I don't bother about who's leading in the categories.I just know that Miss Hybrid will be the final winner in all 3.Moreover, It's just the round 1.Miss is going to knockout everyone in the final round with team tart cheering her all over the place.
I managed to drag myself out of bed to stuff your box three times this morning.
In 2nd for Miss FO like yesterday, you need a good pump Miss H.

For the other two cats you're still tops. I've given max thrust again, only used 6 votes so far today tho, dunno whether to look for safety votes or not.

Swift syncronised thrusts enabled...


Head Of Ministry Of Tarts And Tart Team Commander
Official Checked Star Member
Good morning TT.

Another solid day of voting from you. Who would have believed we could have been in this position?

Under 4 days and then it's re-set, deep breath and off we go again, in the quest to make the final round!

I will be back to reply to votes when I have had a look around x

Miss Cummander


I'm watching some specialist videos
A little late again this morning, but three more have been eased into your awaiting receptacle.
Who said everything's always closed on Sunday ? The Hybrid's box happen to be wide open so I seize the ocassion to cast 3 votes in it.


Head Of Ministry Of Tarts And Tart Team Commander
Official Checked Star Member


Head Of Ministry Of Tarts And Tart Team Commander
Official Checked Star Member


Head Of Ministry Of Tarts And Tart Team Commander
Official Checked Star Member


Head Of Ministry Of Tarts And Tart Team Commander
Official Checked Star Member
That's (one of the reasons) why we love you, Miss... But not only for Best OCSM!

We want you at #TeamTart for the Miss FreeOnes throne, which you deserve.

So let's stay Christy Mack where she belongs: the Best Newcomer category.

And let's make definitely The Lady of the Manor the Queen of FreeOnes...

= 3 more xxxclusive votes, of course.

I love this video xxx

Well done with the votes and the vocal support DJ


Head Of Ministry Of Tarts And Tart Team Commander
Official Checked Star Member
as team captain, i think that that has to be our main goal. I mean, come on, Miss Freeones is already named after her.

Miss Hybrid-FreeOne-Smythe you mean

Wouldn't it depend on where Miss H's box is at the moment of thrusting?


To this end, today was a new record high in votes for Miss Hybrid!

The team has done a fantastic job.

- - - Updated - - -

as team captain, i think that that has to be our main goal. I mean, come on, Miss Freeones is already named after her.

Miss Hybrid-FreeOne-Smythe you mean

Wouldn't it depend on where Miss H's box is at the moment of thrusting?


To this end, today was a new record high in votes for Miss Hybrid!

The team has done a fantastic job.