of Tarts And Tart Team Commander
Official Checked Star Member


Head Of Ministry Of Tarts And Tart Team Commander
Official Checked Star Member


Head Of Ministry Of Tarts And Tart Team Commander
Official Checked Star Member
Gosh, I soooo need to catch up with this thread... :facepalm:

Flyboy already gave some information about the gun, but I thought I should expand a little on it.
The gun has never fired. Period. Like in every town they will tell tourists some nice stories. Because of the size and weight it's used as a siege weapon to break walls, not to shoot at enemies.

The cannon was probably build in 1431 and originally located in Oudenaarde. It was most likely build by Jean Cambier, the weapon manufacturer of the Bourgundian duke Filips the Good, since the Bourgundian coat of arms can be found on top of the gun, together with the marks of The Order of The Golden Fleece (founded in 1430). In 1578 it was taken - together with all kinds of weapons - from Oudenaarde to Ghent as loot during the iconoclasm in the Netherlands.

The original wheight was somewhere around 12500kg, but it lost roughly some 250kg over the ages due to corrosion. According to calculations by the Royal Military Academy the cannon could shoot cannon balls up to 295kg.

It's called De Dulle Griet ("The Evil Woman" according to Flyboy, but "The Mad Dame" covers the meaning of the Dutch words a little better in my opinion. Because of it's color it was also called "The Red Devil".

But if Miss H wins Miss FreeOnes I'm going to start a petition in my home town Ghent to rename the canon to "The Miss Hybrid".

To know I only live 30 seconds away from this gun (if I sprint). I could have given you a salute shot. :crying:

Obviously with a smaller gun :flaccid:

Oh wait until you see the next video, I was about 30 seconds , (sprinting) so anywhere from 60 seconds, to outside your door, spooky!

Have you found any post-tit notes yet?


Head Of Ministry Of Tarts And Tart Team Commander
Official Checked Star Member


Head Of Ministry Of Tarts And Tart Team Commander
Official Checked Star Member

GE, I was just posting what I found on the internet about the Big Cannon in Ghent, that's all !!
Thanks for posting the updated info about it since you are a local there in Ghent !! :thumbsup:
It's just too bad you didn't get to see Miss Hybrid when she was on her Euro Tour in Ghent since you live SO CLOSE !! Damn !!:facepalm::brick:
BTW, just curious, what's that thing inside the Cannon behind the glass that looks like a yellow mop head perhaps ???

That is Felix Fly Boy, from the night before x


Head Of Ministry Of Tarts And Tart Team Commander
Official Checked Star Member
Don't take it wrong. I didn't mean it in a negative way or to 'put you on your place' or what have you. I just added what I know to what you already found.

And yeah, I walk by this canon at least twice a day :brick:

I was there for about half an hour then went for some food by the canal. Pics to come xxx


Head Of Ministry Of Tarts And Tart Team Commander
Official Checked Star Member
Exactly! I was very disappointed when I couldn't make the 700 mile trip to see our Miss Hybrid in Miami last year.

Couldn't imagine only missing out from only a few minutes away.

Yes I traveled 3000 miles!

that would be very, very sad indeed

I know, I know

gave my Mandy/Miss vote. two ladies, one flick of my finger!

Well done Doc

All 3 of mine went to Miss Hybrid, because I know how big a fan she is of the number 3!!!

It is what I need, after all.

she likes 3? when did that happen?

Daily, Doc

When she was entered into 3 categories back in the 3rd contest I think.


thats a funny coincidence!

Or maybe that spooky H is manipulating things again...:suspicious:

I think it is spooky!


Head Of Ministry Of Tarts And Tart Team Commander
Official Checked Star Member
What do you mean? We kept it life-sized.

I wish. And Ghent is covered in 10cm snow since this morning...

Right. Back to page 510 to catch up with the rest...

That's the post tit notes b******. Back to the canon....


Head Of Ministry Of Tarts And Tart Team Commander
Official Checked Star Member


Head Of Ministry Of Tarts And Tart Team Commander
Official Checked Star Member
Oh my, the new box looks as though it is going to be rather nice. Clearly you had this ready to go before the visit with the Chablis, I hope all is well.

And I have stuffed my three daily ballots.

Ricky made it for me. It is very lifelike and if only I had some big pieces of card......


Head Of Ministry Of Tarts And Tart Team Commander
Official Checked Star Member
So once againthree I was able to thrust my 3 votes into M'Lady's eagerly3 quivering voting box, and after the third vote the clouds parted andtres a beam of sunshine flowed overdrei me, warming my body and fillingtrois me with an euphoric feeling thatSān can only be matched by eating largese amounts of chocolate!! :cool:

That is an excellent post you have there Rocky.

Perfectly illustrating the number we need.



Head Of Ministry Of Tarts And Tart Team Commander
Official Checked Star Member
One, Two, Three....... thrusts slammed into Miss H's voting box.

You can put some in Penelope's box and I can attempt to recover them with my tongue, if you lick x


Head Of Ministry Of Tarts And Tart Team Commander
Official Checked Star Member
Fantastic! Now we can stuff Miss' box, Penelope's box, and Miss' box not a box. That should free up a bit more space for all the votes. On a side note, it is really nice to see you and your stepdaughter having such a close relationship.

Very close Christophe, well spotted! We have a lot of fun in the stables x

Miss Banging The Arse of Penelope

- - - Updated - - -

Early in your box this morning x

Three Votes For The Needy Tart. Thank you sweetie xxx


Head Of Ministry Of Tarts And Tart Team Commander
Official Checked Star Member